• Pohukai
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I was able to easily import the WSDL into Delpi XE and make a SOAP connection to Saleforce.  However, according to documentation, doing anything with the connection requires the serverURL to used as the END_POINT, including the Logout.  How is this done?   There are no methods/propererites available to do this in the code generated in the WSDL import.


I aways get the "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: Destination URL not reset.  The URL returned from login must be set in the SforceService.


Any ideas?  and doing this in JAVA is not an option.



// Create service object
SalesForce := GetSoap;
// Invoke the login call and save results in LoginResult
lr := SalesForce.login(cUserName, cPassword + cSecurityToken);
memo.Lines.Add( 'serverurl: ' + lr.serverUrl);
memo.Lines.Add( 'sessionid: ' + lr.sessionId);
//Somehow, the "endPoint" / lr.serverurl needs to updated in the SalesForce object for any more calls can be made...but how? No "endpoint" methods
//or properties exist in the unit that was created when the WSDL was imported.



I'm able to successfully upload data as an attachment to salesforce.  These are all jpg images.  However, if I do not provide the 'ContentType', when viewing the attachment in a browser, I see the base64 encoded data.  If I use the 'image/jpg' tag, the image is broken and nothing displayed.


To confirm the base64 encoded data is valid, I copy that out of the brower and go to an independent decoder website and it creates the jpg correctly.


What am I not setting in the SOAP?


This is Delphi.





TheAttachment := Attachment.Create;
TheAttachment.ParentId := aCaseID; //required
TheAttachment.ContentType := 'image/jpg';
TheAttachment.IsPrivate := False;
FileData := ArrOfByte(aDataStream.GetAsString); //aDataStream is already base64 encoded.
TheAttachment.Body := FileData;
TheAttachment.Description := aName;
TheAttachment.Name_ := aName; //required
AttachmentArray[0] := TheAttachment;
cr := fBinding.create( AttachmentArray );
if not cr[0].success then
  ShowMessage(aName + ' not saved to SalesForce CaseID: ' + aCaseID);