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Hi guys, I'm working with the API (PHP toolkit!), and on my page I'd like a list of emails that some users receive from Salesforce users.


To do this, I intended to create a IsRead__c custom field on my EmailMessage object, and take it from there. I don't see anywhere where that object could be modified. Does anyone know where I need to look or a better way to achieve this? Thanks!

Hello Developer.


  •      i want to know how to exclude public holiday from business day if someone apply for a leave. Done with weekend days exclusion.


              i need u r help....



Thanks & Regards

Ashish Agrawal




We are using input field of type date in our custom VF page. It displays the dates correctly for months Feb to Dec for all years but has an issue for Jan and only displays NaN, instead of the dates. We are not sure on what's causing this issue.



Thanks in advance!






  • November 19, 2012
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Question - Is it possible to customize customer portal login page ?


Next, we are having issues integrating force.com site and customer portal. Here are the details: 

Business Case - The portal user clicks on thev link provided in the email.The site login page (branded login page) opens and the user enters the login credentials. Then, the user must be redirected to the case detai page on the customer portal.


Technical Details - We are using force.com site for user registration and login to the customer portal. The link used by the portal user looks like this : <site URL>?caseId=<ID>. We are using a Controller to do the authentication using Site.login().
On successful login, the user is redirected to the portal using this page ref URL : <SF base URL>/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=<>&portalId=<>&useSecure=true&loginType=3&un=<>&pw=<>&retUrl=<caseId>


Based on the retUrl parameter behavior, the user should be redirected directly to the case record page. Instead, it redirects to the Cases home page (default landing tab in the portal settings is Cases). Either we misunderstood the retUrl behavior or we are missing something in the URL. 

Before using the site login page, we used the standard customer portal login page and the redirection to ta specific case record detail page worked perfectly. The URL we used was - <SF Base URL>/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=<>&portalId=<>&retURL=<CaseID>. The user was asked to login using the standard portal login page and then, redirected to the case page.


But since we are now using the site, and need to pass login parameters, we have issues for redirection to a specific record.

We did a workaround to fix this issue as follows:

The user logs in from the site and then redirected to the portal with this URL - <Site URL>/<CaseID>. The user is redirected to the correct record page.Next, we encoutered another issue. We have custom buttons and links on the case page that uses VF page and javascript. Within this javascript we sforce.apex.execute method to update case record based on certain criteria. We read few posts on the developer boards and found that Sites do not have a session ID and hence, we cannot use sforce.apex.execute to update records or even retrieve data.


This is a priority 1 issue and needs to be fixed or have a workaround asap and cannot go live with the application unless this issue is fixed.


Thank you very much for your inputs !!

  • March 21, 2012
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I have created a custom send an email link -


Is there a way to make the From Address field (p26) Read-Only ?


  • September 09, 2011
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I have a requirement to configure SSO for 2 IDPs with different certificates. But  federated authetication allows configuration using only one certificate. So, can delegated authetication be used to configure SSO for two IDPs ?

  • April 26, 2011
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Hi All,

In Service cloud console, When I am sending email to the customer using 'Send Email' button in the Emails related list of Case, if i want to attach any file, I am attaching it to the email instead of using actual attachment related list.
So in this case I want this attachment to be listed in the case attachments so that agent can see all the attachments at one place under case attachments without going to each and every email. How can i achieve it.

I have written trigger for this on attachment, when attachment parentid is email, then reassign this parentid to case parentid, but this is working fine for incoming email attachments. How can I acheive this for outgoing emails?


Please help.

Here is an odd one.  We've created a new Note object, with Notes & Attachments as a Related list.  We created the new Note object in order to have some custom fields, and still have attachments.


We've created a VF page for the upload, and everything works properly on some machines using IE9 and for all (?) machines using Firefox.


Pretty standard stuff.  Here is the pertinent VF code:


<apex:inputfile value="{!myfile.body}" fileName="{!myfile.Name}" />


It saves the attachment in the N&A related list on the new Note object, and sets the Name to the filename.  Everything works great, and as intended.


However, on certain machines using IE9, the filename is set to the full path+filename (minus any slashes) when the file is saved.  This seems to have happened recently (last few weeks) for some machines, but no settings were changed in IE9 during that time that we know of.




File located at C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\file.doc on the user's machine


So, on the machines where it is working correctly, the file is is uploaded and is saved with a fileName of "file.doc."


However, on the machines where it is NOT working correctly, the file is uploaded and is saved with a fileName of "C:UsersUserNameDesktopfile.doc".


We've tried clearing cache and cookies in IE on those machines.  Those same machines will create the file with the proper title (file.doc) when using Firefox.  We figure it must be a setting or cache in IE on certain machines that is causing the problem.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

  • December 11, 2012
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Hi guys, I'm working with the API (PHP toolkit!), and on my page I'd like a list of emails that some users receive from Salesforce users.


To do this, I intended to create a IsRead__c custom field on my EmailMessage object, and take it from there. I don't see anywhere where that object could be modified. Does anyone know where I need to look or a better way to achieve this? Thanks!

I have a business request, saying they want one of the custom tabs (X)  to be the last one on the banner. I know that you can define the ordering of the tabs by:


Setup -> App Setup - > Create -> Apps


is there a way to say for all users of a profile (or set of profiles) make this the last tab?  







  • December 03, 2012
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Hi guys, I am looking to build a simple form using sites.  


 Here's what I want to do:



The form will be used to update records in Salesforce.  We currently use Formassembly for this, but it makes sense to build this ourselves and save that additional cost. What I need to do, set up a two stage submission process for the form. So the user fills out the fields, and clicks on a confirm button which will then store their responses for review before final submission.  However at the same time of this confirmation/review process I will need Salesforce to return what the existing values are for that particular record, almost in like a side by side comparison.  Is something like this possible?  

hi can we have a quick load down of what to expect in spring 13



We are using input field of type date in our custom VF page. It displays the dates correctly for months Feb to Dec for all years but has an issue for Jan and only displays NaN, instead of the dates. We are not sure on what's causing this issue.



Thanks in advance!






  • November 19, 2012
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Hello all,


I'm hoping that I can get some help with this code. I'm trying to write a visualforce page to redirect users to an error page for leads with a specific record type id. I seem to have it working for the System Administrator profile, but not for others. Here's what I have so far:


public with sharing class DispatcherLeadViewController {
    private ApexPages.StandardController controller = null;
    public DispatcherLeadViewController (ApexPages.StandardController controller){
        this.controller = controller;

    public PageReference redirectDefaultLead(){
        Lead l = [Select id, recordtypeid from Lead where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
        if (l.recordtypeid == '012C0000000QAWZ') {
        return Page.defaultleadredirect;   
        } else {
               return new PageReference ('/' + l.id + '?nooverride=1');

 Code for page:


<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="DispatcherLeadViewController" 

I'm not sure what I'm missing. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.



Hi All,


I'm in middle of creating deployment plan I need some help from salesforce gurus 

can anyone help me creating a deployment plan 






Question - Is it possible to customize customer portal login page ?


Next, we are having issues integrating force.com site and customer portal. Here are the details: 

Business Case - The portal user clicks on thev link provided in the email.The site login page (branded login page) opens and the user enters the login credentials. Then, the user must be redirected to the case detai page on the customer portal.


Technical Details - We are using force.com site for user registration and login to the customer portal. The link used by the portal user looks like this : <site URL>?caseId=<ID>. We are using a Controller to do the authentication using Site.login().
On successful login, the user is redirected to the portal using this page ref URL : <SF base URL>/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=<>&portalId=<>&useSecure=true&loginType=3&un=<>&pw=<>&retUrl=<caseId>


Based on the retUrl parameter behavior, the user should be redirected directly to the case record page. Instead, it redirects to the Cases home page (default landing tab in the portal settings is Cases). Either we misunderstood the retUrl behavior or we are missing something in the URL. 

Before using the site login page, we used the standard customer portal login page and the redirection to ta specific case record detail page worked perfectly. The URL we used was - <SF Base URL>/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=<>&portalId=<>&retURL=<CaseID>. The user was asked to login using the standard portal login page and then, redirected to the case page.


But since we are now using the site, and need to pass login parameters, we have issues for redirection to a specific record.

We did a workaround to fix this issue as follows:

The user logs in from the site and then redirected to the portal with this URL - <Site URL>/<CaseID>. The user is redirected to the correct record page.Next, we encoutered another issue. We have custom buttons and links on the case page that uses VF page and javascript. Within this javascript we sforce.apex.execute method to update case record based on certain criteria. We read few posts on the developer boards and found that Sites do not have a session ID and hence, we cannot use sforce.apex.execute to update records or even retrieve data.


This is a priority 1 issue and needs to be fixed or have a workaround asap and cannot go live with the application unless this issue is fixed.


Thank you very much for your inputs !!

  • March 21, 2012
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hello all,
I am trying to add an error on event when the event being entered coincides with existing. I want to be able to rollback the entire operation but create a separate object that is not included in the rollback. I would be grateful for any help that could be offered. If you have some expertise and believe it to be impossible, i would grateful if you would tell me - I have been trying to get a definitive answer for the last two weeks (good times.).

1) I do not have access to the calling apex and as such cannot enclose it in a try/catch block. The event creation is occuring via the standard calendar interface. As such, I don't have access to override the calling methods and the people for whom i am writing this code are not organised enough to deploy greasemonkey to override the button. I am thus forced to find a means within a trigger to a) rollback and b) create a separate object that is not subject to the rollback. THESE HAVE TO OCCUR WITHIN A SINGLE TRANSACTION.
2) the desired behavior is on a new event to determine if it has a conflict and if so, rollback and create a object to log conflicts. A subsequent attempt to add a meeting with the same details will find the object storing the conflict and save anyway. A SECOND, MATCHING INSERT OPERATION OVERRIDES A CONFLICT.


i appreciate any help. thank you.

Hai Guys,


 Can you please help me,in following issue.


 How we can update picklist value with the value in another field.


 example :-  i have picklist   status, it's Values are   Value1,Value2,Value3


I have another field SYS status   Value.


I need work flow like,  when ever value populated to SYS status then i need to update that pick list with that Value.


Please help.




Hello Developer.


  •      i want to know how to exclude public holiday from business day if someone apply for a leave. Done with weekend days exclusion.


              i need u r help....



Thanks & Regards

Ashish Agrawal


I have a string like this. I want to split it into list of strings . Ex the below string, should be split into 3 strings.  Each substring consists of Date followed by note.



[Aug 16, 2011 8:43 am MST Sidharth Agarwal]

[Jan 12, 2011 7:41 am PST Krystal Harris]
sif approved 

[Jan 11, 2011 12:17 pm MST JR Isom]

Updated account number. 1 number off from account number on statements saved to V.V.

Testing success.






How should i go about splitting such kind of String format?






         When i run this below code for 1 mb attachment file it runs perfectly, but when i try to increase my attachment size to 2 to 5 mb i got an file not found error  and redirected to some page.Can any plz help me? 


public with sharing class AttachmentUploadController { 

public string attchname {get; set;} 

public blob attchfile {get; set;} 

public integer attchsize {get; set;} 

public string attchdescription {get; set;} 

public boolean getIsSaved() {return isSaved;}




public void upload()


Attachment attch = new Attachment();     

if(attchName == null || attchfile == null || attchName == '' )


attch.addError('Select a file to upload.');       


else {         

if (attchfile.size() > 1048576) {             

system.debug('The attached filesize is: ' +attchsize );             

system.debug('The attachmentsize is ' +attchfile.size() );             

string CaseId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cId');             

attch.ParentId = CaseId;             

attch.Name = attchName;             

attch.Body = attchfile;             

attch.Description = attchdescription;             

insert attch;             

isSaved = true;             

attch.body = null;             

attchfile = null;                       

} else


system.debug('The attached filesize is: ' +attchsize );             

system.debug('The attachmentsize is ' +attchfile.size() );             

attch.addError('File size should be less than 5 MB');                        




Thanks in advance.....

  • August 13, 2011
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