• Jeff May
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Guys please help me here.


I have 3 objects which should be non reportable. Hence I have marked them on the object level as disable reporting.

However there is still a set of users who should be able to run reports on them.

Can anyone think of a solution.



  • April 06, 2013
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I get this error when I try to save my batch apex test class:

Error: Compile Error: Final member variables can only be assigned in their declaration statement or inside a constructor at line 88 column 16


Any suggestions or help would greatly help me out!


Below is my test class:

public class Enrollment_MainProcess_TEST{
 static testMethod void testBatch(){

         /* create user */
         User salesUser =
           [SELECT Name, Lead_Rep_Number__c
            FROM User WHERE Lead_Rep_Number__c != null Limit 1];
        /* create account */  
         Account testacct1 = new Account();
         testacct1.Name = 'TestAccount4';
         testacct1.Type = 'Customer';
         insert testacct1;    
        /* create opportunity */
         Opportunity testOpp1 = new Opportunity();
         Date closedDate = date.newinstance(1950, 15, 1);
         Date EffectiveDate = date.newinstance(2050, 10, 9);            
         testOpp1.Name = 'Test Opportunity1';
         testopp1.AccountId = testacct1.Id;
         testOpp1.StageName ='Sold';
         testOpp1.CloseDate = closedDate;
         testOpp1.Effective_Date__c =  EffectiveDate;
         testOpp1.SBU__c = 'Small/Medium';
         testopp1.Market_Segment_New__c = '51-199';
         testopp1.Business_type__c = 'Renewal';
         testopp1.Division__c = '51-199 Renewals';   
         testopp1.Underwriting_Entity__c = 'MD';
         testopp1.Lead_Rep_Name_User__c = salesUser.Id;
         testOpp1.GeneralProducer__c = 'Direct';
         testOpp1.System__c = 'NASCO';    
         testOpp1.NASCO_Acct_ID__c = '12234';      
         insert testOpp1;
        /* create Product */
         Product2 testProd1 = new Product2();
         testProd1.id = '01t60000002wbRd';
         testProd1.name = 'BC Advantage';
         testProd1.IsActive = True;
         insert testProd1;
        /* create Enrollment Import */
         List <Enrollment_Import__c> EnImpts = new List<Enrollment_Import__c>();
         for(integer i = 0; i<200; i++){
         Enrollment_Import__c EnImp = new Enrollment_Import__c(
        Account_Name__c = 'TestAccount'+'i',
        Account_Number__c = '1223'+'i',             
        System__c = 'NASCO',
        Contracts__c = 50,
        Processed__c = FALSE,
        Risk__c = 'Non-Risk',
        Rpt_dt__c = '201301',
        Run_Dt__c = '02/09/2013 13:37:21',
        SFDC_Product__c = 'BC Advantage' );
      insert EnImpts;

 Enrollment_MainProcess enmp = new Enrollment_MainProcess();
88  enmp.query = 'SELECT id, Rpt_Dt__c, Run_Dt__c, Account_Name__c, Account_Number__c, SFDC_Product__c, Contracts__c, System__c, Risk__c' +
               'FROM Enrollment_Import__c' +
               'WHERE Processed__c = FALSE' +
                'LIMIT 200';
  ID batchprocessId = Database.executeBatch(enmp);






I would like to use split on a string of Array . for example , i have arrMonth[] array with strings , 'Jan','Feb','Mar' ... 'Dec'.
I wish to split arrMonth[] into 2 sub arrays by means of index position .. when i try using Splice/slice method in salesforce its throwing an error stating
"Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [LIST<String>].splice(Integer, Integer)"

Looking for Split function on string of array or any other alternative way to achieve this w/o manual declaration of 2 sub arrays
Any pointers would be great

thanks in advance

We would like to have the ability for our Sales Reps to be able to create a new case from within an opportunity screen.  That case then would be related to that opportunity only.


Salesforce allows you to see related cases once you enable the relational list for cases in the layout edit mode, but does not give you a NEW CASE button anywhere in the Opportunity screen.


Here is what I have done so far. 


Under CASES > FIELDS I created a custom relationship lookup field called RELATED OPPORTUNITY | API Name: Related_Opportunity__c.  I added the new lookup field to the case layout.  It works fine from within the case screen.  I can lookup opportunities with no problem.  Under CASES > BUTTONS AND LINKS I created a new list button called NEW CASE.


Button Details:  










&cas3_lkid={! NULLVALUE (Case.ContactId, Contact.Id )}

&cas3={! NULLVALUE (Case.Contact, Contact.Name )}


&cas11=AE - Web




When I hit the NEW CASE button within the opportunity screen, it takes me to new case creation screen like it should.  Some fields like Account Name gets updated with the correct info except for the RELATED OPPORTUNITY field.


Where am I doing wrong?  The ID of the RELATED OPPORTUNITY field is: 006M0000004yR7w


Please help.


  • April 02, 2013
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First off, I am using Professional Edition. OK, now that you're done laughing....


Second, I am attempting to create an escalation rule that states the following:


"If the owner of a case is not a queue and the Case Status is set to Open, send email to case owner stating that the case status must be set to something other than 'Open'"


Here is what I have so far for Rule Criteria:

1. Case Status EQUALS 'Open'

2. Case Owner DOES NOT CONTAIN tier,data,MSP,future,internal   (<---- These are the partial names of case queues that we have set up)


For some reason, notification emails are still being sent to the queue when the rule kicks in. It doesn't appear to be evaluating the rule properly.


What might I be doing wrong here?



I was wondering what is a Service Cloud user? And how are they different from other user and what license and profile do they have? I am asking this becuase I want to do the Apple Push notification as decribed here http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Push_Notifications_for_Salesforce_Mobile_Apps_with_Urban_Airship and was wondering what other type of user can do this.

Hi folks,


I'm trying to conditionally set the OwnerID of a record based upon who the owner of certain other records is. I have two custom objects, Procurement__c and Demo__c. Procurement__c has a lookup field for an Account and one for Opportunity. A Demo__c record is created upon creating a Procurement__c when it meets a certain criteria (picklist value), or updating a Procurement__c record if its status is changed to one of the picklist values that would have created a Demo__c upon inserting a Procurment__c. I want to set the owner of the Demo__c according to the following criteria:


If the Account recorded on the Procurement__c is not blank, make the Demo__c's owner that Account owner.

(demo.OwnerId = proc.Account__r.OwnerId;)


If it is blank, and the Opportunity recorded on the Procurement__c is not blank, use that Opportunity owner.

(demo.OwnerId = proc.Opportunity__r.OwnerId;)


If both the Opportunity and Account are blank, just use the Procurement__c owner.

(demo.OwnerId = proc.OwnerId;)


If I try that logic, I get an error message:


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Owner ID: owner cannot be blank: [OwnerId]: and then my trigger name.


Can anyone think why that might be? I've tried both before and after insert and update, and none of the permutations work. Any tips?




I'm trying to write a formula in an opportunity report that would list the quota for each sales person. So basically: If Opportunity Owner is Bridget then $1 milllion, if Opportunity Owner is Andy then $2 million, if Opportunity Owner Bill then $5 million. We don't use forcasts or other quota options native to SFDC so this is just a one time use formula in which I basically saying the report I want to list the quota for each person... Any help would greatly be appreciated!

I have written test method for Batch apex. Like the code below



    TestBatchclass job = new TestBatchclass();

    ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(job);



It covered only 27% to my respective batch. So I have created sample records also. But code covered only 27%.

Those four lines alone also covered 27%. How to proceed this.

  • March 05, 2013
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Scenario :

I need to compare the current hours to 14:00:00.



Hours(now() - 14:00:00) and

If Answer > 1 min then perform 1 set of oprn ELSE other.


Can you help me out in this as to how it can be achieved.?


Olympus is falling, need assistance.



  • March 05, 2013
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I get a message



Error: The object name you specified already exists for your organization. You must specify a unique name across custom objects and article types.



I understand there is already an existing custom object by this name.

I am logged in as system administration.and in my profile setting i cannot see this existing object,nor in my recycle idea.any idea where i should look into correct this.

  • March 04, 2013
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I am getting following exception on my configuration sandbox while trying to use sendEmail API to send single email message.

Can you please tell me why and if there is a workaround to this?

SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: NO_MASS_MAIL_PERMISSION, Single email is not enabled for your organization or profile. Single email must be enabled for you to use this feature.: []


I have the following workflow / field update and asked it to re-evaluate after running, but it seems to stop after the first time.


ISPICKVAL( Status__c , "Open" ) ,
OR (
Due_Date_Weekday__c = "Saturday" ,
Due_Date_Weekday__c = "Sunday" )

 Due_Date_Weekday__c is a formula field.  Is that formula not calculated until the record is commited, or do you think it's something else?

I just need to move the due date up so it's not set to saturday or sunday.

  • February 28, 2013
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Hi Y'all.


F1 = formula field, F2=Custom Field which calculates (0.02*another custom field)


I have a a formula field F1 = FLOOR(F2).


But I get an error: " Compiled formula is too big to execute (6,659 characters).
Maximum size is 5,000 characters "


Any help?

  • February 28, 2013
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I know normally it is not possible but I need to run an after trigger and then update a field. Is there a way to do it?

I am using a workflow to update a field based on condition of a picklist. and on false condition, i don't want any update at all, because the record gets locked for other picklist values and it is throwing error since it was not able to update. how can i achielve the same.


IF( ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"lead") , "S","")


if stagename is lead, i want to update S in the field and don't want anything to do when it is not lead.


 Area Information Analyst Sales can request for promotions into two ways (see below).  Once the promotion has been submitted for approval,  there is a level of notifications that will go to the Regional Sales Manager then to the Marketing Manager.


1. Through Distributor-Sales Promotion which is by the Account. The emails has been approved by the above mentioned managers but the area analyst is not getting the approval from the following and the approval history is not updated in the respective account.!


 Can anyone explain me what would be the problem ? 




I have two workflows on the same object with just one condition as different.


Workflow 1: A & B

-Field Update - Update value of C


Workflow 2: A & B & C

- Here I am checking the updated value of C to trigger a Time dependent email alert.


But the Workflow 2 is never triggered. Is it because both the workflows are fired simultaneously and Workflow 2's criteria was not satisfied because the value of C was not yet updated ?


Both the workflows are "Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria"

Hi All,

Here by i'm adding my trigger & triggerHandler class that i have written. Can anybody give me TestClass for this?Urgent reply needed.


Trigger :-

trigger CreateContractTrigger on Opportunity (after update)
    CreateContractTriggerHandler ccth = new CreateContractTriggerHandler();


Trigger Handler Class :-

public with sharing class CreateContractTriggerHandler
    public List<Contract> contractsList;
    public List<Opportunity> opportunityEligibleList = new List<Opportunity>();
    public void onChangeStageUpdate(List<Opportunity> opportunityList, Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunityOldMap)
        contractsList = new List<Contract>();
        List<Opportunity> opportunityEligibleList = new List<Opportunity>();
        Map<String,list<OpportunityLineItem>> opportunityToOppLineItemMap = new Map <String,list<OpportunityLineItem>>();
        for(Opportunity opportunity : opportunityList)
            Opportunity opportunityOld = new Opportunity();
          if (opportunityOldMap.containsKey(opportunity.Id))
                opportunityOld = opportunityOldMap.get(opportunity.Id);
            if(opportunityOld.StageName != opportunity.StageName && opportunity.StageName =='Closed Won')
        list<OpportunityLineItem> opportunityLineItemList = [select id,CreatedDate,ServiceDate,OpportunityId from OpportunityLineItem
                                                                                                            where OpportunityId in :opportunityEligibleList];
        for (OpportunityLineItem opplineItem : opportunityLineItemList)
             if (opportunityToOppLineItemMap.containsKey(opplineItem.OpportunityId))
                 opportunityToOppLineItemMap.put(opplineItem.OpportunityId,new list<OpportunityLineItem>{opplineItem});
        for(Opportunity opportunity : opportunityEligibleList)
                OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem = opportunityToOppLineItemMap.get(opportunity.id)[0];
                Contract con = new Contract();
                con.Opportunity__c = opportunity.Id;
                con.AccountId = opportunity.AccountId;
                System.debug('Contract Account Id======='+con.AccountId);
                con.Status ='Draft';
                con.CurrencyIsoCode =' NZD ';
               con.StartDate = oppLineItem.ServiceDate;
                con.Rolling_Contract__c = ' Rolling Contract ';
                con.Description ='Test';
                System.debug('contract created========');
        insert contractsList;


This trigger is written to create contract on opportunity whose stage field is updated to Closed Won.

I have some lead records that are buried under Leads and I cannot view them because the view filter criteria does not extend to what I need.


The records that are "buried" are Leads where IsConverted=True


I have these records pulling from the All leads report, but I cannot manage these records because I cannot view them from the lead object.


Can someone provide some light on this?


Thank you.

Before I submit an Idea and head back to the drawing board, has anyone had luck getting Enterprise Territory Management related components added to a package?  I can add Test Classes, but the triggers for Territory2 and UserTerritory2Assignment are not shown as available to be added to the package.

I checked the Summer 16 release notes and didn't see anything, so I wondered if anyone has any news or insight (or can tell me I'm being an idiot)
I just upgraded to v 36 and now when I try to deploy to server, I get 'Destination organization must be different from the Project organization.' when I am entering my credentials

Hopefully this is just a setting I can switch somewhere and I don't have to go back to an older version.
Force.com IDE Eclipse plugin even the open source beta) is at v33. All the others I've been able to find are older.  I need a clientside Dev tool I can use v34 objects and fields with.


I just upgraded to v 36 and now when I try to deploy to server, I get 'Destination organization must be different from the Project organization.' when I am entering my credentials

Hopefully this is just a setting I can switch somewhere and I don't have to go back to an older version.
I just upgraded to v 36 and now when I try to deploy to server, I get 'Destination organization must be different from the Project organization.' when I am entering my credentials

Hopefully this is just a setting I can switch somewhere and I don't have to go back to an older version.

   Is possible to Remove/Add the Save ,Save&New Buttons from Layout while creating a new records in Custom /Standard Objects?User-added image
Force.com IDE Eclipse plugin even the open source beta) is at v33. All the others I've been able to find are older.  I need a clientside Dev tool I can use v34 objects and fields with.


Need some help with a Trigger Error. I am not a developer so my skills get stretched with things like this. Also, for whatever it's worth I did not write the Trigger but am in a position to support it. The user is getting the following error when they try and merge records: "AccountTrigger: execution of AfterDelete caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: External entry point"."

See below Trigger syntax:
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, after insert, after update, after delete) {
    String PROSPECT_RT_ID = dao_Account.getInstance().getRecordTypeId('Prospect');
    User defaultOwner = dao_User.getInstance().getUserByName('Medical-Surgical IT Data');
    List<AccountTeamMember> atmInserts = new List<AccountTeamMember>();
    List<AccountShare> ashInserts = new List<AccountShare>();
    String LTC_REP = 'EC Long Term Care Rep';
    String HC_REP = 'EC Home Care DME Rep';     

    Map<Id, Searchable_Account__c> saMap = new Map<Id, Searchable_Account__c>();    
    for (Searchable_Account__c sa : [Select Id, Account__c, Account_Name_ExtId__c from Searchable_Account__c where Account__c in :trigger.new]){
        saMap.put(sa.Account__c, sa);
    for (Account a : Trigger.new)
        if (a.RecordTypeId == PROSPECT_RT_ID)
            if (trigger.isBefore)
                a.OwnerId = defaultOwner.Id;
            } else if (!trigger.isDelete){              
                User originalOwner = dao_User.getInstance().getUser(a.CreatedById);
                AccountTeamMember atm = new AccountTeamMember();
                AccountShare ash = new AccountShare();
                atm.AccountId = a.Id;
                atm.UserId = originalOwner.Id;
                if ( originalOwner.Profile.Name.contains('HomeCare') || (originalOwner.UserRoleId != null && originalOwner.UserRole.Name.startsWith('HC'))  )
                    atm.TeamMemberRole = HC_REP;
                } else if ( originalOwner.Profile.Name.contains('LongTermCare')  || (originalOwner.UserRoleId != null && originalOwner.UserRole.Name.startsWith('LTC')) ) {
                    atm.TeamMemberRole = LTC_REP;
                ash.AccountAccessLevel = 'Edit';
                ash.AccountId = a.Id;
                ash.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'None';
                ash.UserOrGroupId = originalOwner.Id;
        } else if (trigger.isAfter) {           
            Searchable_Account__c sa = saMap.get(a.id);
            if (sa== null) sa = new Searchable_Account__c();
            sa.Account__c = a.Id;
            sa.Account_Name_ExtId__c = a.Name + ' | ' + a.AccountNumber;
    insert atmInserts;
    insert ashInserts;
    upsert saMap.values();
I understand what is happening, and to an extent why but I am at a loss as to how to fix it. Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Simple question that support will not answer for me, exactly what part of the email header populates the "web email" field when you send an email to case? 

If anyone done Docusign integration, give me some tips to built up in my Salesforce environment. thanks


  • April 08, 2013
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Guys please help me here.


I have 3 objects which should be non reportable. Hence I have marked them on the object level as disable reporting.

However there is still a set of users who should be able to run reports on them.

Can anyone think of a solution.



  • April 06, 2013
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I get this error when I try to save my batch apex test class:

Error: Compile Error: Final member variables can only be assigned in their declaration statement or inside a constructor at line 88 column 16


Any suggestions or help would greatly help me out!


Below is my test class:

public class Enrollment_MainProcess_TEST{
 static testMethod void testBatch(){

         /* create user */
         User salesUser =
           [SELECT Name, Lead_Rep_Number__c
            FROM User WHERE Lead_Rep_Number__c != null Limit 1];
        /* create account */  
         Account testacct1 = new Account();
         testacct1.Name = 'TestAccount4';
         testacct1.Type = 'Customer';
         insert testacct1;    
        /* create opportunity */
         Opportunity testOpp1 = new Opportunity();
         Date closedDate = date.newinstance(1950, 15, 1);
         Date EffectiveDate = date.newinstance(2050, 10, 9);            
         testOpp1.Name = 'Test Opportunity1';
         testopp1.AccountId = testacct1.Id;
         testOpp1.StageName ='Sold';
         testOpp1.CloseDate = closedDate;
         testOpp1.Effective_Date__c =  EffectiveDate;
         testOpp1.SBU__c = 'Small/Medium';
         testopp1.Market_Segment_New__c = '51-199';
         testopp1.Business_type__c = 'Renewal';
         testopp1.Division__c = '51-199 Renewals';   
         testopp1.Underwriting_Entity__c = 'MD';
         testopp1.Lead_Rep_Name_User__c = salesUser.Id;
         testOpp1.GeneralProducer__c = 'Direct';
         testOpp1.System__c = 'NASCO';    
         testOpp1.NASCO_Acct_ID__c = '12234';      
         insert testOpp1;
        /* create Product */
         Product2 testProd1 = new Product2();
         testProd1.id = '01t60000002wbRd';
         testProd1.name = 'BC Advantage';
         testProd1.IsActive = True;
         insert testProd1;
        /* create Enrollment Import */
         List <Enrollment_Import__c> EnImpts = new List<Enrollment_Import__c>();
         for(integer i = 0; i<200; i++){
         Enrollment_Import__c EnImp = new Enrollment_Import__c(
        Account_Name__c = 'TestAccount'+'i',
        Account_Number__c = '1223'+'i',             
        System__c = 'NASCO',
        Contracts__c = 50,
        Processed__c = FALSE,
        Risk__c = 'Non-Risk',
        Rpt_dt__c = '201301',
        Run_Dt__c = '02/09/2013 13:37:21',
        SFDC_Product__c = 'BC Advantage' );
      insert EnImpts;

 Enrollment_MainProcess enmp = new Enrollment_MainProcess();
88  enmp.query = 'SELECT id, Rpt_Dt__c, Run_Dt__c, Account_Name__c, Account_Number__c, SFDC_Product__c, Contracts__c, System__c, Risk__c' +
               'FROM Enrollment_Import__c' +
               'WHERE Processed__c = FALSE' +
                'LIMIT 200';
  ID batchprocessId = Database.executeBatch(enmp);








I would like to use System.assert in my Batch Apex test class to verify if a record (passed some logic) has got inserted into an object.


Can anyone suggest an answer for my question.





from SalesForce Organisation I want to access a SOAP web service. But this SOAP web service is deployed in a private
network. If i have to go ahead what network level changes I need to do. Please help

I have successfully embedded my Flow into a new visualforce page, created a custom button to run the component, and everything is working perfectly, except for the finishLocation. The flow is generated from an account, and I want the user to return to the account when the flow has been completed. 


After scouring the boards for a few hours and trying differnt potential solutions (including: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Visual-Workflow/Flow-finishLocation-equal-to-originating-record/m-p/534037#M912), I can't seem to get this thing to work! The flow is generated from the account, and it is used to create an event and/or a task on the account record.


Here is the code:


<apex:page standardController="Account" tabStyle="Account">
    <flow:interview name="NA_AR_Sales_Call_Wizard" finishLocation="{!URLFOR('/{!Account.Id}')}">
        <apex:param name="varAccountID" value="{!Account.ID}"/>

Hi, I've got a Master-Detail relationship between two custom objects, Transaction and Transaction Line Items.  I've created a VF page for Transaction Line Items in order to display some of the master Transactions fields read-only on the child page.  I've used the standard controller for Transaction Line Item, and overridden the New button to call my VF page instead.  So far, so good.


However, when I create a new Transaction Line Item record from a Transaction, the top portion of summary fields don't populate (which was the whole reason to create the VF page).  Here's my simple code - any pointers?  Thanks!


VF page:

<apex:page standardController="Transaction_Line_Item__c">
<apex:form >
<Apex:pageBlock title="Transaction info">
Transaction Date: {!Transaction_Line_Item__c.Financial_Transaction__r.Financial_Date__c}
Transaction Description: <apex:outputField value="{!Transaction_Line_Item__c.Financial_Transaction__r.Transaction_Description__c}"/>
Transaction Amount: <apex:outputField value="{!Transaction_Line_Item__c.Financial_Transaction__r.Financial_Amount__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Enter a line item for this transaction:">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
Line Item Description: <apex:inputField value="{!Transaction_Line_Item__c.Line_Item_Description__c}" />
<p />
Line Item Amount: <apex:inputField value="{!Transaction_Line_Item__c.Line_Item_Amount__c}" />

have a requirement for a particular profile should be able to view role allocation in salesforce. Is that possible just to give create/view for role hierarchy in salesforce?

I tried clicking 'view setup configuration'.But that gives only view access to all users.also shows profiles and other things.I just need view/create access for roles for a non-sys admin user
Any clue?