• ospehner
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I develop a kind of customer portail in Rails hosted on Heroku. I use SOAP Web service login() to authenticate user which have customer portal licences.

Then, I create cases with REST API calls. I am facing wird behaviours during case creation.


For example :

User A log in at 10:00 AM

User B log in at 10:15 AM


When B creates a case, case appears in Salesforce with A as creator (field createdby) even they are connected from different IP addresses.


Does someone already faced that kind of problem with concurrent access?


Thanks for your help?



I built an AppExchange linked to an external service to search address and update my account data.

Every time I call my external service, I send to him sessionId and Salesforce bases URl (NA14, EU1...). Thus, we do not need to login to salesforce with a technical user.

In my DEv Org which hosts my AppExchange, it works fine. I created my beta package and uploaded it.

I installed it in another dev Org, then I get Invalid sessionId error. detail message below, in that org.

Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session. Session not found, missing session key


I checked remote site setting. It is well set up.


I have two questions :

- Can I bypass that error and send my appexchange to Salesforce for the security review?

- Why do I get that error after installing my appexchange?


Thanks for help





I am facing a strange behaviour with Force.com IDE.I picked the following metadata

- All apex classes

- Account except listviews

- AccountContactRole

- Activity except listviews.


After finishing my package,no errors are displayed but some metadata are missing. For example, account customfields are not retrieved or AccountContactRole.


Any idea, where does it come from?


Thanks for help.

Hi everyone,


I developped an Apex webservice class which return a complex type. Webservice is called by Java code. All my Apex tests run fine but then when Java code get this error :


"Circular Object Graph detected during serialization, you can not have circular object references in an Apex WebService response."


I have no idea where does it comes from :


- Java development environment configuration

- Apex code

- Data serialization return from my class. My complex type I return contains list.


Please help.

I have written a below batch class and getting an errror. the error is "Compile Error: line breaks not allowed in string literals " .It refers to assigning the query result to string q . Other code is written but  i dont think there is any issue. I am able to spot the error while it is standard way to make a query and store it in a string. Please help.



global class batchClassCloseProbability1 implements Database.batchable<sObject>{

/*#################Variable Declaration#################################*/

global final String q;

Integer prbv  = 0;
Integer prbb  = 0;
Decimal i7=0;
Decimal i8=0;
Decimal i9=0;


    global batchClassCloseProbability1()
    q = 'Select id, name,StageVFlag__c, StageBFlag__c,StageAFlag__c,StageEFlag__c,StageCFlag__c,StageGFlag__c,ownerid, status__c, type, amount, AM_Opportunity_ID__c,Closed_Probablity_Stage_V__c,Closed_Probablity_Stage_A__c' ;
    global database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
    return Database.getQueryLocator(query);






I have a validation rule on a field in the case object which fires under certain circumstances. The problem is not the formula, it works as expected but the error message is not optimal for end-users:


Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger ChangeCaseFieldInformationOnFirstSave caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: ChangeCaseFieldInformationOnFirstSave: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 5002000000ISzWNAA1; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Please enter a serial numer for the device.: [Serial_Number__c]: Class.ChangeCaseFieldsOnFirstSave.ChangeCaseFields: line 42, column 3

Embedded in the red block is my own error message (in bold). Thats and ONLY that is what I would like to show! Not the other garbage aimed at programmers and not end users.


Why is this? Is it because I have a trigger on the case object as well? A trigger that is calling a class to do some housekeeping not related to the validation rule.


EDIT: When the case has been created, other validation rules work as expected. It's only the above one that behaves like this.


I thought a validation rule would fire before the insert...


Any insights?



Hi All, I have a webservice written in APEX which returns a complex object. This complext object is a List of Object which itself has another list of object. we can say 2D arrays.


While i am trying to consume it from a Java client it throws this error: 


"Circular Object Graph detected during serialization, you can not have circular object references in an Apex WebService response."


My class is: 



global class SampleService
    global class  ObjectFieldInformation
        WebService Integer fieldSerialNumber;
    global class  ObjectInformation
        WebService List<ObjectFieldInformation> objectFieldInformationList;
    global class CallsResponse
        WebService List<ObjectInformation> callList;
        WebService String something;

    WebService static CallsResponse getComplexObjects()
    	FindCallsResponse  response = new FindCallsResponse();
        List<ObjectInformation> responseCallList =  new List<ObjectInformation>();
        ObjectFieldInformation objResultFieldInfo;
        ObjectInformation objCallInfo = new ObjectInformation();
        for(Integer i=0;i<5;i++)
               	List<ObjectFieldInformation> callData = new List<ObjectFieldInformation>();
		        for(Integer j=0;j<5;j++)
	        		objResultFieldInfo = new ObjectFieldInformation();
	        objCallInfo.objectFieldInformationList = callData;
    	 response.callList = responseCallList;
    	 return response;

Please advise.
