• jhersh1
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hi everyone,

i have integrated native force.com app 
i have called opportunity service on a view controller
but before it completes i switch to other view controller which leads to crash 

is there any way to cancel request or similar because later response delegate ok rest kit responsible for crash

  • August 29, 2012
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Hi there friends, does anyone knows how to get User TimeZone offset with the Mobile SDK?



  • August 10, 2012
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We are developing a iPad app for retail employees to collect lead data. The idea though of users having to deal with SFDC security token, or storing a token within the app is not appealing. How can we keep up security between the mobile app and our SFDC instance when using a exposed apex webservice? It will be my first time developing a webservice for mobile use so any detail would be greatly appreciated.

  • August 03, 2012
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I'm very new to salesforce development and I'm stuck with this problem for the last few weeks. I'm using ZKS Classes and I have integrated everything and I'm able to retrieve data through queries. Now I want to send data to salesforce. I used this code to achieve it,

AppDelegate * appdelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
ZKSObject *contact = [ZKSObject withType:@"Job_Occurrence__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:@"Food" field:@"Category__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:tfSampleMaking.text field:@"Sample_Marking__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:strJCode field:@"Job_Code__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:@"Test" field:@"Sample_Type__c"];
NSArray *results = [appdelegate.sforce create:[NSArray arrayWithObject:contact]];
ZKSaveResult *sr = [results objectAtIndex:0];
if ([sr success]) {
      NSLog(@"new Job id %@", [sr id]);
else {
      NSLog(@"error creating Job %@ %@", [sr statusCode], [sr message]);

This seems to give me a success message with an ID. Problem is that I can't see the data in salesforce.

My question is,


Where can I find that specific data on salesforce web site? (I don't know how to check that specific entry that I saved using the ID that I get from salesforce).

Thank you.

I make an app in xcode using the mobile salesforce SDK, but i dont know if salesforce make the security review or apple do it, or if are both. I will appreciate some information about that



I have a view controller on which i am taking input from customer with images. after that i loop throgh rows and what ever row is slected and has image data i save it .


Now i noticed there is no TAG Property for SFRestRequest , and it uses the same response object for handeling the result. 


What i am doing is once new record is created, i received its ID in Resoonse then i upload attachment to sales force using that ID . 


Of one record this is fine, 1 record with 1 attachment, how to handel it when i hve 5 records with 5 attachments. how to distingish between requests.

I have 2 Chatter groups - both are decent size - 30-40 members and a few hundred posts each. I'm trying to merge them using the GroupMaster app. The app says everything finished, but the groups are not merged. When I look at the Apex Jobs history, I see an error "First error: List of size 25349122 exceeds heap limit. Try a smaller batch size."


Any ideas?





can someone help me with Linkforce Setup? Can i have a user guide for the same?


  1. Install the LinkForce Package from the Appexchange. - DONE
  2. Create a new Force.com Site, or add the urlRedirect VF page and urlController, urlRewriter Apex controllers to your existing site. - HOW TO DO THIS??
  3. Define your Base URL and Default URL in Setup -> Develop -> Custom Settings -> LinkForce Settings -> Manage. Your Base URL should match your Force.com Sites name. ( Whats the difference between base URL & Default URL??)
  4. Make sure your Sites guest user profile has permission to read the Short URL object, and create new Short URL Click objects.- DONE
  5. Edit your Force.com Site and set 'urlRewriter' as the URL Rewriting class. - DONE
  6. Start shortening! - my shortened URL is not working!!

WHat am i missing? can anyone help??

Hi All,


How to add Mobile SDK in existing project and I don't know how to play with delgate.m.
Could anybody help me out.


Thanks in advance.


  • September 17, 2012
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The new app shuts down everytime you log a call under accounts and try to change the date


Please help!!  I have lost the salesforce lab app and can't get it back.  Is it coming back or am I completely out of luck?  This was the best thing for iPad yet

hi everyone,

i have integrated native force.com app 
i have called opportunity service on a view controller
but before it completes i switch to other view controller which leads to crash 

is there any way to cancel request or similar because later response delegate ok rest kit responsible for crash

  • August 29, 2012
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Hello friends, im trying to close tasks (updating field IsClosed = true) with the Salesforce Mobile SDK for iOS and i get an error that this can't be done.  Is there another way to do this?



  • August 14, 2012
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Hi there friends, does anyone knows how to get User TimeZone offset with the Mobile SDK?



  • August 10, 2012
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I have sent 2 querys in the same viewController. So I will be getting to the "- (void)request:(SFRestRequest *)request didLoadResponse:(id)jsonResponse" twice. So how can I distinguish 2 requests ??

We are developing a iPad app for retail employees to collect lead data. The idea though of users having to deal with SFDC security token, or storing a token within the app is not appealing. How can we keep up security between the mobile app and our SFDC instance when using a exposed apex webservice? It will be my first time developing a webservice for mobile use so any detail would be greatly appreciated.

  • August 03, 2012
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I'm somewhat new to iOS development and have a start-up question: is it possible to use the Salesforce SDK with an existing project that has ARC enabled? If so, how?

Thank you

  • August 02, 2012
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I'm very new to salesforce development and I'm stuck with this problem for the last few weeks. I'm using ZKS Classes and I have integrated everything and I'm able to retrieve data through queries. Now I want to send data to salesforce. I used this code to achieve it,

AppDelegate * appdelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
ZKSObject *contact = [ZKSObject withType:@"Job_Occurrence__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:@"Food" field:@"Category__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:tfSampleMaking.text field:@"Sample_Marking__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:strJCode field:@"Job_Code__c"];
[contact setFieldValue:@"Test" field:@"Sample_Type__c"];
NSArray *results = [appdelegate.sforce create:[NSArray arrayWithObject:contact]];
ZKSaveResult *sr = [results objectAtIndex:0];
if ([sr success]) {
      NSLog(@"new Job id %@", [sr id]);
else {
      NSLog(@"error creating Job %@ %@", [sr statusCode], [sr message]);

This seems to give me a success message with an ID. Problem is that I can't see the data in salesforce.

My question is,


Where can I find that specific data on salesforce web site? (I don't know how to check that specific entry that I saved using the ID that I get from salesforce).

Thank you.

I am making a mobile app in xcode, how i understand i need to make the security review at the end but i have see that in web applications there is a process called source scanner, i want to know if i can make those source scanner of my mobile app?

Hi All,


I am having an issue with a login page for a mobile customer portal. It doesnt seem to like jQuery.


Here is what the markup for my page looks like:


<apex:page showHeader="false" docType="html-5.0" standardStylesheets="false" cache="true" controller="LoginController">
<title>Login Mobile</title>
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.mobile, 'mobile/jquery-1.7.2.min.js')}" />
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.mobile, 'mobile/themes/mytheme.min.css')}" />
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.mobile, 'mobile/jquery.mobile.structure-1.1.1.min.css')}" />
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.mobile, 'mobile/jquery.mobile-1.1.1.min.js')}" />
    <div data-role="page" id="login">
        <div data-role="header">
        </div><!-- /header -->
        <div data-role="content" style="text-align:center;">
            <apex:form id="frmLogin" forceSSL="true" >
                <apex:inputText id="username" value="{!username}" style="width:250px;"/>
                <apex:inputSecret id="password" value="{!password}" style="width:250px;"/>
                <apex:commandButton id="login" value="Login" action="{!login}" />
        </div><!-- /content -->
        <div data-role="footer">
        </div><!-- /footer -->
    </div><!-- /page -->


And here is the controller code behind the markup:


public class LoginController
    public String username {get; set;}
    public String password {get; set;}
    public PageReference login()  
        PageReference pageReference = null;  
        String startURL = Site.getPrefix() + '/MobileLanding';
        pageReference = Site.login(username,password,startUrl);
        return pageReference;



Now when I use the code above my page looks like this when it loads:


Login Page



However when I put in a username and password and click 'login' I am redirected to a page that just says 'undefined':


Undefined page



If I remove jQuery from the page then everything works and i get redirected to the landing page as expected.


<!--<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.mobile, 'mobile/jquery-1.7.2.min.js')}" />-->


but.....all my theming is gone and my page looks bad....


Page looks bad



Does anyone have any ideas? It seems to be a problem with jQuery?



Hello every body,


Iam integrating salesforce into ios using REST Api.

it is working fine .but iam getting"Remote Access Authorization Error" error some times when iam logging into sfdc using my app.


can anybody resolve it.it is not frequent error..iam getting this some times dont know when exaactly...





sandeep kumar.R 

It`s possible to synchronize my native xcode app with the object event to create a calendar in my app?

I make an app in xcode using the mobile salesforce SDK, but i dont know if salesforce make the security review or apple do it, or if are both. I will appreciate some information about that