• mswaleh
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Hi All,


I would like to be able to call the SF Metadata API from Apex code in my custom app.


I went to Setup/App Setup/Develop/API and clicked on 'Download Metadata WSDL' and saved it to my hard drive.


Then I went to Setup/App Setup/Develop/ApexClasses and clicked on the 'Generate from WSDL' button. For Step 1, I navigate to the Metadata WSDL that I just saved and click 'Parse WSDL.' This takes me to the Step 2 screen where I then click on the 'Generate Apex code' button.


This takes me to the Step 3 screen which shows this error:



Apex generation failed.

Error message:
Error: Class name 'Metadata' already in use. Please edit WSDL to remove repeated names




Does this error mean that what I am attempting to do is not allowed? If it is allowed, how do I get around this error.


Any help would be appreciated.


