• Nashal
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Hi Community


I tied using pagenation using the following example


from the above blog but i did not make it working.


If some one have code with example please share with me.


Thanks in advance.

Is there any way to remove the Hyperlinks on a pdf page?

This is my code and all i want to do is remove the Hyperlinks on the outputfield value

Thanks in advance

<apex:pageblock >
<apex:repeat value="{!ExpOth}" var="experience" id="RepExp" rendered="{!IF(CONTAINS('skill','Client'), false, true)}">
<apex:repeat value="{!experience.Skills_Techical__r}" var="skillexperience" id="RepSkillExp" rendered="{!IF(CONTAINS('skill','Client'), false, true)}">

<apex:outputfield value="{!skillexperience.Position_name__c}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
- &nbsp; <apex:outputfield value="{!skillexperience.Skill_Area_name__c}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>




Hi All,


I have some issues in the package.

1. I am not able to install the package in any organization.

2. I am not getting a detailed  error message when the installation fails.
The reason for this failure is the inclusion of permission sets in the package.


Is this a known issue in Summer'12?


Is anyone facing the same issue?


Whats the solution to resolve the problem?






Hi All,


I have some issues in the package.

1. I am not able to install the package in any organization.

2. I am not getting a detailed  error message when the installation fails.
The reason for this failure is the inclusion of permission sets in the package.


Is this a known issue in Summer'12?


Is anyone facing the same issue?


Whats the solution to resolve the problem?








I have this vf page 


<apex:page standardController="OpportunityLineItem" >

<apex:form >
<Font Size="2"><p align="left">

<apex:outputLabel value="You are not allowed to Edit/Delete Opportunity Product."></apex:outputLabel>
<apex:outputLink value="/{!OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId}" target="_parent"> <Font color="red" >Click here </Font></apex:outputLink>

<apex:outputLabel value="to go back to the Opportunity screen."></apex:outputLabel>





if certain conditions are met then the page should be redirected to the above page. the page is redirecting but iam unable to display the message given in the vf page




Hi Community


I tied using pagenation using the following example


from the above blog but i did not make it working.


If some one have code with example please share with me.


Thanks in advance.

Is there any way to remove the Hyperlinks on a pdf page?

This is my code and all i want to do is remove the Hyperlinks on the outputfield value

Thanks in advance

<apex:pageblock >
<apex:repeat value="{!ExpOth}" var="experience" id="RepExp" rendered="{!IF(CONTAINS('skill','Client'), false, true)}">
<apex:repeat value="{!experience.Skills_Techical__r}" var="skillexperience" id="RepSkillExp" rendered="{!IF(CONTAINS('skill','Client'), false, true)}">

<apex:outputfield value="{!skillexperience.Position_name__c}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
- &nbsp; <apex:outputfield value="{!skillexperience.Skill_Area_name__c}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>






Is it possible to make a SOSL query to retrieve more than 200 records? How can I make a paging to retrieve the records in small batched using SOSL?


Thank you.


Hi ,

I have badly stuck with the problem , I am getting User Image Url "https://c.cs12.content.force.com/profilephoto/005/T" but if image in not added to User Image a blank photo show but if I added photo the User Image and rendering the VF page on force.com site , The Image not showing its showing just like a burst images !

Can I finish the Recruiting App in Developer Edition?

Suggest any other edition by which I can complete the Application.

Thanks in advance.


Dear all,


What I try to achieve is to have a visualforce page where a single field (Bid_Costs_Forecast_YE__c) can be updated for a number of records in a single step instead of going into each record individually.


The records in the VF page should be filtered and sorted by certain criteria .


Therefore I put in an extension. 

However, when I update the information in the VF page and click 'Save' the updates are not saved.

Any help on how the extension needs to be modified is highly appreciated.


Many thanks! 


<apex:page standardController="Project__c" recordSetVar="Projects__c" tabstyle="Project__c" sidebar="false" extensions="BidCostAmericasExt">
    <apex:form >  
        <apex:pageBlock title="Bid Costs Americas" >
        <apex:pageblockButtons >
           <apex:commandButton style=" height:25px; margin-left:400px; font-size:14px" action="{!quickSave}" value="Save" />
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!SYSProjects}" var="opp">          
                <apex:column headerValue="Project" > 
                     <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/{!opp.id}">{!opp.Name}</apex:outputLink>             
                <apex:column headerValue="Priority" width="150px"> 
                    <apex:outputField value="{!opp.Priority__c}" />        
                <apex:column headerValue="Actuals YTD" width="80px">
                    <apex:outputField value="{!opp.Bid_Costs_Actuals_YTD__c}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="Budget YE" width="80px">
                    <apex:outputField value="{!opp.Bid_Costs_Budget_YE__c}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="Forecast YE" width="80px">
                    <apex:inputField style="width:80px" value="{!opp.Bid_Costs_Forecast_YE__c}" />


public class BidCostAmericasExt {

    public BidCostAmericasExt(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {


    Project__c proj;
    public BidCostAmericasExt (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        proj = (Project__c) controller.getRecord();            
    public List<Project__c> getSYSProjects() {
        return [select name, Priority__c, Bid_Manager__c, Bid_Costs_Actuals_CTD_PY__c, Bid_Costs_Actuals_YTD__c, Bid_Costs_Budget_YE__c, Bid_Costs_Forecast_YE__c,  Comment_Bid_Costs__c from Project__c where Business_Unit__c = 'Americas' order by Bid_Costs_Forecast_YE__c];    




Hi All,


I have a custom object  Aggregator.Values for Aggregator company x,company y,company z...etc


My problem:

when user logged in have show specific to company x .


I create a custom profile.But it is accessing on Aggregator object not on values of Aggregator.


How to solve my problem.