• cto9dxe
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When my visualforce page loads, it scrolls me down to the part of the page where I use the <apex:repeat> tag to dynamically build a table.  Does anyone know how to stop this from happening?


             <apex:repeat value="{!filters}" var="curr" rendered="{!isLoaded}">
                    <apex:selectList value="{!curr.filterField}" size="1">
                      <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}" />
                    <apex:selectList value="{!curr.filterType}" size="1">
                      <apex:selectOptions value="{!filterTypes}" />
                  <td><apex:inputText value="{!curr.filterString}" /></td>

Hello Friends,


I want to use mruHoverDetail mouse event in my visual force page to display note Details when use mouse hover on noteTitle link..... 

can anyone having idea about it . please help me out for that....


Thanks in adv......

  • February 14, 2011
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Hey All,


I am wondering if it is possible to apply the new Salesforce tab style to an <apex:tabPanel> object.


Tab Style


I understand that I can apply custom css, but I was hoping that I could get access to the Salesforce styles.


Thanks for any help,




I am currently implementing a VisualForce page within an iFrame and have outputFields that generate Hover upon rollover.


However these Hovers could have fields with links on them and clicking a link will render the page within the iFrame, is there a way apart from DOM traversing to set some sort of Target on the Hovers so the links will open in possibly the Parent, or a New (Tab/Window)?


Any help is much appreciated.



How to pass values to the show method on MRUHover.getHover({!cc1.Id}.show()...So,that when i move a mouse on to the item it should display some text  on Hover.




<div class="" onblur="MRUHoverDetail.getHover('{!cc1.Id}').hide();"

I'm just thinking this one out loud right now.

I was wondering if on my Visual Force page that I have created with custom objects and my desired custom layout. A Hover Detail style interface much like what salesforce uses in the sidebar for recent items when 'hover detail is enabled'.

Any points in the right direction would also be very much appreciated.

So basically I have a visual force page with all of my PageBlockTables... listing information I want in the layout that I'd like... now on some of those records I'd like to hover over the 'name' or the 'id' and trigger a "hover detail" style popup that will show some extra details that I can also choose to view / edit

Any thoughts?
It looks like the MRU hover functions are pretty simple to use, but I cannot seem to get them working in my S-Controls.
The Library.js and Ajaxdesktop.js (if i remember right) files have all the functions.  I created my S-Control, created all the onblur,mouseover,mouseout functions using the same syntax used in the MRU List in the Case section.
I then added the script:
<script type="text/javascript">MRUHoverDetail.loaderURL = "/ui/common/MRUHoverLoader?hoverIds=" + myId + "&retURL=%2F" + thisId + ""; window.sfdcPage.appendToOnBeforeUnloadQueue(function(){MRUHoverDetail.loaderURL = null }, 'Prevent MRU bulk loader request from firing');</script>
where myId is the ID of the object I want displayed in the hover, and thisId is the case we are currently viewing.
I should be able to just specify MRUHoverDetail.getHover('Id') but I am thinking there might be a hidden iFrame or a Div that I am not seeing that is associated with these hovers.  Has anyone been able to get them working on custom objects?  Are there any Devs that know what is required to have a link present the mini page layout hover on mouseover?  Thanks for reading.