• roseann
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Hi - I'm new at this and unsure how to tackle this challenge so any/all pointers appreciated.

I have 3 associated columns of data in a spreadsheet with about 250+ rows that i need to implement as fields in the Case object (enterprise edition)

Field 1 = list of functionality, Field 2 = list of features and field 3 = complexity rating (high, med, low).   

Field 1 selection controls which picklist values to display in Field 2.   Based on the selection in Field 1 combined with  selection in Field 2,  I need  to assign to Field 3 the applicable rating value.   Think I  need a picklist for field 1 and dependent picklist for field 2, that is controlled by field 1, right?   Then what?   How do I set the field 3 rating value based on field 1 and field 2?


For example,

if Field 1 = "configuration" and Field 2 = "Optional" then set Field 3 = Low

If field 1 = "configuration" and Field 2 = "System" then set Field 3 = High

if field1 = "configuration" and field 2 = "Technical" then set Field 3 = Medium

and so on...for about 250+ rows.


Any ideas?    Thanks.

Hi - I'm new at this and unsure how to tackle this challenge so any/all pointers appreciated.

I have 3 associated columns of data in a spreadsheet with about 250+ rows that i need to implement as fields in the Case object (enterprise edition)

Field 1 = list of functionality, Field 2 = list of features and field 3 = complexity rating (high, med, low).   

Field 1 selection controls which picklist values to display in Field 2.   Based on the selection in Field 1 combined with  selection in Field 2,  I need  to assign to Field 3 the applicable rating value.   Think I  need a picklist for field 1 and dependent picklist for field 2, that is controlled by field 1, right?   Then what?   How do I set the field 3 rating value based on field 1 and field 2?


For example,

if Field 1 = "configuration" and Field 2 = "Optional" then set Field 3 = Low

If field 1 = "configuration" and Field 2 = "System" then set Field 3 = High

if field1 = "configuration" and field 2 = "Technical" then set Field 3 = Medium

and so on...for about 250+ rows.


Any ideas?    Thanks.

so, we have this algorithm we developed on our legacy system that helps us calculate the relative priority of customer cases.

we have a large backlog being worked all the time, and its hard to tell which one to select from the list. The customer entered priority is not enough.


So, we have this 7 part algorithm that takes cues from other parts of the  customer relationship


1. how much pending new business is at risk

2. the age of open cases of each severity (1-4) (the older it gets the higher its priority becomes) for THIS SAME product

3. the size of the sum of their maint contract value (higher means more)

4. what support offerings they have contracted for.. there are potentially15, each has a value..

5. whether they have opened a mgmt review (we call it escalation) of their support service

6. how much contract renewal might be at risk.

7. the priority of existing open cases.


today we calculate this once a day for every case. mostly because we have to extract a bunch of data from different systems,

get it into one place, then do the calcs, then take the output and expose it to the case mgmt UI for the user.

with SF, all this data will be locally available now.


this would be 'easy' in an apex class, but seems pretty hard in a calculated field.

after all that, this really sounds like NOT a calculated field, but really the output of a timed job that runs thru all the issues and set this field.


any other intersting suggestions?  new to sf..
