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I have SFDC serving as Identity Provider and am successfuly passing a SAML response to a Service Provider and getting logged in (all via config). Now I want to deep link into the SP by passing the account ID and other params which are not available as general SAML attributes in config.


Has anyone achieved the above? Do I need to set up a VF page and post my own custom SAML response? If so the structure isn't entirely clear as far as the IDs, name of HTML field etc.


Any help is appreciated.

Hello, I would like to develop and put on the market an app based on the force.com platform.

The licencing model of this app will be a montly based price per user and variable in regard to the number of user.


If I choose to go with the force.com enterprise edition, will I have to pay the $50 / month for every "end client" user that use and pay for online service? Or will I pay this montly fee only for my own "users" who develop and test the app?




I'm quite new in SFDC.


I'm working on building a VF page, that needs to display the last transactions of a client, knowing that the object model is 


each client has a list of accounts

each account has a list of holdings

and finally, each holding has a list of transactions (buy, sell ... )


Each of these parent - child relationships is done through a master - detail relationship.

For instance, for the client - account, the client is the master and the account the detail.


I' m trying to build a extension of the client standard controller where I will implement a method that returns this list of transactions starting with the stdController.getRecord() object. I'm ok with the algorithm that I have to implement.


My point is that I don't know how to access the detail list from the parent object in Apex.

For instance, when I look at the list of attribute for my client, I don't see the account list.


Thanks for your help !

I have a query regarding the licenses. If I buy the force.com 15$ edition, do I get the rest of the user licenses like authenticated website and platform users free with 15 $ or I have to pay 15 $ for each user every month.


Thanks in advance