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Limit Exceeded 

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please <email address> if you need to get in touch.


I got the above message how to I find out what limit was exceeder and how long I need to what for this limit to resolve? I am primarily testing API callouts and from SalesForce however I do some lookups and other operations.




Used Data Space388 KB (8%) 
Hide Notices About System MaintenanceNot CheckedUsed File Space384 KB (2%)
Hide Notices About System DowntimeNot CheckedAPI Requests, Last 24 Hours108 (5,000 max)
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  • June 14, 2011
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Hi I am getting the error:



EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE_REQUEST: size of unauthenticated request is too large



I am calling the salesforce API to attach a file using the .create(sObject[]) to attach my small PDF file (129KB).


I am using the Developer environment is there a file size limit on this environment type? 


From what I found in these forms this error is the result of a bad endpoint. I have a good login and use the endpoint it provides for my dev environment. I have made other calls from this login so it should work for file attachment as well. My serverurl after a good login.(usr,pass-token):



Incase I have code errors I have included some of my code (in C#).


            log.Debug("UploadFil....ent_no[" + suppxo.ToString() + "])");

                SFPartnerAPI.SforceService SFService = new SforceService();
                SFPartnerAPI.LoginResult lr = new LoginResult();
                lr = SFService.login(ConfigurationSettings.SF_Login_Name, ConfigurationSettings.SF_Password_And_Token);
                if (lr.passwordExpired)
                    error = "Sales Force API user has an expired password. (Status Update Failed)";
                    throw new Exception(error);

                log.Debug("X1:serverUrl[" + lr.serverUrl + "]");
                SFPartnerAPI.SforceService sfs = new SFPartnerAPI.SforceService();
                ExternalSalesForceIntegration.SFPartnerAPI.SessionHeader sh = new ExternalSalesForceIntegration.SFPartnerAPI.SessionHeader();
                sh.sessionId = lr.sessionId;
                sfs.SessionHeaderValue = sh;
                XmlElement[] attachment = new XmlElement[5];
                SFPartnerAPI.sObject[] atms = new SFPartnerAPI.sObject[1];


                //Get and Convert the file to an XML string for processing
                byte[] PrintedFileData = UpAPICaller.GeneratePrintedContract(pxct_id, suppxno, fileExtensionType);
                string b64str = Convert.ToBase64String(PrintedFileData); ;

                //Add the converted file to an XML format for import
                for (int i = 0; i <= atms.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    //Minimum data to create an attachment
                    attachment[0] = GetNewXmlElement("Name", fileName + "." + fileExtensionType);
                    attachment[1] = GetNewXmlElement("IsPrivate", IsPrivate.ToString());
                    attachment[2] = GetNewXmlElement("OwnerId", OwnerID);
                    attachment[3] = GetNewXmlElement("ParentId", ObjectID);
                    attachment[4] = GetNewXmlElement("Body", b64str);
                    SFPartnerAPI.sObject atm = new SFPartnerAPI.sObject();
                    atm.type = "Attachment";
                    atm.Any = attachment;
                    atms[i] = atm;

                //API CALL (It fails here)
                SaveResult[] sr = sfs.create(atms);

                //ADD SaveResult[] Error Check
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = ex.Message;



I would be vary happy with any help! 



  • June 09, 2011
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Limit Exceeded 

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please <email address> if you need to get in touch.


I got the above message how to I find out what limit was exceeder and how long I need to what for this limit to resolve? I am primarily testing API callouts and from SalesForce however I do some lookups and other operations.




Used Data Space388 KB (8%) 
Hide Notices About System MaintenanceNot CheckedUsed File Space384 KB (2%)
Hide Notices About System DowntimeNot CheckedAPI Requests, Last 24 Hours108 (5,000 max)
  Restricted Logins, Current Month0 (0 max)
  • June 14, 2011
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Hi I am getting the error:



EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE_REQUEST: size of unauthenticated request is too large



I am calling the salesforce API to attach a file using the .create(sObject[]) to attach my small PDF file (129KB).


I am using the Developer environment is there a file size limit on this environment type? 


From what I found in these forms this error is the result of a bad endpoint. I have a good login and use the endpoint it provides for my dev environment. I have made other calls from this login so it should work for file attachment as well. My serverurl after a good login.(usr,pass-token):



Incase I have code errors I have included some of my code (in C#).


            log.Debug("UploadFil....ent_no[" + suppxo.ToString() + "])");

                SFPartnerAPI.SforceService SFService = new SforceService();
                SFPartnerAPI.LoginResult lr = new LoginResult();
                lr = SFService.login(ConfigurationSettings.SF_Login_Name, ConfigurationSettings.SF_Password_And_Token);
                if (lr.passwordExpired)
                    error = "Sales Force API user has an expired password. (Status Update Failed)";
                    throw new Exception(error);

                log.Debug("X1:serverUrl[" + lr.serverUrl + "]");
                SFPartnerAPI.SforceService sfs = new SFPartnerAPI.SforceService();
                ExternalSalesForceIntegration.SFPartnerAPI.SessionHeader sh = new ExternalSalesForceIntegration.SFPartnerAPI.SessionHeader();
                sh.sessionId = lr.sessionId;
                sfs.SessionHeaderValue = sh;
                XmlElement[] attachment = new XmlElement[5];
                SFPartnerAPI.sObject[] atms = new SFPartnerAPI.sObject[1];


                //Get and Convert the file to an XML string for processing
                byte[] PrintedFileData = UpAPICaller.GeneratePrintedContract(pxct_id, suppxno, fileExtensionType);
                string b64str = Convert.ToBase64String(PrintedFileData); ;

                //Add the converted file to an XML format for import
                for (int i = 0; i <= atms.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    //Minimum data to create an attachment
                    attachment[0] = GetNewXmlElement("Name", fileName + "." + fileExtensionType);
                    attachment[1] = GetNewXmlElement("IsPrivate", IsPrivate.ToString());
                    attachment[2] = GetNewXmlElement("OwnerId", OwnerID);
                    attachment[3] = GetNewXmlElement("ParentId", ObjectID);
                    attachment[4] = GetNewXmlElement("Body", b64str);
                    SFPartnerAPI.sObject atm = new SFPartnerAPI.sObject();
                    atm.type = "Attachment";
                    atm.Any = attachment;
                    atms[i] = atm;

                //API CALL (It fails here)
                SaveResult[] sr = sfs.create(atms);

                //ADD SaveResult[] Error Check
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = ex.Message;



I would be vary happy with any help! 



  • June 09, 2011
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Hi All,


I have heard the term "Single Apex Transaction" several times.

eg. A Single Apex Transaction can make max of 10 callouts.. etc.


Can anybody define what exactly this "Single Apex Transaction" means  or to be precise the scope of "Single Apex Transaction"?




I'm currently testing a new Visualforce page to display any related lists in the form of tabs. Unfortunately when I tried this out, the Help links disappeared.


Traditionally each related list has a help link (in the example below - the Contacts related list is shown), so why did the help link not transfer across?








Here is a sample of the code that I used for my tabbed record page:



<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true" > <style> .activeTab {background-color: #236FBD; color:white; background-image:none} .inactiveTab { background-color: lightgrey; color:black; background-image:none} </style> <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="tabdetails" id="AccountTabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab" > <apex:tab label="Details" name="AccDetails" id="tabdetails" > <apex:detail relatedList="false" title="true" /> </apex:tab> <apex:tab label="Contacts" name="Contacts" id="tabContact"> <apex:relatedList subject="{!account}" list="contacts" /> </apex:tab>




Can the Help links be retrieved?



Hope someone out there can lend a hand.



  • November 06, 2009
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I have a VisualForce page which I am opening it on click of a Custom Button on the Contract Object. I want to open this page in a new window without the address bar. I tried all the following options but it does not work-

1) Opening using JavaScript by configuring it in 'Edit Contract Custom Button' - window.open('apex/Wizard_Step1a?id={!Account.Id}','scrollbars=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no')
2) window.open('apex/Wizard_Step1a?id={!Account.Id}','_blank')
3) By giving the option 'Display in existing window without header and sidebar' and specifying the URL of the page as '/apex/Wizard_Step1a?id={!Account.Id}'

Can anyone please help me solve this issue?

Illegal assignment from a Contact List to a contact list.....hmmmmm. Seems the compiler is having issues with case sensitivity.

This only happens in Summer08. Here is the code to reproduce:

List<Contact> cons = new List<Contact>();
cons = [select Id, Name from Contact limit 10];