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/{!Plan__c.Name}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Plan__c.Name}&{!User.Id }&{!Plan__c.Donation_Year__c}&{!Plan__c.Facility__c}&{!Plan__c.Plan_Status__c}&{!Plan__c.Approved_Amount__c}&{!Plan__c.Proposed_amount__c}
I've even tried removing the field names and using there id instead but still no luck
/{00B46000002vEz2}/e?clone=1&retURL=/{00B46000002vEz2} &cloneli=1
Please advise if you see anything wrong or if this is something that can be done in salesforce.
Hello, i am trying to read all data of object, like this:
var copyOpp = {!Opportunity};
Obviously it doesnt work, and i started with salesforce 2 weeks ago. My question is: 
Exists  something similar?

I am tryig to hide the action column for cases on my related lists.  
We use ServiceMax and users are required to modify cases via the servicemax SFMs, not the default salesforce links.  I found this bit of code:
<style type="text/css">
.actionColumn {display:none; visibility:hidden}
In a different spot on the forums.  I'm not sure if this would serve my purpose however, and even if it would, I'm not sure where I would put it.  I want the change to affect ALL related lists, and I don't mind if it is applied to all users, although I would prefer it to be on a profile basis.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hello there,

Interested in peoples thoughts on whether it is essential for a company with Salesforce to always have a Salesforce dedicated team.

My company have recently disbanded thier Salesforce team and placed the members in various project teams, the theory being that each project team will have a Salesforce skill set. However, it does leave the question open of who is responsible for managing and monitoring the Saleforce application as a whole?

Anybody had a similar experience?
Any thoughts?


When weland on page, there is a button called "create case" which is default button,
I want to override this button only for specific profiles, i will use a custom button intead..

how is it possible ?
  • December 27, 2016
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I am trying to create a new report type that show multiple accounts for each contact.
the page layout of Contact for related list "Related Accounts" is showing column Direct and Roles, however I cant find these 2 columns in Accounts object and Contact object while creating the report type.

Please let me know how Page layout translate these 2 columns.

Dear All, if you can help me out here,
I have the below custom object, with all custome fields.

Now if the first field " Are you driving" has two vaalues Yes & No. If its YES, i want the below fields to be hided( no need to fill), If its only NO , then the user need to fill the below fields. Is it a way possible by any point and click option ? or entire page need to get created in VF ?
As i am not that perfect in apex coding, alternate method wld be more useful. If Apex is the only way, if some one cann give me some coding started suggest. Thanks
User-added image
I posted once but didn't receive any response.  Has someone developed a button we can place on the quote object that would allow you to "delete" multiple line items all at once?
I am trying to create a custom button case that would result in a child case. I would like to carry over the isEscalated flag from the Parent Case over to the Child Case but I do not know what the field id is for the isEscalated field. Here is a snippet of that custom button.


Hello everyone,

I am looking to have an expand collapse for the below html table (Parent should have all the childs beneath it and when collapsed it should display all the childs, by default it should show only the parent records).

User-added image
Below is the component code.


<aura:iteration items="{!v.allProducts}" var="prod" indexVar="itemIndex">
            <!--<lightning:buttonIcon value="{!itemIndex}"  iconName="{!item.expanded?'utility:chevrondown':'utility:chevronright'}" />-->
                <aura:if isTrue="{!!prod.isGreyRow }">

                    <td class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-border_left slds-border_right">{!prod.name} </td>
                    <td class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-border_left slds-border_right  width=5px">{!prod.F2Actuals} </td>
                    <td class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-border_left slds-border_right">{!prod.F1Actuals} </td>
                    <td class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-border_left slds-border_right"> {!prod.FActuals}</td>
                    <td class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-border_left slds-border_right">{!prod.FActualsYTD}  </td>

Controller code:

getRevenueMetricData:function(component, event, helper){
    var action = component.get("c.getTableRowsFromClientPlanId");
        "planId": component.get('v.gbmid')
        var state = response.getState();
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            var data =response.getReturnValue();
            component.set("v.allProducts", data);


        else if (state  ==="null" || state  ===undefined || state  ==="ERROR"  ) {

I am aware that this expand collapse can be achieved by lighting :treegrid, however my requirement doesn't satidfy if i amke use of tree grid.

Hence i have to go with the html table... Everything is coming correctly data wise. I am struck getting the expand and collapsible functioning.

Any suggestions in this regard will be really helpful.



  • June 04, 2020
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Toast message works when i work from standalone LEX component, however when i save the record from the lightningApp the toast messages are not getting fire.

I know there is a limitation since we can not fire toast events from classic and app, 

I am looking out for an workaround here. Appreciate your help

Below is my controller.
onSave : function (component, event, helper) {
        helper.saveRec(component, event, helper);
Helper :
saveRec:function(component, event, helper) {
        var gbmObj= component.get("v.newGBMPlan");
        var action = component.get("c.creatGBMRecord");
                "gbm": gbmObj ,
                "gbm": gbmObj ,
            if (response.getState() === "SUCCESS") {
                //alert("Record Created/Updated Successfully");
               // var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
                    title: "Record Created/Updated Successfully",
                    message: " ",
                    type: "success"

Lightning App
<aura:application extends="force:slds" access="GLOBAL" >
    <aura:dependency resource="markup://force:showToast" type="EVENT"></aura:dependency>

  • February 26, 2020
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Hi Forum Members,

I am trying to come up with a way to retrieve all Accounts within a hierarchy based on a supplied Id.  So, if the Id of the parent account is provided, all children records plus the parent record should be returned.  Similarly, if an Id of a child record is supplied, all parent, sibling, and children records should be returned.

User-added image

Any help in this regard is highly appreciated
  • February 11, 2020
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I wanted a utility class which will give me a list of all salesforce id’s in an Account Hierarchy.
I have an hierarchy of something like below and the hierarchy can span upto many levels in Account.
Capital World Investors (DEMO) – Ultimate PArent
Capital Research Global Investors (DEMO) – Parent
Fidelity Management & Research (DEMO) – Child
Capital Research Market Investors (DEMO) – Parent
Fidelity Management & Research & Analytics (DEMO) – Child

Thank you
  • February 06, 2020
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Hello All,

Can someone help me in achieving the below requirement

I have a field (Which is a master -detail) and i want this field to be not visible in creation page (which is a vf page), but on saving the record it should be visible(Standard detail page)

Thanks in advance
  • May 07, 2017
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Hi all,

PLease help me out in achieving this below shown GUIUser-added image

  • October 01, 2015
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Hi All,

Can anyone help me out in alligning the multi radio buttons horizontally?

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  • September 05, 2015
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Hi All,

I need to migrate all the Proposed Events which are residing in Salesforce for my Organisation.

But while doing export i got the below mentioned error ::

Saving a proposed event through the API is not allowed. Please use the salesforce.com application to modify this proposed event

Help me out ,how can i migrate these proposed events in Salesforce.

Thanks in advance

  • December 08, 2014
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Hi ......


Please find the below class:::

public with sharing class coninterpage {
    public Id conId;
    public Id accId;
    public List<RecordType> recType;
    public Account recTypeId;
    public List<contact> con;
    Public String hostName;

    public coninterpage(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        hostName = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host');

    public PageReference inter(){
        Account_Profile_Name__c mc = Account_Profile_Name__c.getValues(userinfo.getProfileId());
        Boolean field = mc.Standard_Pages__c;
        conId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        system.debug('==== '+conId);
        con = [select id, AccountId from contact where id=:conId limit 1];
        system.debug('====@@@@ '+con);
        for(Contact c12:con)
            accId = c12.AccountId; 
            system.debug('====@@@@ '+con[0].AccountId );
            system.debug('====!!!!! '+accId);

            recTypeId = [SELECT RecordTypeId FROM Account where id=:accId limit 1];
            system.debug('==== $$$$$$'+recTypeId);

            recType = [SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType where id=:recTypeId.RecordTypeId];
            system.debug('====%%%%%% '+recType);
     // The below code will redirect to the PersonTabDetailPage.     
            pagereference ref = new pagereference('https://'+hostname+'/'+accId);    
            ref.getParameters().put('nooverride', '1');
            return ref;
             PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://'+hostname+'/apex/PersonTabDetailPage?id='+accId);
                    return pageRef ;
     // The below code will redirect to the conpagelayout.  
            pagereference ref = new pagereference('https://'+hostname+'/'+conId);    
            ref.getParameters().put('nooverride', '1');
            return ref;
            PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://'+hostname+'/apex/conpagelayout?id='+conId);
             return pageRef ;
         // return null;   
            pagereference ref = new pagereference('https://'+hostname+'/'+conId);    
            ref.getParameters().put('nooverride', '1');
            return ref;
            PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://'+hostname+'/apex/conpagelayout?id='+conId);
             return pageRef ;

    return null;

 Right now i can cover only upto 26% ...Please help me out in this regard.....

public class Test_coninterpage {
     public static testmethod void method2(){
     list<recordtype> rCorp= new List<Recordtype>([select id,DeveloperName  from recordtype where  SobjectType='Account' and DeveloperName ='Corporation' limit 1]);
        Account acc = new Account(Name='bgt',recordtypeid=rCorp[0].id,Status__c='Active',Type = 'Prospect');
        insert acc;
        Contact continter = new Contact(LastName = 'VRaj',AccountId=acc.id);
        insert continter ;
         Contact continter2 = new Contact(LastName = 'VRaj');
        insert continter2 ;
        List<Account_Profile_Name__c> Lcs = new List<Account_Profile_Name__c>();
          Account_Profile_Name__c apn = new Account_Profile_Name__c();
          apn.Standard_Pages__c = true;
          insert Lcs;
          ApexPages.StandardController ctrl=new ApexPages.StandardController(continter);
          coninterpage conint = new coninterpage(ctrl);
  ApexPages.StandardController ctrl2=new ApexPages.StandardController(continter2);
          coninterpage conint2 = new coninterpage(ctrl2);   
          //conint2 = new coninterpage();
          /*List<Account_Profile_Name__c> Lcs = new List<Account_Profile_Name__c>();
          Account_Profile_Name__c apn = new Account_Profile_Name__c();
          apn.Standard_Pages__c = true;
          insert Lcs;*/
          /*Account_Profile_Name__c mc = Account_Profile_Name__c.getValues(userinfo.getProfileId());
        update mc;*/
            try{conint2.inter();          }
            catch(exception e){


  • November 22, 2013
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Hi All....


Please help me out in understanding the List View Standard Clone Functionality in Salesforce....


Please help me in this Regard...







  • November 21, 2013
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Hi All,,


I have deployed all my Test Class with more than 75% of code coverage in one Sandbox.


When i run all  Tests in this Sandbox it shows me only 65% code coverage is completed,but when i run individual Test Class its covered more than 75%.


Why is there difference in Code Coverage...


Thanks for your help in Advance....




  • November 20, 2013
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I am creating a New Folder in Documents and giving accessability to certain Public Groups only.(Suppose  Group A)


But when i log in as a user of Different Public Groups(Suppose  Group B),then user of Group B is able to see the Folder created by Group A.



Thanks in Advance..

  • October 31, 2013
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I am creating a New Folder in Documents and giving accessability to certain Public Groups only.(Suppose  Group A)


But when i log in as a user of Different Public Groups(Suppose  Group B),then user of Group B is able to see the Folder created by Group A.



Thanks in Advance..

  • October 31, 2013
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I am creating a folder under E-mail Templates and storing templates in it, and while creating i am sharing it to a certain group of users only.


When i create this folder ,it should be visible to only those users ,to whom i have shared with.But now all the users are able to acess that folder.


Thanks in Advance.



  • October 27, 2013
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Hi ..


I am getting the below error when trying to save the record



Error:  EventObjectSync: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: Standard_Event__c duplicates value on record with id: a0Vg0000000URsh: [] Trigger.EventObjectSync: line 17, column 1



trigger EventObjectSync on Event(After Insert,After Update) {
  list<Event_Object__c> eventlist2= new list<Event_Object__c>();
list<id> eventids= new list<id>();
map<id,Event_Object__c> custeventinserted = new map<id,Event_Object__c>();
          if (EventObjectSyncClass.check){
            list<Event_Object__c> eventlist = new list<Event_Object__c>();
            list<UserAccountTeamMember> ues= new list<UserAccountTeamMember>();
            list<Event_Object__Share> evntObjShare2 = new list<Event_Object__Share>();
            for (integer a=0 ; a<Trigger.new.size() ; a++) {
              ues = [select id,UserId,TeamMemberRole,AccountAccessLevel from UserAccountTeamMember where OwnerId = :Trigger.new[a].OwnerId ];
            Insert eventlist;
            for(UserAccountTeamMember a :ues){
                Event_Object__Share evntObjShare = new Event_Object__Share();
                string str1='';
                string str2='';
                evntObjShare.ParentId = eventlist[0].id;
                evntObjShare.UserOrGroupId = a.UserId;
                evntObjShare.AccessLevel = 'Edit';
                evntObjShare = new Event_Object__Share();
            //insert tskObjShare2;
            list<Database.SaveResult> sr = Database.insert(evntObjShare2,false);
            catch (DmlException de) {
    Integer numErrors = de.getNumDml();
    for(Integer i=0;i<numErrors;i++) {
 System.debug('getDmlFields=' + de.getDmlFields(i));
  System.debug('getDmlMessage=' + de.getDmlMessage(i));  
 if (Trigger.isUpdate){
          if (EventObjectSyncClass.check){
              eventids= new list<id>();
              custeventinserted = new map<id,Event_Object__c>();
              for (integer a=0 ; a<Trigger.new.size() ; a++) {
                  eventlist2=[select id,Subject__c,Description__c,Start__c,End__c,Assigned_To__c,Type__c,Reason__c,IsAllDayEvent__c,Show_Time_As__c,Location__c,Priority__c,What__c,Who__c,Private__c,Email__c,Phone__c,Reminder__c from Event_Object__c where id in : eventids];
                  for(Event_Object__c ta:eventlist2){
                 eventids= new list<id>(); 
                 eventlist2= new list<Event_Object__c>();
             for (integer a=0 ; a<Trigger.new.size() ; a++) {
            update eventlist2; 


Public class EventObjectSyncClass{
    Public static boolean check=True;

     Public static Event_Object__c Updatecustom(Event_Object__c CustEvent,Event StdEvent){
                    if(StdEvent.owner__c != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Subject != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Type != null){
                   /* if(StdEvent.Description != null){
                    CustEvent.Description=CustEvent.Description+' This was created on be half of other employee ';
                    }else {
                    string str=' This was created on be half of other employee ';
                    if(StdEvent.Description != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Act_Type__c != null){
                    if(StdEvent.IsAllDayEvent != null){
					if(StdEvent.EndDateTime != null){
                    if(StdEvent.EndDateTime != null){
                    if(StdEvent.WhatId != null){
                    if(StdEvent.WhoId != null){
                  if(StdEvent.IsPrivate != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Priority__c != null){
                         if(StdEvent.Location != null){
                        if(StdEvent.ShowAs != null){
     return CustEvent;
    Public static Event_Object__c insertCustom(Event StdEvent ){
    Event_Object__c CustEvent = new Event_Object__c();
    if(StdEvent.OwnerId != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Subject != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Type != null){
                     if(StdEvent.StartDateTime != null){
                        if(StdEvent.IsAllDayEvent != null){
                    if(StdEvent.EndDateTime != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Act_Type__c != null){
                    if(StdEvent.WhatId != null){
                    if(StdEvent.WhoId != null){
                        if(StdEvent.IsPrivate != null){
                   if(StdEvent.Priority__c != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Location != null){
                    if(StdEvent.ShowAs != null){
                    if(StdEvent.Description != null){
         CustEvent.Standard_Event__c = StdEvent.id;
         CustEvent.name='Custom Event';
    return CustEvent;


Class :::


  • October 24, 2013
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i am getting Attempt to de-reference a null Object in my Trigger.


Below is my Trigger

Trigger GroupCreation on IA_Team__c (before insert,after delete,after update)
    Group grp = new Group();
    list<Group> gplist=new list<Group>();
    List<String> Groupid = new List<String>();
    List<String> UserOfGroupId = new List<String>();
    List<String> IAmemberid = new List<String>();
        map<string,string> IAGroup=new map<string,string>();
        for(IA_Team__c ev:Trigger.New){
        grp = new Group();
        grp.Name = ev.Name;
        grp.DeveloperName = ev.Public_Group_Name__c;
        grp = new Group();
        //try and catych ... add error mesages
        insert gplist;
        string temp='';
        for(Group gp:gplist){
        temp = IAGroup.get(gp.DeveloperName);
            for(IA_Team__c ev:Trigger.New){
                if(ev.id == temp){
	  map<string,string> oldowner=new map<string,string>();
	  map<string,string> newowner=new map<string,string>();
	   map<string,string> oldname=new map<string,string>();
	  map<string,string> newname=new map<string,string>();
	    map<string,string> newdevname=new map<string,string>();
        for(IA_Team__c ev:Trigger.old){
		for(IA_Team__c ev:Trigger.new){
		map<id,group> groupsoldandnew = new map<id,group>([select id,name,DeveloperName from group where id  in: oldname.keyset()]);
		for(string str: oldname.keyset()){
			if(str != newname.get(str)){
			Group grp1;
		    grp1 = new Group();
			grp1 = groupsoldandnew.get(str);/*here i am getting attempt to deference a null object
		update gplist;

 Thanks in Advance

  • October 09, 2013
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Can anybody help me out in achieving the Reminder Functionality of Standard Task into My VF Page.


Please refer the Standard Task (Field:Reminder).


Thanks in Advance

  • October 07, 2013
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I have a page which retrieves records of a Custom object.


Now when i click on the edit hyperlink the data should get pre populated to the next page.

Thanks in Advance

  • October 04, 2013
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I have a picklist value (Asset ,opportunity) and also want that when asset is selescted beside that i should get the Asset lookup .
This also goes for Opportunity.

For clarity you can refer the standard Task Object Field::RELATED TO:

The same way i want it.

Tahnks in Advance

  • October 03, 2013
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I have a picklist value (Asset ,opportunity) and also want that when asset is selescted beside that  i should get the Asset lookup .

This also goes for Opportunity.


For clarity you can refer the standard Task Object Field::RELATED TO:


The same way i want it.


Tahnks in Advance

  • October 03, 2013
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Hi Forum Members,

I am trying to come up with a way to retrieve all Accounts within a hierarchy based on a supplied Id.  So, if the Id of the parent account is provided, all children records plus the parent record should be returned.  Similarly, if an Id of a child record is supplied, all parent, sibling, and children records should be returned.

User-added image

Any help in this regard is highly appreciated
  • February 11, 2020
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I Need to Sloved Problem How to Fix view State Error in Salesforce

Manu K @ vbtcafe (https://www.vbtcafe.com/)
I wanted a utility class which will give me a list of all salesforce id’s in an Account Hierarchy.
I have an hierarchy of something like below and the hierarchy can span upto many levels in Account.
Capital World Investors (DEMO) – Ultimate PArent
Capital Research Global Investors (DEMO) – Parent
Fidelity Management & Research (DEMO) – Child
Capital Research Market Investors (DEMO) – Parent
Fidelity Management & Research & Analytics (DEMO) – Child

Thank you
  • February 06, 2020
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Hi All, 
When a last login user is greater than 30 days, then I want to send a automated email to the respective managers.
This can done by using
Process Builder
apex class
Please advice
Hi Everyone,
The contacts and account lookups work well on the standard objects.
I have created some custom objects and have been able to set up relations between account and my custom object. 
Data displays well in the reports.

My issue is I cannot add contacts to this report.
I have tried setting up lookup fields on both the account and contact objects, no luck (contact fields are blank)

In the report types, I tried adding the contact  object using a look up field (contact fields are blank).
Can you offer any detailed instruction on how I can create a report to show
Accounts, Contacts and my custom object  or  Contacts, Accounts and my custom object?

I added a field ui:inputDateTime in my lightning component but when I select the time, I have as value the different time zone.

User-added image
I Want convert this time to my time zone (Brasil).
Can someone help me to fix this?

I am not finding a way to solve this issue. I am trying to write a trigger that will populate a contact lookup field with a specific contact. I am struggling to figure out how to code the specific contact into the trigger. WHEN i say a specific contact I mean 1 contact record. SO I want the contact Kris Webster to fill the field Project_Manager__c on the campaign object when a new campaign record is created.. IS THIS POSSIBLE? would I need to build a SOQL of contcats first or what?? I cant seem to find an answer anywhere.. 

Here is what I have so far. 
trigger CampaignTrigger on Campaign (after insert) {

	for(Campaign camp:Trigger.New){
		if(camp.Project_Manager__c == null)
		camp.Project_Manager__c = WHAT DO I PUT HERE?? THE USERS ID? 


We have changed the Lead Status Pick list values in our Organization. In the Detail page, Lead Status is not showing in color.What settings we have to do to show the leas status in color.

User-added image
But in Trailhead Organization it is showing in color.
User-added image
  • October 16, 2018
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/{!Plan__c.Name}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Plan__c.Name}&{!User.Id }&{!Plan__c.Donation_Year__c}&{!Plan__c.Facility__c}&{!Plan__c.Plan_Status__c}&{!Plan__c.Approved_Amount__c}&{!Plan__c.Proposed_amount__c}
I've even tried removing the field names and using there id instead but still no luck
/{00B46000002vEz2}/e?clone=1&retURL=/{00B46000002vEz2} &cloneli=1
Please advise if you see anything wrong or if this is something that can be done in salesforce.
Trying to figure out how to display a Rich Tex Field after a checkbox is checked on a Visualforce page.
Hi All,
I am cloning an account, using Clone() method, whixh is community enabled.

Will the newly cloned and inserted account be portal enabled?

I'm working on the 4th unit of the Lightning Flow module and as part of the flow I'm supposed to do the following but there is no SOBJECT VARIABLES | opportunity | StageName. to choose. It's not a challenge but as I am new to process builder/flow I'm trying to follow along with the instructions whether they include a challenge or not.

I built the process in my dev org as I couldn't find the correct fields in my THP. Now I'm stuck so any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been stuck on this for hours.

Clone the Opportunity
When the flow is called by the process, the {!opportunity} variable will contain fields from the original opportunity. Before we clone that opportunity, let’s update some of the fields. That way, the renewal opportunity doesn’t start off as Closed Won.
From the Palette tab, drag an Assignment element onto the canvas.
Name it Update Opportunity Fields.
Set the stage to Prospecting.
For Variable, select SOBJECT VARIABLES | opportunity | StageName.
For Operator, select equals.
For Value, select PICKLIST VALUES | Prospecting.


public class JSONObject {
    public class value {


public class JSONException extends Exception {}

public class JSONTokener {

    public static  testmethod void test_valueToString() {
        Make sure that the JSON rendered by this class passes validation by parsers
        from http://json.org/json2.js and http://www.jsonlint.com.
        For example:    {foo: "bar"} is invalid
                        {"foo": "bar"} is valid

getting below exception 

Error: Compile Error: Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest at line 15 column 36

if i try adding @isTest method  end up with this error 
Compile Error: testMethod are by default IsTest at line 16 column 36

Can someone please help with this
I have created this VF page within a custom object, I'm still in the process of adding more fields within this for the users to key in info. However, when I tested this by adding it to the page layout for the custom object, when I click on save, when the VF page refreshes the view doesn't look right.
I'm quite new to VF pages so still learning. Could anyone help as to what am I doing incorrectly here, how/what can I add to the VF code so that when the users hit 'save', it reflects correctly. (attached a couple of screenshots).

User-added image
User-added image

Thanks in advance.

Hello there,

Interested in peoples thoughts on whether it is essential for a company with Salesforce to always have a Salesforce dedicated team.

My company have recently disbanded thier Salesforce team and placed the members in various project teams, the theory being that each project team will have a Salesforce skill set. However, it does leave the question open of who is responsible for managing and monitoring the Saleforce application as a whole?

Anybody had a similar experience?
Any thoughts?