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I have a doubt about customerportal link (or) partnerportal link if  every one knows please send me that link its very useful for me

what language does salesforce support?

Hi All,


Is it possible to change what fields appear in the Case Object when you Hover over the Account Name field?



  • July 20, 2012
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i have to create one date field and then i have to calculate the age from the date of datefield to today which rule can i have to apply please inform to me

Hello Guys,


Is there a way to remove the compulsory field Account name in Contact so that contact can be saved without relating it to an Account.

Please guys any workaround this?






Account in Contact

1) What is a Developer Console? 2) And its Purpose?

 I am looking forward to integrate a virtual phone system within salesforce, which should be able to embed click-to-dial into salesforce. Does anyone have an idea on how to implement it?

Display PageMessage in the VF page ..with out using class is possible or not?

  If possible pls send reply..

  • July 19, 2012
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How to add a Vf page to a profile?
Can anybody help me solve this problem.


Can you tell me how can I remove record Type that I created ......?

When I deactivate that recordType an error is fired...

This record type ReleasedType cannot be deactivated because the following profiles use this record type as default.

profile 's are...

System Administrator

StandardPlatform User

Custom: MarketingProfile

Custom: Sales Profile

Custom: Support Profile

Force.com - Free User

Gold Partner User

Standard User

Read Only

Solution Manager

Marketing User

Contract Manager


Silver Partner User


Please help me as soon as possible..






when there are many dml statements and if the error or exception occoured , how could we catch that particular exception and show to the user.


Any code snippet or suggestion is a lot appricated.

Field Name: Date Sent 
API name: Date_Sent__c

Field Name: TAT
API name: TAT__c

Objective - Automatically add 15 days to "TAT" field from input made in the "Date Sent" field. 


"TAT" field, will be a read only field but "Date Sent"will be a "Date" Data Type.


Need a VR that will add 15 days from date input to be made from the "Date Sent" field and autopopulate the "TAT" field.


Please see screenshot for example: http://cl.ly/I9Ei


Thank you!









I am trying to figure out how to make a related list mandatory on a custom object.  In other words my custom object shipping requests must have at least 1 shipping item which is my related list.


All assistance is appreciated.


Thanks Kindly



can we use territory managaement for custom objects it is given in pdf that 


Territory management only affects accounts and the standard objects that have a master-detail relationship to accounts. For example, opportunities are included in territory management but leads are not.






I'd like to call a script function with the checkbox and the ID of the current record as parameters in a pageBlockTable in an inputCheckBox's onchange event.


If I use 'normal' parameters, my function is getting called, but if I fill in '{!con.Id}' as second parameter, a SUBMIT call is generated and my function is not called.


Next thing I'd like to know is how I can write back the changed checkbox value to the db. I guees I have to write a supporting save() function in my controller extension.


Can someone help me?


Here's an excerpt from my code:


function rerenderMap(cb, id)
// ... do something with cb.checked on record with id

<apex:pageBlock title="Kontakte" id="table">
  <apex:form >
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!account.Contacts}" var="con">
       <apex:column value="{!con.Name}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!con.MailingStreet}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!con.MailingCity}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!con.Phone}"/>
       <apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.contact.fields.Visit_planned__c.label}">
         <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!con.Visit_planned__c}" onchange="rerenderMap(this, '{!con.Id}')">
           <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="table"/>







 I have the following  class for which i have written the test class

public with sharing class DonorRegisterController {
    public DonorRegisterController () {
    public String firstname {get; set;}
    public String LastName {get; set;}
    public String Company {get; set;}
    public String email {get; set;}
    public String address{get; set;}
       public String Status {get; set;}
    public String country{get; set;}
    public String mobilephone{get; set;}
    public String phone{get; set;}
    public String website{get; set;}
    public String fax{get; set;}
    public void registerUser() {

        Lead l = new Lead();
        l.firstname = firstname;
        l.LastName= lastname;
        l.Company= Company;
        l.Email = email;
          l.country= country;
                 l.Status = Status ;

        insert l;
        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Registered Succesfully !'));


the test class for the above class is

static testmethod void DonorRegisterController()

    DonorRegisterController registerdate = new DonorRegisterController();
       Lead l1 = new Lead();
      l1.firstname = 'test';
       l1.LastName = 'data';
        l1.Company = 'msat';
        l1.Email = 'abc@abc.com';
        l1.company = 'Msat';
        l1.Status ='qualified';
      l1.country ='usa';
        insert l1;
         Lead l2 = new Lead();
      l2.firstname = 'test';
       l2.LastName = 'dates';
        l2.Company = 'Msat';
        l2.Email = 'abc@abc.com';
        l2.Status ='qualified';
       l2.country ='india';
        insert l2 ;
i have a validation rule on lead making that the coutnry field under lead should be mandatory, but when i fire the test classs it throws an exception that country is missing which i have called,can anyone help me with this case

How to use Approval History object in visualforce page. And also what are the API Names of Approval Request and Satus field API Name. Give the feedback as soon as possible./






Thanks & Regards


Hi Friends,

           I have a requirement When I m selecting a single checkbox I m able to call a method in controller through actionSupport.
           when I am selecting a selectAll checkbox all checkboxes are selecting,
           but the actionsupport inside the checkbox is not calling the method,selctall functionality which I m aciving by javascript.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  • July 23, 2012
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how can i create customer portal is there any link for this im new to salesforce please let me inform with diagram for this 



I have a doubt about customerportal link (or) partnerportal link if  every one knows please send me that link its very useful for me

what language does salesforce support?

Hi All,


Is it possible to change what fields appear in the Case Object when you Hover over the Account Name field?



  • July 20, 2012
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What is the major difference between SOQL and SOSL?

I want to know how to use apex data loader to insert data for the objects which have lookup relationship with other objects.I mean what data I put for these fields in csv file.

What features are supported by Salesforce in developer mode?

Hi all,


 I have created customer portal, here by default username is taken as mail address. Is there any way to change the username as ordinary name instead of mail id.


Thanks in advance.


I am a newbie and I find the code coverage very difficult, if anyone can help me, would be grateful, 


This is the class.



global class ScheduledProducts implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){

Datetime fivedays = DateTime.now().addDays(-5);

List<Products__c> lastDays=
[SELECT Is_Approved__c, CreatedDate FROM Products__c
WHERE CreatedDate <: fivedays AND Is_Approved__c = false];

for(Products__c a : lastDays){
if(a.Is_Approved__c == false) {
a.Is_Approved__c = true;


Thanks in advance!

Hi... I have a  list of Parent IDs on an excel file. It's about 200K Parent IDs. Is it possible to pass that Parent IDs into the ApexDataLoader so I can export the child records?





I have created two field sets, one is created on standard object, the other one is created on a custom object. So far, I can display them on visualforce separately when I use standard controller. 


But I try to display them on the same Visualforce.  I have an apex class to display fieldset when I use custom controller.


So, does anyone have experineces about this?


Thank you !