• narender.gupta01
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I'm trying to create a folder programmatically, but it's showing a save Error: DML not allowed on Folder.


I read somewhere that you can "create a folder in SFDC via setup". (http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Creating-folders-using-apex/m-p/383265#M68616)


I couldn't find any help / documentation on that. Please help me on how can I do that. Any pointers / code will be highly appreciated.






I'm calling into a 3rd party API from Salesforce using the APEX WSDL wrapper. That 3rd party API provides access to pdf documents as blobs. I'm able to use APEX to access those PDFs and send them on as e-mail messages (using Messaging.SingleEmailMessage and Messaging.EmailFileAttachment) from salesforce. Works great.


However, I would like to also render that PDF in a VisualForce page (it can either render in the page or provide a popup asking the user if they want to save or open the PDF). I see lots of info on how to render existing Salesforce content in PDF but nothing about how you could do this if you already have the PDF in a blob lets say.


I would think it would be something like:


<apex:page contenttype="application/pdf">

<apex:outputText value="{!PDFBlob}" id="thePDFBlob"/>



(where i can provide the blob in the controller) but outputText is not the correct component.)


Anyone have any ideas?


