• Mrc2240
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My requirement is i have a field (testtextfield__c) if i am updating that field with any other value it should throw error?I tried by using PRIORVALUE.It worked fine with text field but not working with number filed.How can i achieve this?Can anybody help me ?

Validation is: PRIORVALUE(testtextfield__c)<> null 

My requirement is i have a field (testtextfield__c) if i am updating that field with any other value it should throw error?I tried by using PRIORVALUE.It worked fine with text field but not working with number filed.How can i achieve this?Can anybody help me ?

Validation is: PRIORVALUE(testtextfield__c)<> null 


Is there a way to Export to Excel directly from Visual Force Page through a link?

Thanks in Advance
Hello Hi , 
I am a new to salesforce , Can any one please tell me why cant we execute Select * from .....  qurey in  SOQL editor. Is that not used in salesforce
And I have aquery which i have to execute in SOQL  which written in  general SQL. Could any one  help me on this .
The query should check for any column that have 10 or less entries. I don't know sosl/soql but if I were to write this in oracle sql it would look like below.

select * from <object/table> where <column/field> is not null and count (<column/field>) <= 10;

I think that would work and normally I would test it against a DB before sending out. It would just need to be run against all objects and each field.

Hi Guys, I have a custom button and i am hoping to have a check box ticked when this custom button is pressed. 


I have followed numerous examples on this website and still cant get it to work. 


Can I please have someone look at my javascript and tell me what where i may be going wrong?


Thanks heaps. 



var CR= new sforce.SObject("locations__c");
CR.loc__c = true;
CR.loc_City__c= 'true test';