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I need a developer to create a visual page.

The developer is external to the organization.

I want to limit access to specific data.

I can't find the right combination of settings.

Please advice
Hello we are a non profit 501c3 using salesforce
We use salesforce also to track text books and recipients.
We generate a profile for each textbook and a profile for each recipient.
We check-out text books to recipients.
Barcode Zone generates barcodes for each record (textbooks and recipients).
I would like the ability to merge and print all the labels (Barcodes) so we place the labels on the books.
This will add the functionality to scan books in or out of a recipient profile.
Currently Barcode Zone was able to add a print label button that print one label.
<apex:page standardController="Book_Bank_Inventory__c" renderAs="pdf">
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!Book_Bank_Inventory__c.Name}"
Alternatively on the visual page code we could manually add multiple values.
  <apex:page standardController="Book_Bank_Inventory__c" renderAs="pdf">
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
  rendered="true" /> 
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
  rendered="true" /> 
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
We will have 2800 textbooks and the above solutions will not work.
Will you be able to help?
THANK YOU                

Hello we are a non profit 501c3 using salesforce
We use salesforce also to track text books and recipients.
We generate a profile for each textbook and a profile for each recipient.
We check-out text books to recipients.
Barcode Zone generates barcodes for each record (textbooks and recipients).
I would like the ability to merge and print all the labels (Barcodes) so we place the labels on the books.
This will add the functionality to scan books in or out of a recipient profile.
Currently Barcode Zone was able to add a print label button that print one label.
<apex:page standardController="Book_Bank_Inventory__c" renderAs="pdf">
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!Book_Bank_Inventory__c.Name}"
Alternatively on the visual page code we could manually add multiple values.
  <apex:page standardController="Book_Bank_Inventory__c" renderAs="pdf">
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
  rendered="true" /> 
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
  rendered="true" /> 
  <BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZone Value="{!'99199-082012-P2-12'}"
We will have 2800 textbooks and the above solutions will not work.
Will you be able to help?