• Randy Davis
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i am attempting to delete all records in my org.  i have deleted all records that are associated with Accounts - and am now deleting Accounts.  There is a single Account that i am unable to delete - i'm getting the following message - even when i just try to delete the individual record via the interface:

Delete Operation Too Large
You can’t delete more than 100,000 combined objects and child records at the same time. Select fewer records to delete. If you're trying to delete one object that has more than 100,000 child records, delete an appropriate number of child records before deleting the object.

Until recently this account did have thousands of associated records, but now it has none.  It's as if the system is still seeing those records on the back-end - even though they've been deleted and aren't visible in the front-end.

Has anyone seen this?  (note that i emptied the recycle bin...i checked Storage Usage to confirm that all other records have been deleted...)
