• Stony Grunow - Breadwinner
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We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.

I want to integrate salesforce with Xero how to authenticate and get access token in salesforce plese give me and idea or code to implemet it.
Thanks in advance.(Using rest api).
Hi, having a problem with our Web to Lead system, which has previously been working fine for 6 months.

Our debug logs show successful web-to-lead submissions to Salesforce, but not all leads are actually importing. There is no clear pattern as to when/why a lead is not being imported. The default user is being monitored, and does not show any reports of failed leads, but does show succesful submissions. Submission is done through a WordPress add-on to the Gravity Forms plugin, but we have ruled out plugin errors, and our tests with Postman and with HTML forms generated by Salesforce itself show similar erratic behavior.

We do have a validation rule, but have turned it off and we are still experiencing the problem.

Our Wordpress logs show:

2014-05-09 5:31:05 - DEBUG --> This is the data sent to Salesforce (at https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8:
    [body] => Array
            [email] => sample@sample.com
            [last_name] => John Smith
            [company] => Google
            [phone] => 5555555555
            [message] => Test
            [description] => Test
            [txt_medium__c] => (none)
            [txt_source__c] => (direct)
            [txt_campaign_name__c] => (direct)
            [txt_content__c] => -
            [txt_term__c] => -
            [txt_visitor_id__c] => 9999999
            [oid] => (Removed from Log, is the correct Salesforce ID)
            [debug] => 0
            [debug_email] => 0
            [retURL] => http://www.google.com

    [headers] => Array
            [user-agent] => Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-on plugin - WordPress/3.8.3;

    [sslverify] => 
2014-05-09 5:31:05 - DEBUG --> The `is-processed` header isn't set. This means there were no errors adding the entry. 
2014-05-09 5:31:05 - DEBUG --> Entry 1056 was added to Salesforce. Here's the available data:
    [headers] => Array
            [date] => Fri, 09 May 2014 09:31:05 GMT
            [cache-control] => private
            [content-type] => text/html;charset=UTF-8
            [connection] => close

    [body] => 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=http://www.google.com">
<script>if (this.SfdcApp && this.SfdcApp.projectOneNavigator) { SfdcApp.projectOneNavigator.handleRedirect('http://www.google.com'); }  else if (window.location.replace){ window.location.replace('http://www.google.com');} else {;window.location.href ='http://www.google.com';} </script></html>

    [response] => Array
            [code] => 200
            [message] => OK

    [cookies] => Array

    [filename] => 
The entry referenced in the logs above was not added, and Salesforce showed no errors or logs. The default user is being monitored, and shows logs if something is succesfully submitted.

Anyone have any thoughts?

We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.


Hi All,

     How to integrate salesforce with xero using REST API.Please send me any links and guide me.

We have Google AdWords account and we want to see in Saleforce the leads that we got from it.


When we click on "Google AdWords setup" we get the next massage:


"Your approval is now required:


Log into AdWords and approve


Look for a notice at the top of the screen that indicates your intent to link this AdWords account.

Select Yes, I accept"


When we log into our account in Google AdWords we don't have the notice.


Does somebody know why we can't see the message, and how can we connect between the Salesforce to Google AdWords and see the leads we got from it?



In the past we had this opportunity and we could see which leads we get from the AdWords, but it stopped working.


Thank you.

I am a newborn in salesforce. We installed a plugin from salesforce for Wordpress called Wordpress-to-lead-Salesforce plugin. I have contacted the developer and he can't answer my question, (too busy/doesn't know). I am sending field data to the leads part of salesforce. name, etc. I created a custom field called project_type. But cannot get the data to show up in the lead generated from the plugin (the name,etc shows up- which was default in the plugin). I know the data is being added to the variable string being sent to salesforce (I think :), cause I also email myself the data. (the field is a drop down menu (select) )


Has anyone worked with the wordpress plugin yet? Can direct me to where (docs, etc) that could help me?


Thanks so much,


We are rebuilding our landing page and running into some issues. I am hoping some of you more experienced folk can help us out.


Our new landing page has two Call To Action forms on it. We believe we have all the web-to-lead form info set-up properly and the java snippet is installed at the bottom of the page.


our problem:

the first form is a request for a download of a whitepaper, the second form is a request to "Schedule an Evaluation". the first form associates AdWords tracking information properly but the second form does not.


Does the saleforce for google adwords java only support one form per page?


Any feedback or insight would be helpful.


Thank you

  • November 11, 2009
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We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.
