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I am new to salesforce. I tried to search board, i was not able to find any solution.


I tried to create custom button to validate EU vat number. I have a field where Vat number inserted in this format: EU999999999999. to validate i have to separate first two letters and the rest. Tried this, but it is not valdiating. 


Could you please help with this?


http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/viesquer.do?ms={!LEFT( Account.VAT_number__c,2)&vat={!MID( Account.VAT_number__c ,3,12)}


Please help!







I am still learning formulas in Salesforce.  I have a question about populating a custom field with 2 different values.


What I am trying to accomplish is, I want my "Ship Sku" field to be populated by "Quantity__c" (a text field) and "SKU__c" (Picklist field).  So if a rep enters "2" in the quantity field and "GREENC" in the Product Sku field the "Ship Sku" field would reflect "2:GREENC".


Is this a possibility?


Thanks in advance,



Hey All , 


We are using SAP as our ERP . I have created a custom button in salesforce.com on Account Record namely , "SAPRequest" . Whenever user clicks on this button, record should be submitted for approval (WE DONT CARE ABOUT THE APPROVERS , IT SHOULD JUST BE SUBITTED FOR APPROVAL ) . I created a apex class and javascript for this below:


Apex class:


global class SAPRequest {

WebService static void SendApprovalRequest(string id) {

// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.Process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());






sforce.apex.execute("SAPRequest","SendApprovalRequest", {id:"{!Account.Id}"}); 
window.alert("Record sent for approval" );



But when I click the SAPRequest Button , I get this error in dialogue box:


A problem with OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

faultstring:'System.DMLException:Process failed.First
exception on row 0,first error :REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING,
missing required field;[]

class.SAPRequest.SendApprovalRequest: line 9, column 1',}


Please help me in fixing this . I will really be grateful to you guys..



Hi,my profile is system admin.
(developer edtion)
now i provide grant account login access from settings it provide login link to one user only.here i want login link for every user how can i please help me 
 User-added image

Only a few specific profiles can convert leads.


That being said, I want to make sure those users cannot use the 'Convert Lead' button unless a checkbox field 'Lead.Validated__c' is checked.


I think I have the beginning of it, but I don't know how to finish it.


I am unsure of the part below (as it's not working) that says: 

NOT( Validated__c ) , 
Convert Lead = TRUE 

Here is the full rule, that doesn't work:  any help would be greatly appreciated!


$User.ProfileId ='00e80000001KC2t', 
$User.ProfileId ='00e80000001KC2s', 
$User.ProfileId ='00e80000001K8tw' 
NOT( Validated__c ) , 
Convert Lead = TRUE 


  • March 11, 2013
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I am new to salesforce. I tried to search board, i was not able to find any solution.


I tried to create custom button to validate EU vat number. I have a field where Vat number inserted in this format: EU999999999999. to validate i have to separate first two letters and the rest. Tried this, but it is not valdiating. 


Could you please help with this?


http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/viesquer.do?ms={!LEFT( Account.VAT_number__c,2)&vat={!MID( Account.VAT_number__c ,3,12)}


Please help!





Hi All,


I am not able to figure out the solutions for this. I have case created. The case status changes to open and the user replies using email message to the customer and with my work flow the status changes to waiting for client reply. Again if the client replies to the message, the status changes to open. Working well.


Now, I need if the status is "waiting for client" and then we didn't hear see any client email for 3 days, case must be closed automatically and email is send to client. I m not able to figure out how to achieve it. I can't create a time based trigger since the trigger evalutes criteria when record it edited and trigger after 3 days if the criteria still holds true. Since there can be a possiblity that the status is changed from waiting to open and again to waiting within 3 days and the trigger will fires on 3 day which shouldn't.




  • March 07, 2013
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I'm trying to create a workflow rule that automatically updates country abbreviations into their full names, but it isn't running properly. Am I missing anything or is this not possible?


My rule is currently set up like this:

Rule Criteria = Account: Billing Country equals US

Evaluation Criteria = Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria


Immediate Workflow Actions:

Field to Update = Account: Billing Country

Formula Value = "United States"


Thanks in advance!

  • March 07, 2013
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I am still learning formulas in Salesforce.  I have a question about populating a custom field with 2 different values.


What I am trying to accomplish is, I want my "Ship Sku" field to be populated by "Quantity__c" (a text field) and "SKU__c" (Picklist field).  So if a rep enters "2" in the quantity field and "GREENC" in the Product Sku field the "Ship Sku" field would reflect "2:GREENC".


Is this a possibility?


Thanks in advance,



This is the first time I am trying to import/export data. My org has around 5000 records Acount and contact  

which I want to copy to configuration sandbox  (we donot have full copy ) . 


I know I can do it through dataloader and Import wizard too. 


I tried dataloader : it exports fine(around 3000 account record)  but only import s 1500 records . Rest are in error file . we do have recordtypes  . Is there any way to check why import is failing ?


If I want to use Import wizard : Do I need to make one CSV file for Account and Contact ? This is what I understood from Help .how would I map fields then ?


Any kind of help or advice is appreciated .









I'm attempting to get the BrandTemplate along with the EmailTemplate in a single statement, instead of two.

I have a function that takes the EmailTemplateID, and I query the EmailTemplate information, including the BrandTemplateID. Then I Query the value of the BrandTemplate using the BrandTemplateID. But I want to make that into a single statement, to save on queries.


I know I can do this to get Owner information on an object such as an Account when it has OwnerId:

Account theAcc = [Select Name, ID, Owner.Name, From Account Where ID = '...'];


Since the EmailTemplate has BrandTemplateID, I suspect I could do this:

        EmailTemplate ET = [SELECT ID, Name, FolderID,Folder.Name, ApiVersion , Body , 
                            Description ,DeveloperName , Encoding , 
                            HtmlValue , IsActive, Markup, NamespacePrefix , OwnerID, 
                            Subject, TemplateStyle, TemplateType,
                            FROM EmailTemplate WHERE ID = :EmailTemplateID  ];


But it says that it doesn't understand relationship BrandTemplate.

I am involved in a project where I need to pull certain data from the Salesforce objects.

I have found everything I need in the Opportunity object other than the Quotas that the sales people enter into their "Personal Information" area.


I see those quota values in the RevenueForecast object.

Is this the correct place for me to pick up these values, or is there a better place?


Since users enter their quotas into their personal information page, I expected this data to be referenced either from User or Profile. While RevenueForecast does have a reference to the User object, for some reason it doesn't seem like the right spot to get this information.


So, just curious if anyone knows the best place to find this info.



Michael Bryan

Hey All , 


We are using SAP as our ERP . I have created a custom button in salesforce.com on Account Record namely , "SAPRequest" . Whenever user clicks on this button, record should be submitted for approval (WE DONT CARE ABOUT THE APPROVERS , IT SHOULD JUST BE SUBITTED FOR APPROVAL ) . I created a apex class and javascript for this below:


Apex class:


global class SAPRequest {

WebService static void SendApprovalRequest(string id) {

// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.Process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());






sforce.apex.execute("SAPRequest","SendApprovalRequest", {id:"{!Account.Id}"}); 
window.alert("Record sent for approval" );



But when I click the SAPRequest Button , I get this error in dialogue box:


A problem with OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

faultstring:'System.DMLException:Process failed.First
exception on row 0,first error :REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING,
missing required field;[]

class.SAPRequest.SendApprovalRequest: line 9, column 1',}


Please help me in fixing this . I will really be grateful to you guys..



Hi quick question,


does anybody know if it is possible to set the ownership of a record using the CreatedBy field? Because the createdby is not populated until the record is inserted a before insert would not work, I dont think. 


Is it commonplace to use an after insert to update the same record being inserted? 

