• Kalyani.S
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Hi , I'm very new to SSO implementation can anyone help me in finding solution for the below listed question. 1)Can I support Multiple Federated IDP for customer portal users? If yes, then what certificates are required in the SAML enabled window on Salesforce? i. Seems that the answer is Yes. But no one is confirming this. Especially the question around certificates to be uploaded in SAML configuration window in salesforce. 2)Can I support SAML and non-SAML (non-SSO) enabled users together for my customer portal? Seems the answer is Yes with the assumption that if a user does not have the federated-Id text box filled in then he is a normal user else he is a SSO user with that federated id. But we don’t read any documentation on this. 3)Any tools in the market which do automatic user provisioning for SSO SAML users? (I.e. I get a valid SAML assertion from an IDP but the user is a new user i.e. not configured in Salesforce yet. Then can I setup something which will automatically create that portal user in salesforce?). 4)When an SSO user is marked Inactive then how do I stop a user from logging into the portal? i. Again seems an obvious thing. But we need confirmation for a SAML request (especially IDP initiated).