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Hi All


I am trying to track my Salesforce Site, by using Google Analytics.


My Site URL is : www.fdrclient.com
I added the tracking code to this page, and i am able to track it successfully.


Now the problem is, when a Client enters Username and Password in this Site, it redirects the user to my VisualForce Page
www.fdrclient.com ------> https://na5.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp


I want to track this VisualForce page(home.jsp) also.
I added <site:googleAnalyticsTracking/> to the end of VisualForce page, but still i am not seing anything in the Google Analytics.


Any idea, what should i do?



I am tring to create a class that will send an email to the boss of the owner of the custom time sheet object I created. This is what I have so far.  I have tried settting the Ids and Emails by hard coding them in but that doesn't work. I would appreciate some tips. 


Thanks for the help.


for(Time_Sheet__c sheet: TimeSheet){


User you = [SELECT Email


WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];

Messaging.Singleemailmessage mail =new Messaging.Singleemailmessage();

mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {you.Email});

mail.setSubject('Over time Hours');

mail.setPlainTextBody('Has hours of over time.');

Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Singleemailmessage[] {mail});


I need to add a small change to the code in production, I know it is not possible via UI, but I read in the documentation that it can be done via either deploy or forceIDE. My thing against deploying is we have lot of tests, and these minor changes come in frequently. So deploying for every minor change takes a lot of time.


When doing via forceIDE, can I just modify the code in the IDE's editor and right click the class-> "save to server" ? or do I have "deploy to server" even with forceIDE?


Any help with be appreciated.




In my app the project__c is the parent and Opportunity is the child.Iam having a lookup relationship between  project__c and opportunity. 


 There is number field called units on both objects. The project__c has total units. When an opportunity is created for certain number of units, the total units on the project__c has to be updated by deducting the opportunity units.


Will be waiting for a response.


Thanks in advance!

  • December 03, 2011
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I am using an Enterprise Trial with Volunteer for Salesforce by Ground wire. A key feature of the plugin is the capability to configure volunteer signup for the website.  However the Sites Feature is not activated in Setup > App Setup > Develop > Sites, or not available.


If I do purchase an Enterprise Account, (and I ask this because I am getting conflicting reports), is the sites feature available? My contact in Groundwire says it should be, but Salesforce Sales Representatives are saying this is not possible, and needs a purchase of a Force.com License. 


What is the truth? And how do i confirm this because it is pretty urgent!

I'm trying to login and edit a Wiki on http://wiki.developerforce.com


Unfortunately, when I do login with the same account I use for this board I get a 'SOQL Error': Duplicate email address:


A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

    (SQL query hidden)

from within function "User::addToDatabase". MySQL returned error "1062: Duplicate entry 'Jordan Baucke (Jordan Baucke)' for key 'user_name' (localhost)".

 If anyone can clear this up for me - or for that matter knows whom I can contact I would be very appreciative!


PS. Just updated my email in my SFDC Account - and confirmed - but since this is based on the 'KEY' of the account I doubt it'll work :smileysad:

While installing the force.com IDE i will get a error JVM Terminated and some other information displayed.


What should i do now to resolve this issue?


Please anyone help me...

  • November 25, 2011
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I am trying to make my first unit test code.


Here is the code. The result is ... 0%. How can i make it more efficient ?


Thank you!



public class Requete_Calendrier_FF_TestClass2 {
    static testMethod void validateRequete_Calendrier_FF2() {

// Initialisation des variables
  String DataRessources='';
  String DataEvents;
  String testeurRessource;
  String testeurCategory;  
  String addrequete;
  //public String newpicklistvalue{get; set;}
  String monFiltre;   

    String qryString = 'Select nom__c, id__c, Tache__c, Ressource__c, Name, Id, Heure_Fin__c, Heure_Debut__c, Date__c, Categorie__c From Calendrier__c order by categorie__c asc,Ressource__c asc'; 
     for (Calendrier__c resultQuery : Database.query(qryString)){  
     if(testeurRessource==resultQuery.Ressource__c && testeurCategory==resultQuery.Categorie__c){}else{
    DataRessources+='{Id: "'+resultQuery.Ressource__c+'-'+resultQuery.Categorie__c+'", Name: "'+resultQuery.Ressource__c+'", Category : "'+resultQuery.Categorie__c+'", Type:"'+ resultQuery.Tache__c+'"},';
     DataEvents+='{ResourceId: "'+resultQuery.Ressource__c+'-'+resultQuery.Categorie__c+'", Type : "'+resultQuery.Categorie__c+'", Title : "'+resultQuery.Tache__c+'", Ip : "'+resultQuery.Ressource__c+'",  NBapprenants : "10", StartDate : "'+resultQuery.Date__c+' '+resultQuery.Heure_Debut__c+'", EndDate : "'+resultQuery.Date__c+' '+resultQuery.Heure_Fin__c+'"},';

  • November 24, 2011
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Hi All


I am trying to track my Salesforce Site, by using Google Analytics.


My Site URL is : www.fdrclient.com
I added the tracking code to this page, and i am able to track it successfully.


Now the problem is, when a Client enters Username and Password in this Site, it redirects the user to my VisualForce Page
www.fdrclient.com ------> https://na5.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp


I want to track this VisualForce page(home.jsp) also.
I added <site:googleAnalyticsTracking/> to the end of VisualForce page, but still i am not seing anything in the Google Analytics.


Any idea, what should i do?





I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I thought I would try:

I've got a large system that I'm working on. Each page in this system requires a large amount of data to be pulled and orginized before they can be used (this data is unique to each user and is critical to the functionality).

The way I have it working currently is each page load calles a static method that setups up all this data in the constructor for each page (there are about a dozen custom pages that use this). This makes the entire system slow because each page change/reload requires the data to be reprocessed.

What I would like to do if at all possible, is to hang on to this processed data between page changes. I know this cannot be done by keeping it in the memory, but is there any way that I can store most or all of the data someplace so that I can recall it without having to perform the data processing all over again?


I just start working with salesforce.

After creating new custom object called regCall, that contains two fields: date and phone, i would want to know how can I set and get this information and after show in a table.


On the one hand, I want to set data to this object from one controller that handles the action of clicking one push button (that 'calls a phone number'). And in the other hand, in other page, I want to show a report with the list of regCalls inserted.


It would be very helpfully for me that anyone could help me, because this problem I cant solve is for one project development,





I know when we create  Detail Object from Master Related List through Standard "NEW" button Lookup to master gets prepopulated. if I want to acheive same through "NEW" button which come after click of child object tab i.e. prepopulate with Lookup value is it possible. For information that master object unique for User Logged in.

What are recursive triggers. How can we avoid the recursion problem

  • November 22, 2011
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How To Find Total Code Coverage in Eclipse %

I have two different instances... One instance is for buyer and another for seller, and created objects in both Once the buyer selects the product mail will go to seller ID and seller quotation price to buyer Mail id how is it possible please help? just to connect both the instances through mail...............
  • November 22, 2011
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I've been working in a development edition environment and have built something that uses an apex page and an apex class. I'm now trying to deploy this to our company's salesforce account so they can test it out. We have an enterprise account, I believe. When I use "Deploy To Server" from ForceIDE, I enter the username, password and security token of a sys admin on the company account. In the screen where it shows me what it will deploy, the apex class is not checked and when I click on it, it says "Component Type not permissible in destination organization".


This is my first attempt at salesforce development and am stuck. Any thoughts on what I'm missing?


Just to be clear, my code is at 92% test coverage -- so that is not the problem.





I have a tab panel with iframes for each tab. After a lookup field is selected I want to render hidden content within the iframe.  It toggles the hidden outputpanel to visible correctly but it will break out of the frame and no longer show the tabs at the top. Any ideas what might be causing this?


To test I'm simply using <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!testView}"/> on a inputfield lookup.


The testview method just toggles a boolean 'showit) to true to display:


<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showit}">test1</apex:outputPanel>


It then appears correctly but I've lost my tabs.

Hi All!



I'm having hard time to fetch the startdate of fiscal year without querying it.. How can I do this? Does Anyone know?Pls. help this is very urgent!








We try to setup site on sandbox and set permission for guest user to read only with account object then we created visual force page for this site. our site can see records 

with admin preview but for public site we can't to see records (http://cmpd.crp1.cs6.force.com/Property) we already set permission for object and fields also.

what would we need to do anymore?


My Site :


Guest Profile :


Object Setting :


Field Setting :


Preview with admin :


Direct to Plubic Site :


I am tring to create a class that will send an email to the boss of the owner of the custom time sheet object I created. This is what I have so far.  I have tried settting the Ids and Emails by hard coding them in but that doesn't work. I would appreciate some tips. 


Thanks for the help.


for(Time_Sheet__c sheet: TimeSheet){


User you = [SELECT Email


WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];

Messaging.Singleemailmessage mail =new Messaging.Singleemailmessage();

mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {you.Email});

mail.setSubject('Over time Hours');

mail.setPlainTextBody('Has hours of over time.');

Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Singleemailmessage[] {mail});
