• NareshKrishna
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Hi All,


Could anyone please suggest me the steps to reduce script statements in the application to avoid the exception "Too many script statements: 200001".


Hi All,


How can we Download String variable defined in controller as text file using visualforce ?


Could anyone help me with this.




Hi All,


My Page has following:

1. Left side: there are 2 command links.

2. Right side content is: several visualforce components in between commandLink.

   <apex:commandLink style="text-decoration:none" action="{!showPopup}" >   
      <apex:outputPanel layout="block">
        <apex:image url="{!imageUrl}"/>
      <apex:outputPanel layout="block">


On load by default, commandlink1 is clicked and related content is showed on right side.

When i clicked on left side command link, then right side content is converting as like below:

   <apex:commandLink style="text-decoration:none" action="{!showPopup}" >  

      <apex:outputPanel layout="block">
        <apex:image url="{!imageUrl}"/>
      <apex:outputPanel layout="block">

and resulting no commandlink to click.


Could anyone help me with this.





I am trying to post the SAML Assertion with HttpRequest from apex:page.But i am getting the following error when PageReference is given to www.google.com.


Error: This account cannot be accessed because we could not parse the login request.

But  redirecting to yahoo when PageReference is www.yahoo.com.


Can anyone please help me on how to post SAML Assertion and the reason why it is not redirecting to google.


Thanks in advance.




I am trying to post the SAML Assertion with HttpRequest from apex:page.But i am getting the following error when PageReference is given to www.google.com.


Error: This account cannot be accessed because we could not parse the login request.

But  redirecting to yahoo when PageReference is www.yahoo.com.


Can anyone please help me on how to post SAML Assertion and the reason why it is not redirecting to google.


Thanks in advance.



Hi All,


Could any one please help me with the following:


I have a page with a select list having 3 options and inputText.


         <apex:outputLabel >Type:</apex:outputLabel>

         <apex:selectList value="{!type}" size="1">
                 <apex:selectOptions value="{!selectTypeOptions}"/>

         <apex:outputLabel >Name:</apex:outputLabel>

         <apex:inputText value="{!name}">


Upon changing the option in the selectList, have to change value in the inputText.

Please help with this.







I have a checkbox with <apex:actionSupport>. onclick on the checkbox should expand and display the content the outputPanel.

The below code is working fine.But there is a delay in Onclick expansion.


<apex:panelGrid id="provSettings">
                        <apex:outputPanel >
                            <apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!showProvisionGrid}" immediate="true"   

                            <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!showProvision}" id="provisionChkBox" />                               
                            <apex:outputLabel value="Set Up Provisioning" style="font-size:19px"/>
                        <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showProvision}" >.


Can anyone please help me on this.


Thanks in advance.




Can anyone please help me on how to write Test Method in apex class in which I am calling the REST Service.


When the corresponding service is called from the testMethod, the code below the service call is not complied i.e the code is appearing in blue color upto

"JSONObject resp = this.getJSONObject('http://localhost:8080/service/testService.json', 'GET');   "

and the rest of the code is in red color.


Please help me on this.


Thanks in advance.



I have a requirment to get the Users list who have installed My Package.


So, Is there any Api to get the User Details who have installed my uploaded package .


Any one can please help on this.


Thanks in advance..



Can we invoke a REST service after completing the custom package installation?


Or Is it possible to invoke a REST Service from any of the package installer screens.


My requirement is ton call a method from REST service by default after installing my application package.


Any one please help on this.


Thanks in advance.



Hi All,


Could you please let me know how can we call a webservice method while installing the package.





The following are the few doubts I have regarding the App Installer pages in Salesforce.


1. Is it possible to invoke Rest API when Installing an App i.e when an App is uploaded and if a User is installing, is it possible to call Rest Api in middle of the App Installer Screens...?


2.  Can we customise the App Installer Screens? i.e when an App is installed all the installation pages are the standard Salesforce pages. Instead of the Salesforce pages, is it possible to have custom pages for an App Installtion...?


Can anyone please reply for the above.




I want to have "Help for this Page" link in my custom page.On click "Help for this Page" opens a windows with another custom page.

For this I have created a custom object with "Context-Sensitive Help Setting" as "Open a window using a Visualforce page." and gave my Visualforce page. The following is my Custom Object Details.

Object Name :: CustomHelp
API Name     :: CustomHelp__c

Now i want to use this Custom Object in my visualforce page and below is my <apex:page> code.But showing an error as

 " Error: Invalid field CustomHelp for SObject CustomHelp__c "

<apex:page standardController="CustomHelp__c">
        <apex:outputText value="{!CustomHelp__c.CustomHelp}"/> -->


Can anyone please help me in how to use custom object in <apex:page>.



Hi All,


Please help me with the below:

In java, we can get the text values from the properties file.

In the same way, is there any way of getting values from the properties file and print those values

using <apex:outputLabel> instead of hardcoding the text in the apex page ?



Hi All,


I need to show an image as tooltip when user hover the option in the selectCheckboxes.


Could you please any one help on this.




Hi All,


I have to develop a page with multi image selection in visual force.

Its just like below:

<apex:selectList value="{!countries}" multiselect="true">

  <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/>



How can we use options as images here..?

And is there any way displaying options in multiple columns instead of single column only?





If the screen resolution is changed or zoomed in, then the allignment in the "Page Editor" is changing.


Can any one please help me on how to make the page content constant even if the system resolution is changed in "Page Editor"?







I have Left side panel,Carousel view and List view in the home page. By default Left Side Panel,Carousel view is visible. On top of the page i have both Carousel and List view Images.  On click the "List view Image" the List view is visible.

To the left of the home page, beside Left side Panel,one Image is present.On click  that Image, Carousel/List view  table width have to be changed.

I have  both the Carousel and List view pages as <apex:pageInclude> in the Home Page and  wrote the javascript in home page.


Can anyone plz help me on how to change the table width for page in  <apex:pageInclude>.


Hi All,


When i click on apex:commanLink, displaying a popup window but taking too much time to show.


Is there any way to reduce time to display ?






I have created a template under "Personal Email Template" for sending email.



Im using the below code to send an email but showing an error

"SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Missing target address (target, to, cc, bcc): []  "


Controller :

private final Contact con;   

public testemail(ApexPages.StandardController controller){

        this.con=(Contact)controller.getRecord();    }       

public void SendEmail(){           

 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();                      


//Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();       










can any one please help me on how to fetch the email template id to set in "mail.setTemplateId( );". 











I need to download an image using apex code when click on 'Download' link.

For this below is the code

<apex:page controller="TestController">
<apex:form >
<apex:commandLink action="/apex/DownloadImage"
style="font-size:15px;color:#0066CC;text-decoration:none;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" >
Download Image

 and in the 'DownloadImage'  <apex:page controller="TestController" contentType="I/MIME#image.png"> also tried with the contentType="image/png#image.png". With these content types able to download 'image.png' but the content in the file is not in '.png' format.


I am able to download a '.crt' file with the contentType="S/MIME#certificate.crt" and it is working fine.


Can anyone please help me on downloading an image using apex code.


Thanks in advance.



I wolud like to send an email with attachment from a visual force page. I am able to send an email by manually selecting the attachment from the local system.


My requirement is to automatically have the document attached and then send the email.


Could any one guide me on how to do this.


Thanks in advance.

Hi All,


How can we Download String variable defined in controller as text file using visualforce ?


Could anyone help me with this.






I have a checkbox with <apex:actionSupport>. onclick on the checkbox should expand and display the content the outputPanel.

The below code is working fine.But there is a delay in Onclick expansion.


<apex:panelGrid id="provSettings">
                        <apex:outputPanel >
                            <apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!showProvisionGrid}" immediate="true"   

                            <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!showProvision}" id="provisionChkBox" />                               
                            <apex:outputLabel value="Set Up Provisioning" style="font-size:19px"/>
                        <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showProvision}" >.


Can anyone please help me on this.


Thanks in advance.


<apex:pageblockTable id="JobList1" value="{!searchResultsRows}" var="src" >
             <apex:repeat value="{!src.searchRow}" var="row">   
            <apex:column >
               <apex:facet name="header"><apex:outputLabel value="{!row.label}" /></apex:facet>
                <apex:outputText value="{!row.columnValue}"/>




The header value is not getting populated can anyone please help me on that ....


I want to have "Help for this Page" link in my custom page.On click "Help for this Page" opens a windows with another custom page.

For this I have created a custom object with "Context-Sensitive Help Setting" as "Open a window using a Visualforce page." and gave my Visualforce page. The following is my Custom Object Details.

Object Name :: CustomHelp
API Name     :: CustomHelp__c

Now i want to use this Custom Object in my visualforce page and below is my <apex:page> code.But showing an error as

 " Error: Invalid field CustomHelp for SObject CustomHelp__c "

<apex:page standardController="CustomHelp__c">
        <apex:outputText value="{!CustomHelp__c.CustomHelp}"/> -->


Can anyone please help me in how to use custom object in <apex:page>.



Hi All,


Please help me with the below:

In java, we can get the text values from the properties file.

In the same way, is there any way of getting values from the properties file and print those values

using <apex:outputLabel> instead of hardcoding the text in the apex page ?



Hi All,


I need to show an image as tooltip when user hover the option in the selectCheckboxes.


Could you please any one help on this.




Hi All,


When i click on apex:commanLink, displaying a popup window but taking too much time to show.


Is there any way to reduce time to display ?




I want to diplay some text in the page which I don't want to hardcode or type in the page rather using some properties file for this. Can I used static resource file for this. If yes how can I? I did not get any reference from the pdfs.



  • October 22, 2010
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