• mirun
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We are developing a hybrid app with Salesforce iOS SDK with offline support using Smartstore. When app is offline we want UIwebview to load an error page which is at the client side instead of throwing the below error at the console. ERROR|SFHybridViewController|Error while attempting to load web page: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo=0x99c4530 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline., NSUnderlyingError=0x9d86970 "The Internet connection appears to be offline."} Failed to load webpage with error: The Internet connection appears to be offline.

  • September 23, 2013
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The below part of code in SFSmartStorePlugin is not executing in iOS salesforce SDK.

SDK Version: 1.4



exec(SDK_VERSION, successCB, errorCB, SERVICE,
             [{"soupName": soupName, "querySpec": querySpec}]
  • September 11, 2013
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Iam new to chatter api.

I have built java code to authenticate oauth and pass the file download url via the code

but my problem is instead of open,save i want to save the files to local drive via the code.

Is there any resource to get the file saved to local drive.

Please guide me. 

  • January 21, 2013
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The below part of code in SFSmartStorePlugin is not executing in iOS salesforce SDK.

SDK Version: 1.4



exec(SDK_VERSION, successCB, errorCB, SERVICE,
             [{"soupName": soupName, "querySpec": querySpec}]
  • September 11, 2013
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I have a problem with my iPad2 and video files. I'm using Chatter Files for storing my video and audio files.

But, I can't download video file using "/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/{!Id}" servlet. Audio files are downloaded and played correctly.

My iPad2 is not able to play video files which are downloaded from this servlet. I tried use video tag in the apexpage and tried download it directly, but it isn't worked.

Could you please help me to fix it?

So I've been going around and around about this for a while now and nothing in the documentation seems to be accurate.  Hopefully I will supply enough detail that this matter can be solved.  I need to be able to retrieve any file that a user posts to chatter regardless of the size of the file.


I have a file which I posted to chatter via the web.


When I look at the page it is listed under Chatter>>Files>>(FileName)


When I query for the file it only appears in Commencement


















*The object above looks nothing like the ContentDocument Model provided here:



So, I have an OAuth token authorizing my Remote Access App. I'm using the REST API.  How do I download the file?  What I'm really trying to avoid here is screen scraping or other halfass methods like storing my clients' username and password.


I was following this tutoiral:


but it obviously doesn't work, because it uses the "Document" sObject and the file I have doesn't appear there:

[{"message":"The requested resource does not exist","errorCode":"NOT_FOUND"}]



What I am hoping for:

Some call that will return a https://direct/link/to/the/file/i/want/to/download.jpg where I can pass "Authorization OAuth: <access_token>" in the headers and download the actual file.


What I will settle for:

Any programmatic way of retrieving the file that does not involve the customer having to divulge their username and password to me in order screen scrape SF to login and get to the file.


Hello Everyone,


I'm trying to make some files we uploaded into salesforce crm content downloadable or accessible by another page via Sites. For instance, say, an mp3, either downloaded or requested by mediaplayer on a webpage.


According to the docs 'To download a document via the API, you must export the VersionData of the document.'


Well... I've tried a couple variations with a visualforce page to retrieve/export the contentversion, but (as expected) no luck.


Does anyone have any good ideas on how to do this?


Thanks in advance,
