• K_McRae
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Need a validation rule to hinder a profile type from creating a particular account record type. our org has several account record types, but one in particular we don't want users creating. Users will still have the ability to edit current account record type. 

Account Record Type Name: Interior Stores
Profile Name to block access of creating Interior Stores accont record types: HJ SDT

Once Email-to-Case is enabled I am able to use the Emails related list.


Inbound and outbound emails appear in this list.


Is it possible to create an email via an apex class that implements inboundEmailHandler?


I can create a task but not one that Salesforce recognises as an email.

  • September 15, 2011
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I want to create a custom button on parent record to add records in child object. I created the custom button with url for new child record on parent object but the parent name does not auto populate in the new child record edit mode and I have to enter it manually and then save the record. Is their a way to get this working.

On the Account tab there is a new button which allows a user to create an account, then selecting an Account Record Type, according to there profile. I'm trying to limit a few profiles from creating a certain type of account record type, how can I go about this? OR is can this rule be written so that only the System Admin can create these types of Account record types? I want to ensure the profiles are still able to create Accounts from the other numbers account record types we've setup without any interruption. Thanks in advance. 

Object: Account

Record Type ID: 012d0000000WFah

Profile ID's needing to block from creating the Account - Interior Record Type: 00ed0000000iCZS, 00ed0000000ie5Z, 00ed0000000jaFj

System Admin Profile ID (if needed): 00ed0000000vi78


I am in need of some help,
this request has managed to stump Salesforce Developer help desk so thought id ask here.

I have a Subscription from Zuora that has a Start Date.
since we do not Prorate our deals our Activation date for service on later deals need to align to the same day of the month as when the subscription was origionaly started.

I want to create a VR to stop reps from entering an incorrect "account activation date" on their opps (based on matching day to subscription start date) this big issue is a lack of an 'End of month' function in Salesforce to account for situations like subscription starting on a day that does not exist in the current month.

Subscription start date - 12-31-14
Upgrade OpportunityActivation Date - 2-28-15

It works fine for days 1-28 of any month but as you can see I need to have the VR be able to handle the fact that sometimes the subscription start date and the current month do not have the same number of days and that if the subscription was started at teh end of the month then the activation date should also be the end of the month.

Below is the data Salesforce Support build befor they gave up. any ideas?

Feild: Account Activation Date Standard
This field shows the normal Account Activation Date date for the month and year of the Account Activation Date field and the day of month of the Subscription Start Date field on the related Subscription record

IF( ISBLANK( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 

YEAR( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 
MONTH( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 

IF( DAY( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) 
CASE( MONTH( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 
2, IF( MOD( YEAR( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 4 ) > 0 , 28 , 29 ) , 
4, 30 , 
6, 30 , 
9, 30 , 
11, 30 , 
31 ) , 

/* Use the day of month from the Subscription date */ 
DAY( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) , 

/* Use the maximum day of month from the Opportunity date */ 
CASE( MONTH( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 
2, IF( MOD( YEAR( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 4 ) > 0 , 28 , 29 ) , 
4, 30 , 
6, 30 , 
9, 30 , 
11, 30 , 
31 ) 

VR: Billing_Period_and_Activation_Days_2 
VR to keep billing period day in Z and opportunity Account Activation Dates in alignment.

/* WIP */ 

/* Check if the Opportunity has a (parent) Simply Measured Plan */ 
! ISBLANK( Simply_Measured_Plan__c ) 

/* Check if the Opportunity has a (grandparent) Zuora Subscription */ 
&& ! ISBLANK( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__c ) 

/* Check if there is a Subscription Start Date */ 
&& ! ISBLANK( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) 

/* Check if days don't match and Subscription date < Oppty Date */ 
&& DAY( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) 
<> DAY( Contract_Start_Date__c ) 

&& DAY( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) 
CASE( MONTH( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 
1, 31 , 
IF( MOD( YEAR( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 4 ) = 0 , 
29 , 
28 ) , 
3, 31 , 
4, 30 , 
5, 31 , 
6, 30 , 
7, 31 , 
8, 31 , 
9, 30 , 
10, 31 , 
11, 30 , 
12, 31 , 
0 ) 

&& DAY( Simply_Measured_Plan__r.Zuora_Subscription__r.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c ) 

CASE( MONTH( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 
1, 31 , 
IF( MOD( YEAR( Contract_Start_Date__c ) , 4 ) > 0 , 
28 , 20 ) , 
3, 31 , 
4, 30 , 
5, 31 , 
6, 30 , 
7, 31 , 
8, 31 , 
9, 30 , 
10, 31 , 
11, 30 , 
12, 31 , 
0 )

I have a custom object Offers that pulls data from the Opportunity. I have a field, Expenses covered, on Opportunity and I want to have a field on the Offer that will be updated every time the Expenses covered on the Opportunity is changed.
The problem is that the workflow doesn't trigger even though the value of the formula field is changed.

What I did so far:
Created a text field (Expenses covered new) and a formula field (Expenses covered f) on Offer.

Created a Workflow rule on Offer. 
Entry Criteria (ISCHANGED( Expenses_Covered_f__c ))
Field Update for Expenses covered new = Expenses_Covered_f__c 
Evaluation Criteria; Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it’s edited

Where is the problem?
Hi All,

Can someone please shed some light on how to create a validation rule ( or alternative ) to check if values in a related list contain certain values before letting the contract status be changed to closed??

Eg, contract status cannot be changed to closed if values in the related list "parts to be supplied" still have values of "not supplied" next to them
Need a validation rule to hinder a profile type from creating a particular account record type. our org has several account record types, but one in particular we don't want users creating. Users will still have the ability to edit current account record type. 

Account Record Type Name: Interior Stores
Profile Name to block access of creating Interior Stores accont record types: HJ SDT
I need to remove accounts that have no related list records (i.e. contact, custom object records,..) What  is the easiest way to flag an account record with a field that calcualtes to a '1' or '0' (has records / does not have records?) 

I do have rollup helper but would prefer to use a formula field if possible. 
I want to pass (in custom button) primary campaign from contact to Opp while creating Opp. Got some url code but the part opp17 is not working. Any ideas? 

&opp17_lkid={!CampaignMember.ContactId}}&opp17={! CampaignMember.Campaign }

I'm trying to approximate the following criteria:

"Return true if a custom field on the current user is checked and a custom field on the object has changed to a certain value."

If I use filter criteria, I don't see a way to reference the running user.

If I use formula criteria, I don't see a way to use ISCHANGED() functionality.

How can I best encapsulate this criteria using a process?


I have used the following formula to work out what Financial Week a ticket was opened with our Support Desk using the following formula:
MOD(FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( CreatedDate ) - DATE(2014,09,21)-6)/7),52)+1
Our 2014/15 Financial calendar started 2014-09-21 (Fri) which works great.   However what I need it to do is reset  back to 1 when we start the next Financial year 2015-09-25 and reset again 2016-09-23 and so on............

Any ideas?