• Shailesh Patil
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Guys - Can you help me out. I have a custom object CC Card. I need to update a picklist value field on this object depending on the task logged under this CC Card object. My requirement are:-


Trigger should fire only when task gets closed.

If task subject contains "Kick-Off" and is being closed, it should update the picklist field, say stage as Kick-Off .


I am new to triggers, see if you experts can help me out. Here is my try at it.


trigger TestVishal on Task (before update) {

//Preparting CCCards to Update
public list<CC_Card__c> CardsToUpdate = new List<CC_Card__c>();
public set<Id> CCCardIDs = new Set<Id>();


 for(Task t : Trigger.new)
               if(string.valueOf(t.WhoId).startsWith('a0P') && t.IsClosed == True)
  for(CC_Card__c c : [Select c.Id, c.stage__c,(Select Id, Ownerid From Tasks where IsClosed = True AND subject like '%Kick-Off%')From CC_Card__c c where Id in :CCCardIDs])
             CardsToUpdate.add(new CC_Card__c(Id=c.Id, stage__c = 'Kick-Off'));                
        update CardsToUpdate;                     


It's not giving me any error message when I save it but it's not working either :(

Hello guys,


I need your help.


I am using some API to get the exchange rates using javascript and I am successful in that.


Now, I want these rates should be passed to the Save method defined in the controller.


To clarify, my JS function is :

function newnee(){
		dollar1 = fx.convert(1, {from: 'USD', to: 'EUR'});

 As you can see, I have set the value of dollar1. Here is my save in VF :

<apex:commandButton action="{!NewSave}" value="Save" onclick="newnee();"/>

 Here is the Save in my controller :

 public Pagereference NewSave()
         //.......Some code and then insert ......//
            insert objInv ;
            PageReference acctPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(objInv).view();
            return acctPage;


I have tried Actionfunction as well as inputhidden. But seems I am missing something.


What would be the best way to pass the values to the Save function(Custom)?


Can someone help me?




How to create a not allowed list in “Custom Settings” and add values are exe, vbs, dll, bat  ( We can add more later). Implement a filter to restrict file upload types in Saleforce environment by fetching values from custom setting.

Guys - Can you help me out. I have a custom object CC Card. I need to update a picklist value field on this object depending on the task logged under this CC Card object. My requirement are:-


Trigger should fire only when task gets closed.

If task subject contains "Kick-Off" and is being closed, it should update the picklist field, say stage as Kick-Off .


I am new to triggers, see if you experts can help me out. Here is my try at it.


trigger TestVishal on Task (before update) {

//Preparting CCCards to Update
public list<CC_Card__c> CardsToUpdate = new List<CC_Card__c>();
public set<Id> CCCardIDs = new Set<Id>();


 for(Task t : Trigger.new)
               if(string.valueOf(t.WhoId).startsWith('a0P') && t.IsClosed == True)
  for(CC_Card__c c : [Select c.Id, c.stage__c,(Select Id, Ownerid From Tasks where IsClosed = True AND subject like '%Kick-Off%')From CC_Card__c c where Id in :CCCardIDs])
             CardsToUpdate.add(new CC_Card__c(Id=c.Id, stage__c = 'Kick-Off'));                
        update CardsToUpdate;                     


It's not giving me any error message when I save it but it's not working either :(