• John L.ax1429
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I need to roll up from the contract related list on accounts the two fields Mth_Support_Hours__c and Yearly_Support_Hours__c based on the active status of the contract  Status = Activated ,  The account fields that they need to roll up to are Current_Total_Contract_Support_Hours__c  and Current_Monthly_Support_Contract_Hours__c .  If you can help me with this I would appriciate this as I do not know how to develop this code.


Can someone develop a new button or show me how to do this.  I am trying to create a custom button on cases to click if they want to accept the case.  Which would only change the ownership and status of the case from new to working.  If anyone can assist me with this I would be very appreciated.  Thank you for the help in advance.




I need help with trying to sum two fields that are on the case record that are called support hours and customer hours to be visiable on the account record?  I do not know how to develope the code required to do this and I am asking if someone can help me or develope this code.  Please let me know if anyone can help me.  Thank you for your time in this matter.





When i  deployed my trigger from sanbox to production , the deployement is failed , i  found that  at least 1% code coverage should need to have in order to deploy...but this trigger have 0% code coverage?  what should i do? hw to increses code coverage for this trigger?




trigger UpdateEventRating on Event (before insert, before update) {
for(Event E : Trigger.new){
if(E.Rating__c=='-Excellent Meeting (committed to business within 3 weeks)'){
if(E.Rating__c=='-Good Meeting (Resulted in client meeting agreed to/set or booked a seminar)'){
if(E.Rating__c=='-Productive Meeting (Client specific illustration requested or next meeting scheduled)'){
if(E.Rating__c=='-Average Meeting (Agreed to continued discussions, no client specific activity)'){
if(E.Rating__c=='-Poor Meeting (No potential for future business, no further activity needed)'){

I need to roll up from the contract related list on accounts the two fields Mth_Support_Hours__c and Yearly_Support_Hours__c based on the active status of the contract  Status = Activated ,  The account fields that they need to roll up to are Current_Total_Contract_Support_Hours__c  and Current_Monthly_Support_Contract_Hours__c .  If you can help me with this I would appriciate this as I do not know how to develop this code.


Can someone develop a new button or show me how to do this.  I am trying to create a custom button on cases to click if they want to accept the case.  Which would only change the ownership and status of the case from new to working.  If anyone can assist me with this I would be very appreciated.  Thank you for the help in advance.




I need help with trying to sum two fields that are on the case record that are called support hours and customer hours to be visiable on the account record?  I do not know how to develope the code required to do this and I am asking if someone can help me or develope this code.  Please let me know if anyone can help me.  Thank you for your time in this matter.






        I've downloaded 2 apps recently.Birthday Reminder and Birthday e-mailer.It's getting installed sucessfully , but after getting installed I don't know where to launch this app from.How to start this app??? Plz help me with it!!!!
