• Jonathan.Adams
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I need to replicate the WORKDAY function that Excel offers in Salesforce, if possible. Here is my dilemma -- I need to be able to input a target end date, call it Date X. I'm going to have another field where the user will input the lead time in days. I need this formula to calculate backwards on when certain milestones must be complete to hit Date X. This formula must only take into account working days (exclude Saturday & Sunday). Has anyone been able to figure this out in SF. 


Here is a link to the help topic on the WORKDAY function that Excel offers. I need to replicate this: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/workday-function-HP010343038.aspx


Thank you in advance for your assistance. 

Any advice on using a formula that calculates a targeted end date for a project based on lead time using only work days? For example, if a lead time were 20 business working days and the start date was 8/29/11, I wouldn't want it to calculate the due date to be 9/18/11 (as it does in my current formula). Instead, I'd want it to take into account the Saturday/Sundays in between. There is no "workday" formula that I know of like Excel has, and I do not consider myself an expert in Salesforce Syntax.


Current Formula:Estimated Complete Date (Date) = CloseDate + Lead_Time__c Any advice? I've seen similar questions that have asked for functions using work days, but couldn't find one as direct as this.




  • September 08, 2011
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Hy Guys,


I've a workflow rule with a field update as action.

My new field value shall be: Today() - 3 Business days.

How can I calculate that only Business days are subtracted?

Can anybody help me?


Thanks and best regards,


Message Edited by Freddy99 on 02-23-2010 12:21 AM