• brianhks
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I'm new to apex.


I want to create a trigger that will apply a discount to a quote when multiple products are added to the opportunity.  For example I create a new oportunity and then add a single product.  When I add a second product I want to apply a 10% discount to both products.


I'm guessing a triger on the update/insert of opportunity products but how to I get a list of the other products under the opportunity so I can calculate the discount?




I'm having a problem sending e-mail from an APEX controller extension. Here's the code followed by the results from the debug log.


public class leadExtension {

public leadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.lead = (Lead)controller.getRecord();

// Create a new single email message object
// that will send out a single email.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

// Strings to hold the email addresses to which you are sending the email.
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'********@hsabank.com'};

// Assign the addresses for the To list to the mail object.

// Specify the address used when the recipients reply to the email.

// Specify the name used as the display name.
mail.setSenderDisplayName('HSA Bank');

// Specify the subject line for your email address.
mail.setSubject('New Contact Request: ' + lead.FirstName);

// Set to True if you want to BCC yourself on the email.

// Optionally append the salesforce.com email signature to the email.
// The email address of the user executing the Apex Code will be used.

// Specify the text content of the email.
mail.setPlainTextBody('Please add this new contact...');

mail.setHtmlBody('Please add this new contact...');

// Send the email you have created.
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});

private final Lead lead;
<apex:page tabStyle="Lead" standardController="Lead" extensions="leadExtension" >
    <apex:form >
    <apex:sectionHeader title="New Contact Request" />
    <h1>Notice Sent</h1>
        Congratulations, your request to add a new Contact has been submitted. 
    <apex:outputField title="First Name:" value="{!Lead.FirstName}"/>
Element thePage called method {!checkManageability} returned type PageReference: none
***Begining Page Log for /apex/New_Contact_Request
20090801203603.582:Class.leadExtension.<init>: line 38, column 42: Single email queued for send (pending commit) : replyTo: ********@hsabank.com, subject: New Contact Request: Randy, senderDisplayName: HSA Bank, bccSender: false, saveAsActivity: true, useSignature: false, toAddresses: [********@hsabank.com], plainTextBody: Please add this new contact..., htmlBody: Please add this new contact...,
20090801203603.582:Class.leadExtension.<init>: line 39, column 9: Email result true
20090801203603.582:External entry point: returning from end of method public leadExtension<Constructor>(ApexPages.StandardController) in 38 ms
Cumulative profiling information:

No profiling information for SOQL operations.

No profiling information for SOSL operations.

No profiling information for DML operations.

1 most expensive method invocations:
Class.leadExtension: line 3, column 12: public leadExtension<Constructor>(ApexPages.StandardController): executed 1 time in 38 ms

***Ending Page Log for /apex/New_Contact_Request?id=00Q8000000SRUBJ&core.apexpages.devmode.url=1&scontrolCaching=1


I suppose I should first point out that I'm fairly new to Salesforce, and this is the first class I've tried to develop on my own. So, please be gentle with me! :smileywink: 


Based on what I can see, everything appears to be working fine, and the associated Visualforce page displays without error. The code is running inside leadExtension constructor. The problem is that the e-mail never arrives. I've got a couple different Developer Edition orgs, and I've tied this code in both. I get the same result.


I get other e-mails from Salesforce, like the security token re-set, e-mail change confirmation, etc. So, I know mail is getting through from them.


Also, I checked the Email Logs, and it doesn't appear to show any e-mails being sent at the time that I tried to send them.


So, I'm a little stumped. Can somebody point me in the right direction.

Message Edited by DRSnyder on 08-01-2009 02:08 PM
Message Edited by DRSnyder on 08-03-2009 11:15 AM