• cherrysblue
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I want to create a trigger for a customer object and opportunity we are sharing with another organization . I want to add a triger to the object and opportunity so whenever a new record insert, it can be automatically shared with another organizaion. 


Here is the code I wrote, I am not familiar with the code . so .........


trigger EDCSharing on Incentive__c (after insert) {

List<PartnerNetworkConnection)> connMap = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[select Id, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName from PartnerNetworkConnection
where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']
for(PartnerNetworkConnection network : connMap) {
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newrecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();

newrecord.ConnectionId = network.Id;
newrecord.LocalRecordId = accountId;
newrecord.RelatedRecords = 'Incentive__c';
newrecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newrecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newrecord.SendEmails = true;

insert newrecord;



And there is a error message said : there is unexpected token " list" 

I want to create a trigger for a customer object and opportunity we are sharing with another organization . I want to add a triger to the object and opportunity so whenever a new record insert, it can be automatically shared with another organizaion. 


Here is the code I wrote, I am not familiar with the code . so .........


trigger EDCSharing on Incentive__c (after insert) {

List<PartnerNetworkConnection)> connMap = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[select Id, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName from PartnerNetworkConnection
where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']
for(PartnerNetworkConnection network : connMap) {
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newrecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();

newrecord.ConnectionId = network.Id;
newrecord.LocalRecordId = accountId;
newrecord.RelatedRecords = 'Incentive__c';
newrecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newrecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newrecord.SendEmails = true;

insert newrecord;



And there is a error message said : there is unexpected token " list" 

Is there a way to display how many characters the user has left like it does on a detail page. The issue I am running into is that when I try to save the data I put into the field the page tells me that I am over the character count. However I don't know by how much. So I am forced to guess. Thanks. 

I need to isolate a group of contacts and send them an email. Essentially, I need a SOQL statement along the lines of: select email from Contact
where ID in (select instructor_name__c.id from Opportunity where stage='Active' and Location__c='Arlington')

Or something to that effect. Then, I would create a list and send an email to that group. Could I accomplish this with an Apex class and a javascript button? Or does it have to be a Visualforce button? Is there a better way (maybe this is something Conga Composer can do?) I just want to make sure I'm on the right track.

Relatedly, what if I just want to generate a report of all contacts meeting the criteria of my SOQL statement? Is there some way to just display the list? Thanks.



We can assign an error to a field, but is it possible to show the error on the top of the page using Apex code ?


Please Help

Thank You

  • April 12, 2010
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I have a sandbox on a production system that I've been able to successfully use with the Apex Data Loader and the Eclipse Force IDE for several months.


Today, I can no longer login to my sandbox account with either tool.  I reset my security token, but I still cannot login.  I am able to login to the production system without problems with these tools.  I can also login to the sandbox from the Browser without problems.


Please help!

