• janeisaac
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I am getting a Syntax error that says there is an extra comma at the end of the second row in the formula below
I need the formula to check if the first two fields are blank and if they are, use the first solution, otherwise use the second.

   (ISBLANK(Date_Decisioned__c ))),(ISBLANK(Returned_to_Sales_for_Credit_Follow_up__c))),
(TODAY() - (DATEVALUE(Submitted_to_Credit__c))),
(DATEVALUE( Returned_to_Sales_for_Credit_Follow_up__c ))-(DATEVALUE(Submitted_to_Credit__c )))

I am trying to automate the Contract End Date for a renewal term.

I have a custom date field with the Renewal Term Start Date and the number of months in the renewal term.

I want a formula to deliver the new Contract End Date and take into consideration the possibilities of Leap Years.


I found a formula (below) on the board that calculates the new date when it is a year later. I know I have to convert the number of months into days first but that will depend on the start date. I am lost as to how to tackle this. Can someone take a shot at this for me?



YEAR (AppDate__c) + (FLOOR((TODAY() - AppDate__c) / 365.2425) + 1),
IF(AND(DAY(AppDate__c) = 29,MONTH(AppDate__c ) = 02) , 28, DAY(AppDate__c)))

I have a VR written to require the user to enter the Contract Term # of Months, once the opportunity in a particular record type reaches a certain stage (stage 6) or higher.


However, its not working - any ideas?

Here is the formula as it stands now:


OR (
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "6 - Proposal/MOU Presented"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "7 - Verbal Acceptance"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "8 - Contract Sent/Negotiations"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "9 - Contract Executed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "10 - Contract Validated "),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "11 - Internal Kickoff Completed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "12 - Customer Kickoff Completed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "13 - Integration Instructions Sent"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "14 - Certification Complete"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "15 - Approved for Production"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "16 - Launched to Production")),



I am looking for some help to create a field on the Opportunity page which sums the amount of Child Opportunities. The child opp has a lookup to the Parent. It does not appear to let me use a Roll-up summary formula to do this so I am looking for help on a way to do this.

I have a formula text field that is not displaying the image - only the alternate text.

It is based on a checkbox field (Discuss on IMP call) being checked.


Can someone see what is wrong in this?


IMAGE("/servlet/servlet.filedownload?file=01580000001XlyI","Discuss "),
" ")




I can't figure out why I am getting an Extra comma message referring to the comma after (ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed"))))



(AND(Question_Group__c = "A",Answer__c = "Yes"),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "C",Answer__c = "No")),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "B",Answer__c <> " "))),
(ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed")))),"https://c.cs2.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015R00000001kLA",

This formula works:

IF(AND(Question_Group__c="A", Answer__c="Yes"),IMAGE("https://cs2.salesforce.com/015R00000001juO","Yellow"),null)


but when I added a third component to the AND portion of the formula, it breaks it


IF(AND(Question_Group__c="A", Answer__c="Yes", ISPICKVAL(Status,"Done Not Reviewed"),IMAGE("https://cs2.salesforce.com/015R00000001juO","Yellow"),null))


I get the following error message: Error: Incorrect parameter for function 'AND()'. Expected Boolean, received Text.


So something about that addition of the pickval component is throwing it off. Does anyone have any suggestions?




I am trying to add a formula field on an Activity which will display the content of a custom field from the Contact that the activity is related to.


So far, I cannot see a way to access that field from the Contact object using standard formulas.

Any ideas?

I want to make it so that only users with one of three profiles can edit the Account Name if the record type is Customer.


I have it working for one profile but when I try to add an OR statement and include the two other profiles, it does not work:


Here is what is working now:

( $RecordType.Name  ="Customer"),
 $Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - Integration"


Here's what I tried:

( $RecordType.Name  ="Customer"),


$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - Integration",

$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - KM",
$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - KMGP"



Can someone see what is wrong with the OR part of this formula?


Thank you so much!


I want the error message to throw if any of the TEXT address fields are completed but the Multipicklist field (Reasons for 201) does not include "Address Change". But it is not working.


Any suggestions?


NOT(INCLUDES( Reason_for_201__c , "Address Change")),
OR(NOT(ISBLANK( Street_Address__c )),
      (NOT(ISBLANK( City__c ))),
      (NOT(ISBLANK(  State__c ))),
      (NOT(ISBLANK( Zip_Postal_Code__c ))),
      (NOT(ISBLANK( Country__c ))),
RecordTypeId = "012C0000000GBZX"




I am trying to create a custom link on the Account Object to create a new Child Account and prepopulate some of the fields in the Child object from data in the Parent account.


I cannot locate many of the field ID's in the View Source.

I can find the custom fields but it appears that the ID's for the standard fields are giving me problems.


Fields like

  • Parent
  • Billing Address


Is there a better way to find those field ID's than View Source? Or can someone tell me the secret sauce in View Source?




I am stumped at how to even start this one.


I have a formula field on a Custom Object that is a child of Account object. This formula determines whether an Approval is required and returns a Yes or No, based on the formula. This is part of an Approval Process.


I want to add the criteria that if the Account field "Credit Limit" has been changed and the new number is greater than the prior value this will require District Sales Manager Approval. We do have history tracking on this field.


Here is the current formula (without any reference to the criteria I am trying to add).IT is working as expected but I need to add this new piece to it.




         Fixed_Price_Customer_Pricing_Records__c > 0,

         Restricted_Price_Level_Customer_Pricing__c > 0,

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"04 (net 60 day)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"06 (net 80 day)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"13 (365 day EQ/Sundry)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"Fixed Pricing"),

        Current_Sub_Type__c = "67 Dealers"),


     "No" )

I am trying to create a formula that has three possible results:

a Yellow light,

a Red Light,

or a Green Light.


I currently have 2 different fields - each with their own formula. One has the YELLOW light formula, which is the first 6 lines of this below and the other fields uses the Red Light Formula, which is the last 8 lines of the formula. On their own, updating 2 different fields, each of these formulas work as expected. But I need them to work on ONE field.


Of course I had to try it, but I really expected that simply combining the two formulas was too easy an option to work right off the bat, so here I am, asking for the help of my Formula Wizards. I am getting the Error on the Function OR in the first line, saying it expected Boolean, received Text.


Can someone help me fix this?





     Test_Terms_Update__c =TRUE,

If all 4 of these 4 Currency fields (populated from a nightly batch interface) have something in them greater than Zero, I would like the result to be 4. But the Syntax error says (highlighting the 4) it was expecting Booleam and received Number.


AND( X01_to_30__c >0, X31_to_60__c >0, X61_to_90__c >0, X91_Plus__c >0,4,0)



Can someone point out to me the error of my ways here?




Has anyone ever seen this error before? I was trying to login to the connector in Excel 2003 and received this error - it will not let me proceed. Any ideas?




We have an alert field on the Opportunity object  that shows a red flashing light if any the three statements are true. And now I have another field that will show the reason why it is red. I want the formula to enter the language that is in the quotes into the new field.


The first two fields are checkboxes and the last is a comparison between the amount of the Opp and the Credit Limit on the account.


I started to use Case but could not get it to work so went to the IF operative - still no luck. Here is what I have so far:


IF(Account.Credit_Hold__c , "True", "There is a Credit Hold on this Account"),
IF(Account.Permanent_Hold__c , "True", "There is a permanent hold on this Account"),
IF(Account.Credit_Limit__c < Amount, "The Amount of this Opportunity exceeds the Credit Limit of this Account"), "not applicable")


However, the syntax error says that it got an incorrect number of parameters for function IF(). Expected 3,received 2.


I also wonder what will happen if more than one of these are true.


Anyone have any ideas for me? Thanks so much.



I want to trigger an email alert just the first time that an opportunity changes to a certain stage.

It was working until people started created creating new opportunities AT that stage.



( ISCHANGED( StageName ),
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "App sent to Underwriting"),
NOT(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE(StageName),"App sent to Underwriting")))




So I added an ISNEW function into the rule which worked until I realized that it was sending them when ANY opportunity was created(ISNEW). I only want it to happen for Lending Opportunities. There are 2 different record types it could be - Consumer Loan or Commercial Loan.



(OR ( ISNEW() ,( ISCHANGED( StageName )),
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "App sent to Underwriting"),
NOT(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE(StageName),"App sent to Underwriting"))))


Can someone help me with this final criteria? Where do I put it?




I am getting a Syntax error that says there is an extra comma at the end of the second row in the formula below
I need the formula to check if the first two fields are blank and if they are, use the first solution, otherwise use the second.

   (ISBLANK(Date_Decisioned__c ))),(ISBLANK(Returned_to_Sales_for_Credit_Follow_up__c))),
(TODAY() - (DATEVALUE(Submitted_to_Credit__c))),
(DATEVALUE( Returned_to_Sales_for_Credit_Follow_up__c ))-(DATEVALUE(Submitted_to_Credit__c )))

I am trying to automate the Contract End Date for a renewal term.

I have a custom date field with the Renewal Term Start Date and the number of months in the renewal term.

I want a formula to deliver the new Contract End Date and take into consideration the possibilities of Leap Years.


I found a formula (below) on the board that calculates the new date when it is a year later. I know I have to convert the number of months into days first but that will depend on the start date. I am lost as to how to tackle this. Can someone take a shot at this for me?



YEAR (AppDate__c) + (FLOOR((TODAY() - AppDate__c) / 365.2425) + 1),
IF(AND(DAY(AppDate__c) = 29,MONTH(AppDate__c ) = 02) , 28, DAY(AppDate__c)))

I have a VR written to require the user to enter the Contract Term # of Months, once the opportunity in a particular record type reaches a certain stage (stage 6) or higher.


However, its not working - any ideas?

Here is the formula as it stands now:


OR (
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "6 - Proposal/MOU Presented"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "7 - Verbal Acceptance"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "8 - Contract Sent/Negotiations"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "9 - Contract Executed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "10 - Contract Validated "),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "11 - Internal Kickoff Completed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "12 - Customer Kickoff Completed"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "13 - Integration Instructions Sent"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "14 - Certification Complete"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "15 - Approved for Production"),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "16 - Launched to Production")),



Our record types are based on the record owner's Record Type.  I created a new field on the User record called Record Type that I will manually update.  I need to create a workflow that will update the record type of an Account or Opportunity if the Owner changes and the Record type is not the same as the Record type for the User.

I am looking for some help to create a field on the Opportunity page which sums the amount of Child Opportunities. The child opp has a lookup to the Parent. It does not appear to let me use a Roll-up summary formula to do this so I am looking for help on a way to do this.

I can't figure out why I am getting an Extra comma message referring to the comma after (ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed"))))



(AND(Question_Group__c = "A",Answer__c = "Yes"),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "C",Answer__c = "No")),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "B",Answer__c <> " "))),
(ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed")))),"https://c.cs2.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015R00000001kLA",

This formula works:

IF(AND(Question_Group__c="A", Answer__c="Yes"),IMAGE("https://cs2.salesforce.com/015R00000001juO","Yellow"),null)


but when I added a third component to the AND portion of the formula, it breaks it


IF(AND(Question_Group__c="A", Answer__c="Yes", ISPICKVAL(Status,"Done Not Reviewed"),IMAGE("https://cs2.salesforce.com/015R00000001juO","Yellow"),null))


I get the following error message: Error: Incorrect parameter for function 'AND()'. Expected Boolean, received Text.


So something about that addition of the pickval component is throwing it off. Does anyone have any suggestions?




I am trying to add a formula field on an Activity which will display the content of a custom field from the Contact that the activity is related to.


So far, I cannot see a way to access that field from the Contact object using standard formulas.

Any ideas?

I want to make it so that only users with one of three profiles can edit the Account Name if the record type is Customer.


I have it working for one profile but when I try to add an OR statement and include the two other profiles, it does not work:


Here is what is working now:

( $RecordType.Name  ="Customer"),
 $Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - Integration"


Here's what I tried:

( $RecordType.Name  ="Customer"),


$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - Integration",

$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - KM",
$Profile.Name<>"System Administrator - KMGP"



Can someone see what is wrong with the OR part of this formula?


Thank you so much!


I am trying to create a custom link on the Account Object to create a new Child Account and prepopulate some of the fields in the Child object from data in the Parent account.


I cannot locate many of the field ID's in the View Source.

I can find the custom fields but it appears that the ID's for the standard fields are giving me problems.


Fields like

  • Parent
  • Billing Address


Is there a better way to find those field ID's than View Source? Or can someone tell me the secret sauce in View Source?




I am stumped at how to even start this one.


I have a formula field on a Custom Object that is a child of Account object. This formula determines whether an Approval is required and returns a Yes or No, based on the formula. This is part of an Approval Process.


I want to add the criteria that if the Account field "Credit Limit" has been changed and the new number is greater than the prior value this will require District Sales Manager Approval. We do have history tracking on this field.


Here is the current formula (without any reference to the criteria I am trying to add).IT is working as expected but I need to add this new piece to it.




         Fixed_Price_Customer_Pricing_Records__c > 0,

         Restricted_Price_Level_Customer_Pricing__c > 0,

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"04 (net 60 day)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"06 (net 80 day)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"13 (365 day EQ/Sundry)"),

         ISPICKVAL(Account_Type__c,"Fixed Pricing"),

        Current_Sub_Type__c = "67 Dealers"),


     "No" )

I am trying to create a formula that has three possible results:

a Yellow light,

a Red Light,

or a Green Light.


I currently have 2 different fields - each with their own formula. One has the YELLOW light formula, which is the first 6 lines of this below and the other fields uses the Red Light Formula, which is the last 8 lines of the formula. On their own, updating 2 different fields, each of these formulas work as expected. But I need them to work on ONE field.


Of course I had to try it, but I really expected that simply combining the two formulas was too easy an option to work right off the bat, so here I am, asking for the help of my Formula Wizards. I am getting the Error on the Function OR in the first line, saying it expected Boolean, received Text.


Can someone help me fix this?





     Test_Terms_Update__c =TRUE,