• kmorf_entransform
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Im using this sencha touch 2 carousel component in my application. initialy the carousel works percetly, but if you leave the page then comback to the page with the carousel, the carousel starts misbehaving. The carousel no longer is swipable. sometimes the contents of the carousel do not even appear.

	var pan = Ext.getCmp('myCar');   				
      			  var items = [];
      				for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++){
      					var item = Ext.create('Ext.Panel',{
      											html:'<p class = "inspirationMessage"><b>'+ records[i].data.message + '</b></p>' + '<p class = "authorName"><b>' + records[i].raw.Author__r.Name + '</b></p>',


 {xtype : 'panel',
                   padding:'0 0 0 0',


Im trying to use <apex:follow> but its giving this error that says "Cannot convert the value of '{!entityId}' to the expected type."

does anybody know what that means? 


my visualforce page looks likes this

<apex:page showHeader="false" docType="html-5.0" standardStylesheets="false" cache="false" controller="chatterController" >
      <meta charset="UTF-8" />
<chatter:follow entityId="{!Contacts}" id="chatterFollow"></chatter:follow>

 Here is my controller:

private List<Contact> contactName;
	private List<Id> contactIds = new List<Id>();
	public chatterController(){
		contactName = [Select Id From Contact Limit 2000];
		for (Contact names : contactName)
	public List<Id> getContacts(){
		return contactIds;


Im trying to use the Ext.ux.CalendarView and Ext.ux.CalendarSimpleEvents plugin in my hybrid app. I dont know if im missing something in the configuration but im getting this error "Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'remove'". Here is my code


      <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.calendarView}"/>
            <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.simpleEventsView, 'Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents/Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents.js')}"/>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="{!URLFOR($Resource.simpleEventsView, 'Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents/resources/css/Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents.css')}"/>
      <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.EventModel}"/>
      		var eventStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',{
      		var date = new Date();

      		 var calendar = new Ext.view.TouchCalendarView({
                       		 mode: 'month',
                        	 weekStart: 0,
                        	 value: date,
                        	 eventStore: eventStore,
                        	 plugins: [new Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents()]

  This error happens when i include the line plugins:[new Ext.ux.TouchCalendarSimpleEvents()]

Im working on a hybrid app using salesforce mobile sdk. I want to customize the login screen. How can i customize this page?

Im getting an error that says too many script statements:20001. Does anyone know how to overcome this. here is the code snipet where im getting this error

public PageReference Upload()
        if(IsTest == null)
            IsTest = False;            
        if(!IsTest && (contentFile.Tostring() == null || contentFile.Tostring() == ''))
            ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Please select the data csv file to insert!');
                return null;
        // Get all the fields of object selected in the form of map
        String errorOccuredRow = ''; 
        String errorOccuredCol = '';         
        String sMsg = '';
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objectFieldMap = null;
        if(selObject == 'Asset')
            objectFieldMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('sevro_Terra_Asset__c').getDescribe().fields.getMap();
            objectFieldMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selObject).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        List<String> lFileRows = new List<String>();
            if(IsTest == null)
                IsTest = False;
                //It Splits all the rows of file in array
                lFileRows = contentFile.toString().split('\n');
                lFileRows = sTest.split('\n');
            // First column of file contains name of columns
            String[] columnList = lFileRows[0].split(',');
            // If selected object is Account
            if(selObject == 'Account')
                List<FieldMappingAccount__c> lFieldMapping = new List<FieldMappingAccount__c>();
                Map<String,String> mFieldInfo = null;
                lFieldMapping = FieldMappingAccount__c.getAll().values();
                mFieldInfo = new Map<String,String>();
                for(FieldMappingAccount__c obj:lFieldMapping)
                  //Iterate each file record except Header row which have column name
                  for(integer i = 1; i < lFileRows.size(); i++)
                   // Array stores values of individual row record
                   String[] arrRowValues = lFileRows[i].split(',');
                   System.debug('Value of rows are' + arrRowValues);
                   // Account Object
                   Account Acc = new Account();
                   // Iterate individual row array values
                   for(integer j = 0; j < arrRowValues.size(); j++)
                          // On the basis of Column name from column Array( columnList[j]) 
                          String sField = mFieldInfo.get(columnList[j]);
                      catch(Exception e)
                        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Invalid Column: '+ columnList[j]));
                        return null;  
                   System.debug('Value of account list is' + accList);
                  if(accList.size() > 0)
                    insert accList;
                  sMsg = 'Total Accounts Uploaded:----->' + accList.size();
              else if(selObject == 'Contact')
                List<FieldMappingContact__c> lFieldMapping = new List<FieldMappingContact__c>();
                Map<String,String> mFieldInfo = null;
                lFieldMapping = FieldMappingContact__c.getAll().values();
                mFieldInfo = new Map<String,String>();
                for(FieldMappingContact__c obj:lFieldMapping)
                  //Iterate each file record except Header row which have column name
                  for(integer i=1; i < lFileRows.size(); i++)
                   // Array stores values of individual row record
                   String[] arrRowValues = lFileRows[i].split(',');
                   System.debug('Value of rows are' + arrRowValues);
                   // Account Object
                   Contact Cont = new Contact();
                   // Iterate individual row array values
                   for(integer j = 0; j < arrRowValues.size(); j++)
                          // On the basis of Column name from column Array( columnList[j]) 
                          String sField = mFieldInfo.get(columnList[j]);
                      catch(Exception e)
                        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Invalid Column: '+ columnList[j]));
                        return null;  
                  if(lCont.size() > 0)
                    insert lCont;
                  sMsg = 'Total Contacts Uploaded:----->' + lCont.size();
            else if(selObject == 'Asset')
                List<FieldMapping__c> lFieldMapping = new List<FieldMapping__c>();
                Map<String,String> mFieldInfo = null;
                lFieldMapping = FieldMapping__c.getAll().values();
                mFieldInfo = new Map<String,String>();
                for(FieldMapping__c obj:lFieldMapping)
              for( Integer i = 1 ; i < lFileRows.size() ; i++ )
                // Array stores values of individual row record
                String[] arrRowValues = lFileRows[i].split(',');
                CSVAssetModel assetModel = new CSVAssetModel();
                String rowType = null;
                assetModel.sRowType = '';
                if(arrRowValues.get(0) != null)
                    rowType = arrRowValues.get(0).trim();
                assetModel.sRowType = rowType;
                if(arrRowValues.get(0) != null)
                    assetModel.sPattel_Tag = arrRowValues.get(0).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(1) !=null)
                    assetModel.sCategory = arrRowValues.get(1).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(2) !=null)
                    assetModel.sDescription = arrRowValues.get(2).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(3) !=null)
                    assetModel.sManufacturer = arrRowValues.get(3).trim();
                if (arrRowValues.get(4) != null)
                    assetModel.sModel= arrRowValues.get(4).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(5) != null)
                    assetModel.sQty = arrRowValues.get(5).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(6) != null)
                    assetModel.scondition = arrRowValues.get(6).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(7) != null)
                    assetModel.ssellerRack = arrRowValues.get(7).trim();
                 if(arrRowValues.get(8) != null)
                    assetModel.spalletTotalWeight =  arrRowValues.get(8).trim();
                if(arrRowValues.get(9) != null)
                    assetModel.sTotal_Qty = arrRowValues.get(9).trim(); 
                sevro_Terra_Asset__c SevroTerraAsset = new sevro_Terra_Asset__c();
               SevroTerraAsset.put('Name',assetModel.sPattel_Tag );
                //SevroTerraAsset = Schema.SobjectType.newSObject(newID);
                // Iterate individual row array values
                for(integer j = 2; j < columnList.size(); j++)
                    system.debug('Nitin---mFieldInfo->'+ mFieldInfo);
                    system.debug('Nitin---mFieldInfo->'+ mFieldInfo.get(columnList[j]));
                    // On the basis of Column name from column Array() 
                    String sField = String.valueOf(mFieldInfo.get(columnList[j]));
                    system.debug('Nitin---sField->'+ sField);                   
                    if(sField != null && sField.length() > 0 && arrRowValues[j] != null && String.valueOf(arrRowValues[j]).trim().length() > 0)
                        String SFDataType = String.valueOf(objectFieldMap.get(sField).getDescribe().getType());
                        system.debug('Nitin---SFDataType->'+ SFDataType);      
                        if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.DATE')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.DATETIME')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.Boolean')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.Currency')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.Integer')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'Schema.DisplayType.DOUBLE')
                        else if(SFDataType == 'DOUBLE')
                    }//end of if
                }//end of for
                assetModel.Sevro_Terra_Asset = SevroTerraAsset;
              }//end of for
            if(allSerials !=null && allSerials.size()>0)
                existingAssets = [select id, name, serialNumber__c, servo_Terra_Category__c, Description__c, Pallet_Total_Qty__c, BegInv__c from sevro_Terra_Asset__c where serialNumber__c in :allSerials];
            system.debug('Nitin--serialNumberMap-> '+serialNumberMap);
            if(serialNumberMap != null && serialNumberMap.size() > 0)
                upsert serialNumberMap.values();    
            //system.debug('-----compMap-->' + assetComponentsMap);
            //if(assetComponentsMap !=null && assetComponentsMap.size()>0)
                //insert assetComponentsMap.values();         
            sMsg = 'Total Assets Uploaded:----->' + serialNumberMap.size() + '\r\t Total Components Uploaded:----->'+ assetComponentsMap.size();
        }//end of else
    }//end of try
    catch(Exception ex)
       ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,ex.getMessage() + ' , serailMapvalues' +serialNumberMap.values()+ '  ' + errorOccuredCol );
    ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,sMsg));
    return null;


 im trying to execute a query based on a certain range of numbers. for example we want to query Amount > 100 and < 500.

Im trying to execute this code but im getting an error saying;

EXCEPTION_THROWN|[110]|System.QueryException: Invalid bind expression type of String for column of type Decimal


Double grtValue = Double.valueOf(selectedAmountGrt);
 Double lessValue = Double.valueOf(selectedAmountLess);
            Select Amount from Opportunity where Avg_Annual_Volume__c >: grtValue OR Avg_Annual_Volume__c < : lessValue';



 im getting an error when trying to login to productin portal. It says

"The maximum number of logins has been exceeded. Please contact your administrator for more information."


Hi guys, I was trying to deploy an object called pallet__c. but i got an error in one of my test saying "No such column 'Id' on entity pallet__c". Does anybody have any idea why its giving me this error.

Hi im getting this visualforce error in production that says "Argument 1 cannot be null". but it is not specifying where the error is happening. here is the constructor for the controller being used in this page.

 public myAucions(){
        SHOW_SUMMARY_TABLE = false;
        SHOW_LISTING_TABLE = true;
        SHOW_SUMMARY_DETAIL = false;
        SHOW_SUCCESS_MSG = false;   
        SHOW_COMMIT_BUTTON = false;
           // this.category= (ServoTerraCategory__c) controller.getRecord(); 
            Profile vProfile = [Select p.Id, p.Name from Profile p where p.Id=:UserInfo.getProfileId()];
            if(vProfile!=null && vProfile.name.startsWith('Public'))
          catch(exception e){
        if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('assetid') != null)
            AssetId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('assetid');
    }//end of constructor


public class InnerClassForOfferVals
        public auction__c objAuctn {get;set;}
        public Double offerAmt {get;set;}
        public Double totalAmt {get;set;}
        public String buyerComments {get;set;}
        public InnerClassForOfferVals(){}
    public List<InnerClassForOfferVals> lstSummaryAuction {get; set;}
    public void makeOfferBtnActn()
        lstSummaryAuction = new List<InnerClassForOfferVals>();
        if(AssetId == null)
            for(Integer i=0; i<pager.pages.size(); i++)
                List<AuctionRecord> lstTempAuctnRec = pager.pages.get(i);
                for(AuctionRecord objAR : lstTempAuctnRec)
                        InnerClassForOfferVals objInner = new InnerClassForOfferVals();
                        objInner.offerAmt = 0;
                        objInner.totalAmt = 0;
                        objInner.objAuctn = objAR.objAuction;
            catch (Exception e) {
            String vQuery= 'Select a.OwnerId,a.asset__c, a.Available_Date__c, a.Description__c, a.Terms__C, ' +
                                   'a.end_Date__c, a.Id, a.Location__c, a.Location__r.city__c, a.Location__r.country__c, '+
                                   'a.Location__r.state_Province__c, a.Manufacturer__c, a.Model_No__c, a.Name, a.QtyAvail__c, '+
                                   'a.Servo_Terra_Category__c, a.Servo_Terra_Category__r.Id, a.Servo_Terra_Category__r.Name, a.SRP__c, '+
                                   'a.start_Date__c from auction__c a where Id =: AssetId';
            auctionList =  Database.query(vQuery);
            InnerClassForOfferVals objInner = new InnerClassForOfferVals();
            objInner.offerAmt = 0;
            objInner.totalAmt = 0;
            objInner.objAuctn = auctionList[0];
            SHOW_SUMMARY_TABLE = true;
            SHOW_LISTING_TABLE = false;


Hi im trying to find an alternative to

<apex:page standardcontroller="Shipment" action="{!agree}">


 by using apex:actionFuntion so that the code looks something like this

<apex:page standardcontroller="Shipment" >
some code...
<apex:actionFucntion name="agree" action="{!agree}"/>


 can someone help me?

Hi im trying to deploy some controllers to production but im getting this error that says "System.DmlException: Insert Failed. First Exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, CopyAsset: execution AfterInsert". Im thinking its because i have a query statement inside a loop of the trigger CopyAsset. I took the query statement outside the loop and tryied to deploy CopyAsset to production but im still getting that error

Hi i dont know why but when i try to insert more than one record I get an error saying Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ET.AutoCreateSchedule: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0 with id a06A000000FrtPEIAZ; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, cannot specify Id in an insert call: [Id] Trigger.ET.AutoCreateSchedule: line 26, column 5: []

If any one can help with this it would be great here is the code for the trigger


trigger AutoCreateSchedules on Request__c (after insert) {
List<Schedule__c> schedules = new List<Schedule__c>();
date nextScheduleStart;
//Integer sprintDuration;
// For each request processed by the trigger, add a set of 
// schedules to cover the start and end dates of the request.
// New is a list of all the new requests that are being
// created.
for (Request__c newRequest: Trigger.New) {
   if (newRequest.Autocreate_Schedule__c == 'Auto'){
   //sprintDuration = math.round(newRelease.Phase_duration__c);
        nextScheduleStart = newRequest.Start_Date__c;
        while (nextScheduleStart < newRequest.End_Date__c){
        schedules.add(new Schedule__c(
             Name = (nextScheduleStart.toStartOfMonth()).format(),
             Request__c = newRequest.Id,
             Month__c = nextScheduleStart.toStartOfMonth(),
             Demand_Hrs__c = ( newRequest.Monthly_Work_Hrs__c * newRequest.Request_Allocation__c)
        nextScheduleStart = nextScheduleStart.addDays(31);     
    insert schedules;



how could i make it so when i hover the mouse over some field in my visualforce page it would display a bubble pop up that is a component

i have a pageblocktable and i have a list of custom objects Offers. I want to make a button where if u click on it. the current offer will be accepted, but the button doesnt work. Ive also tried commandLink and also it doesnt work. i have also used assignTo an that to doesnt work. can anybody help me on this.

<apex:PageBlockTable var="offer" value="{!Offers}">
  <apex:column >
       <apex:facet name="header">Accept</apex:facet>
         <apex:commandButton value ="Accept" action="{!AcceptOffer}">
<apex:param name="q" value="{!offer.Id}"/>

public class code{

public List<Offers__c> Offers {set;get}

public class AcceptOffer(){

String aOffer = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')



Hi, im trying to make a pageBlockTable where if someone clicks on a certain row on the table, then the color of that row will change. how could i do that?

hi im having problems with a test class. everytime i run the test it gives me an error System.UnexpectedException No such column 'Name' on entity Asset__c. here is the code that givin me that error.

public static List<selectOption> manufactures(){  
   	  List<selectOption> allManufactures = new List<selectOption>();   
      Set<String> asset = new Set<String>();
      List<String> sorted = new List<String>();
     //query Manufacturer with no duplicates
      	for (Asset__c vAsset: [Select Name, Manufacturer__c from Asset__c] )
      		if (!asset.contains(vAsset.Manufacturer__c) && vAsset.Manufacturer__c != null)
      	}//end of for
     catch(Exception e){
      //sort Manufactures in Ascending order
      //add manufacturer selectOptions
      allManufactures.add(new selectOption('all','All Manufactures',false));
      for (String s:sorted)
      	if (s != null)
      	allManufactures.add(new selectOption(s,s));
      }//end of for
      return allManufactures;

  can anyone help me?

how do i make a pop up window after pointing or clicking on something. for example there is a table with a list of  customers. if you hover your mouse over customer name or click on cutomer name, a pop up window will apear showing information about that customer.

when i use actionRegion the text of outputlabel changes. why does the text change and how can i fix it. here is the code.

for example, the text  for <apex:outputlabel value="Projects" for="values" />  appears different than

<apex:outputField value="{!proj.Name}"/>

<apex:page controller="editProject" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
 <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>

      <apex:pageBlockSection >
          <apex:pageblocksectionItem >
          <apex:actionRegion >
          <apex:outputlabel value="Projects" for="values" />         
         <apex:selectList value="{!projName}" size="1" id="values">             
        <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!filterProj}" reRender="op" />              
        <apex:selectOptions value="{!allProj}"/>          
      <apex:outputPanel id="op" >
      <apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
          <apex:outputField value="{!proj.Name}"/>
          <apex:outputField value="{!proj.Expense_Budget__c}"/>
          <apex:outputField value="{!proj.Billable_hours__c}"/>
          <apex:outputField value="{!proj.Location__c}"/>
    <apex:pageBlock title="Edit Project">
    <apex:pageBlockSection >
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:actionRegion >
            <apex:outputlabel value="Status " for="values" />          
           <apex:selectList value="{!status}" size="1" id="values">             
            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="newvalue" />              
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!projStatus}"/>          
       <apex:outputpanel id="newvalue">
       <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!status == '--Other--'}">       
        <div style="position:relative;left:0px;"> 
        <apex:outputlabel value="new value  " for="newval1"/>                            
          <apex:inputText value="{!status}" id="newval1"/>              


im trying to write a visualforce page where you can create a new custom object project. the field status in object Project is a picklist. i want to be able to make a new picklist value when selecting "--other--" in a drop down. when "--Other--" is selected an inputText should be rendered and you are able to enter the new picklist value from the inputText. My code doesnt seem to work. if u select Other from the dropdown. the inputText does not appear.

<apex:page standardController="Proj__c" tabStyle="Proj__c">
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Create Project"/>
    <apex:form id="Header">
      <apex:pageBlock title="General Information" mode="edit">
      <apex:pageMessages />
      <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
           <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Name}"/>
           <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Expense_Budget__c}"/>
            <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Billable_hours__c}"/> 
            <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Location__c}"/>
           <apex:inputField value="{!Proj__c.Status__c}" id="values">             
            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="newvalue" />              
       <apex:outputpanel id="newvalue" >
       <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!Proj__c.Status__c == '--Other--'}">       
        <div style="position:relative;left:75px;"> 
        <apex:outputlabel value="new value" for="newval1"/>                            
          <apex:inputText value="{!Proj__c.Status__c}" id="newval1"/>              



hi im new to salesforce. I was wondering how i could create a new project object using a custom visualforce page.

How do i get the UserName, LastName, Email, Alias, CommunityNickName, TimeZoneSidKey, LocalSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, profileId, LanguageLocalKey in order to insert the new record

how do i make a pop up window after pointing or clicking on something. for example there is a table with a list of  customers. if you hover your mouse over customer name or click on cutomer name, a pop up window will apear showing information about that customer.

Hi guys i was wondering how to add rows in a pageblock table. for example you want to make a to-do list. each row is a task.  The columns of the table are task(DropDown list), Deadline(Date), Hours worked(Double). If you want to add a task you click on the Add Row button and adds a  row to the table.

Hi im trying to find an alternative to

<apex:page standardcontroller="Shipment" action="{!agree}">


 by using apex:actionFuntion so that the code looks something like this

<apex:page standardcontroller="Shipment" >
some code...
<apex:actionFucntion name="agree" action="{!agree}"/>


 can someone help me?

Hi im trying to deploy some controllers to production but im getting this error that says "System.DmlException: Insert Failed. First Exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, CopyAsset: execution AfterInsert". Im thinking its because i have a query statement inside a loop of the trigger CopyAsset. I took the query statement outside the loop and tryied to deploy CopyAsset to production but im still getting that error

Hi, im trying to make a pageBlockTable where if someone clicks on a certain row on the table, then the color of that row will change. how could i do that?

hi im having problems with a test class. everytime i run the test it gives me an error System.UnexpectedException No such column 'Name' on entity Asset__c. here is the code that givin me that error.

public static List<selectOption> manufactures(){  
   	  List<selectOption> allManufactures = new List<selectOption>();   
      Set<String> asset = new Set<String>();
      List<String> sorted = new List<String>();
     //query Manufacturer with no duplicates
      	for (Asset__c vAsset: [Select Name, Manufacturer__c from Asset__c] )
      		if (!asset.contains(vAsset.Manufacturer__c) && vAsset.Manufacturer__c != null)
      	}//end of for
     catch(Exception e){
      //sort Manufactures in Ascending order
      //add manufacturer selectOptions
      allManufactures.add(new selectOption('all','All Manufactures',false));
      for (String s:sorted)
      	if (s != null)
      	allManufactures.add(new selectOption(s,s));
      }//end of for
      return allManufactures;

  can anyone help me?

how do i make a pop up window after pointing or clicking on something. for example there is a table with a list of  customers. if you hover your mouse over customer name or click on cutomer name, a pop up window will apear showing information about that customer.

im trying to write a visualforce page where you can create a new custom object project. the field status in object Project is a picklist. i want to be able to make a new picklist value when selecting "--other--" in a drop down. when "--Other--" is selected an inputText should be rendered and you are able to enter the new picklist value from the inputText. My code doesnt seem to work. if u select Other from the dropdown. the inputText does not appear.

<apex:page standardController="Proj__c" tabStyle="Proj__c">
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Create Project"/>
    <apex:form id="Header">
      <apex:pageBlock title="General Information" mode="edit">
      <apex:pageMessages />
      <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
           <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Name}"/>
           <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Expense_Budget__c}"/>
            <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Billable_hours__c}"/> 
            <apex:inputField required="true" value="{!Proj__c.Location__c}"/>
           <apex:inputField value="{!Proj__c.Status__c}" id="values">             
            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="newvalue" />              
       <apex:outputpanel id="newvalue" >
       <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!Proj__c.Status__c == '--Other--'}">       
        <div style="position:relative;left:75px;"> 
        <apex:outputlabel value="new value" for="newval1"/>                            
          <apex:inputText value="{!Proj__c.Status__c}" id="newval1"/>              



hi im new to salesforce. I was wondering how i could create a new project object using a custom visualforce page.

How do i get the UserName, LastName, Email, Alias, CommunityNickName, TimeZoneSidKey, LocalSidKey, EmailEncodingKey, profileId, LanguageLocalKey in order to insert the new record

<apex:page showHeader="false" id="SiteTemplate" > <apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.StyleCSS2}"/> <div id="topgraybar"></div><center> <table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="900"> <tr> <td> <a href="http://www.yopup.com"><apex:image id="logo1" value="{!$Resource.STLogoNoTagLine}" width="272"/></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div id="nav"> <a class="nav_home" href="http://www.yopup.com"></a> <a class="nav_about" href="http://www.yopup.com/about/"></a> <a class="nav_sellers" href="http://www.yopup.com/sellers/"></a> <a class="nav_buyers" href="http://www.yopup.com/buyers/"></a> <a class="nav_partners" href="http://www.yopup.com/partners/"></a> <a class="nav_community" href="http://www.yopup.com/community"></a> <!-- <a class="nav_exchange" href="http://yopup.force.com/Ex/apex/categories"></a> --> <a class="nav_login" href="http://yopup.force.com/Ex/apex/sitelogin"></a> </div> <div id="green_hr"><img src="http://dev.yopup.com/images/x.gif" height="1" width="1" alt="" border="0" /></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <apex:insert name="body"/> </td> </tr> </table></center> </apex:page>

 I deployed a visualforcepage into sandbox, everything worked fine no error messages or warning mesages. However when i deployed that same page into production i got this warning message: the element type "center" should be terminated by the matching end-tag "</center>" at line 10,  but when i refresh the page the warning sign goes away.also the positioning of a pageblocksection was centered instead of being in the left. also there is no center element in the visualforce code so i dont know where it got that warning message from. here is a code snipet of the template that is used for the page.