• kalai15
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I have a custom object (Eval_Forecast__c) and some email templates.


In a trigger, I would like to send an email using those templates populating the dynamic text of the template. I can get the email to send, but the problem is the dynamic text is not populated.


When I set the WhatId (which seems to be what I need to do), I get the error:


SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, WhatId is not available for sending emails to UserIds.



Here is the Apex code:


Messaging.SingleEmailMessage emailOut = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); if(forecast.Stage__c =='Submitted to Sales Operations') { emailOut.setTemplateId('00XQ0000000QCUo'); } if(forecast.Stage__c =='Sales Order Released') { emailOut.setTemplateId('00XQ0000000QCV3'); } if(forecast.Stage__c =='Closed Cancelled') { emailOut.setTemplateId('00XQ0000000QCV8'); } emailOut.setTargetObjectId(user.Id);


Here is a sample of the template code:


*** Sales Order Has Been Released *** Eval Forecast Name: {!Eval_Forecast__c.Name} Account Name: {!Eval_Forecast__c.Account_name__c} Sales Order Number: {!Eval_Forecast__c.Sales_Order_Number__c} IMTR Number : {!Eval_Forecast__c.IMTR_Number__c} Note: Your Sales Order has been removed from shipping block and is now elidgible to ship.



