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Hi there

I've been testing the maps example from the release notes today and every other time it get  URL No Longer Exists page.
For a couple of minutes it works fine then for another it gives me the error then it works again.
Is anybody experiencing the same issue?

Where can I learn more about apex:mapMarker and apex:map markers?
The release page redirects to api  version 32 which isn't helpful

  • January 11, 2015
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We recently learned that occasionally  the visualforce template we send out  isn't rendered propperly.
Customers were able to see the SF attached content that looks a bit like this:
if(!window.sfdcPage) { window.sfdcPage = new ApexDetailPage(); }UserContext.initialize({"networkId":"","labelLastModified":"1413507464000","locale":"en_GB","isDefaultNetwork":true,"timeFormat":"HH:mm","today":"24/10/2014 15:14","orgPreferences":[{"index":257,"name":"TabOrganizer","value":true}],"userPreferences":[{"index":112,"name":"HideInlineEditSplash","value":false},{"index":114,"name":"OverrideTaskSendNotification","value":false},{"index":115,"name":"DefaultTaskSendNotification","value":false},
The sales agents that were CC in saw the email rendered properly. 
Could someone explain what is the cause and how to eliminate the interminent behhaviour.

Thank you

  • October 27, 2014
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I've been trying to create a report that I could schedule and email as csv. There is no straighforward solution for the problem.
I got it working with a workflow rule and custom component but I would prefer a less hacky solution.

I started writing a class using analytics API. I was able to override the custom filters that appear in the 'drag & drop 'section.
It appears to me however that there is no way to change the dates filter set from the dopdown section that is located above the fore mentioned.

Is there a way to overcome this limitation? Will future releases add relevant methods?
  • October 02, 2014
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I'm using Eclipse Kepler and today I decided to upgrade force.com plugin to Summer 14 version (v31)
The instalation went fine but after restart tabs with previously opened classes were blank and a red error icon was visible near the name.
When I was double clicking on files they opened in text editor.
Force.com perspective button was still visible but when I closed it I wasn't able to reopen the perspective from the Window  menu.
The perspective has dissapered from available options. The jars were in the plugin folder so I'm sure the software was installed.

I downloaded brand new eclipse and installed the plugin again but I'm not able to open SF perspective.
Did anyone have the same problems and manage to solve them?
  • August 08, 2014
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Hi all

What's the procedure for requesting a custom index?
I contacted support as it's advised in doc, oppened a case and got redirected here by  what appears to be an  automated email.
Do I need a premium support package to be able to request this feature.

thanks for suggestions
  • June 19, 2014
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it's mentioned here  http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/Content/pages_html_features_tags_auto.htm    
but doesn't appear in standard component reference later on 
  • May 26, 2014
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I just spotted a strange thing. In the org the lead's 'Type' field has default value set to C.
Out of hundreads of new leads created in the org every month just a few maybe to 3 - 6 have this field set to the first value in the picklist A.
It looks like all of them  were created via quick create. Nobody in the org modifies the field. I wonder what can be the cause of it.
Did somebody encouter simillar issue before?
  • May 22, 2014
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I have a little problem. I need to send daily email from workflow.
The email contains attachment and the requirement is the name of the file must contain current date in YYYYMMdd format.
The file's content is generated in custom component located between <messaging:attachment> tags

How can I easily achive this?
I know  one can format dates in output text but it's not my case.
Everything I can think of now looks like an overkill for something so simple

thanks for sharing your ideas
  • May 01, 2014
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I had a look at  the doc and I'm a bit confused now




Is it possible hardcode the phone value and not pull it from an entity field of type phone?


  • August 21, 2013
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Found loads of post ofr this on this forum but none seem to be helpful in my case.


I create a lead in php script. Set standard and custom fields. Script works like charm.

Now I want to fill one more field that is a look up relationship.  Thi is too much for my little script, I get the fatal error.


I checked the profile permisssion - field is visible and writable;

I checked spelling and wsdl definition and now I'm giving up.

Can someone solve the puzzle for me



<element name="Current_Gas_Supplier__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="tns:ID"/>



$LeadObject->Current_Gas_Supplier__c = 'ID_fetched_from_SF';


insert tells me there is no such column on Lead

creating a Gas_Suppliers__c object with populated id and assigning to Current_Gas_Supplier__r changes nothing.


Please point me  the user/toolkit error?



  • June 05, 2013
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 Hi I try to use documentation and google to sort my problems but this time I'm too puzzled.


I have visual page that creates feedItems with rich text and one that is supposed to display them.

I know I should be able to display rich text using outputField or outputText with escape='false'.


Should.... When I use outputField the html tags are escaped! When I use outputText rendering works for everything except bold font that is displayed as normal text.


Can someone give me an explanation why things do not work for me and perhaps some suggestion how to fix them.




my test feedItem object

     Body=<strong>this should be bold</strong><br />
    <br />
    <div style="text-align: center; ">
      centered text<br />
   <br />
    <img alt="test image" src="http://sunshine.jpg" /></div>,



Attempt with outputText


<p class="content">
         <apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!wrapper.fContent.body}"/>

and resulting HTML code


<p class="content"><strong>this should be bold </strong><br>
<div style="text-align: center; ">
centered text<br>
<img alt="test image" src="http://sunshine.jpg">


Attempt with OutputField


<p class="content">
<apex:outputField value="{!wrapper.fContent.body}"/>

and resulting HTML code

<span id="j_id0:feedForm:j_id98:0:j_id115">&lt;strong&gt;this should be bold&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br>&lt;br /&gt;<br>&lt;div style="text-align: center; "&gt;<br> centered text&lt;br /&gt;<br> &lt;br /&gt;<br> &lt;img alt="test image" src="<a href="http://sunshine.jpg" target="_blank">http://sunshine.jpg</a>" /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span>


  • March 08, 2013
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I was  writing a test for my stateful batch class. The Class has a map where it gather manager's ids and information it needs to send to them on finish. When I look through the logs I see the e-mils being sent but I wanted to programmatically test it by accessing the map content after execution.


The map is empty when I finish test.  What magic causes this? Is it cleaned on context switch and reverted to the state it was  after construction? What could be the way of testing changes that do not affect records and can't be checked by soql queries.?




  • February 28, 2013
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I have a question regarding what happens with the live code during deployments.

Recently the admin had to do a rolll out when the user wehe logged in and working.

It resulted with some bugs for which the only explanation would be interruption of apex method in the middle of exceution. 

Even more appaling is that an update of a list of records was abandoned half way through.

Some of records were updated some not. 


My additional queston is  would setting a savepoint help it his case? 


thanks for help

  • February 28, 2013
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Hi there

I've been testing the maps example from the release notes today and every other time it get  URL No Longer Exists page.
For a couple of minutes it works fine then for another it gives me the error then it works again.
Is anybody experiencing the same issue?

Where can I learn more about apex:mapMarker and apex:map markers?
The release page redirects to api  version 32 which isn't helpful

  • January 11, 2015
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We recently learned that occasionally  the visualforce template we send out  isn't rendered propperly.
Customers were able to see the SF attached content that looks a bit like this:
if(!window.sfdcPage) { window.sfdcPage = new ApexDetailPage(); }UserContext.initialize({"networkId":"","labelLastModified":"1413507464000","locale":"en_GB","isDefaultNetwork":true,"timeFormat":"HH:mm","today":"24/10/2014 15:14","orgPreferences":[{"index":257,"name":"TabOrganizer","value":true}],"userPreferences":[{"index":112,"name":"HideInlineEditSplash","value":false},{"index":114,"name":"OverrideTaskSendNotification","value":false},{"index":115,"name":"DefaultTaskSendNotification","value":false},
The sales agents that were CC in saw the email rendered properly. 
Could someone explain what is the cause and how to eliminate the interminent behhaviour.

Thank you

  • October 27, 2014
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  • 0
I'm using Eclipse Kepler and today I decided to upgrade force.com plugin to Summer 14 version (v31)
The instalation went fine but after restart tabs with previously opened classes were blank and a red error icon was visible near the name.
When I was double clicking on files they opened in text editor.
Force.com perspective button was still visible but when I closed it I wasn't able to reopen the perspective from the Window  menu.
The perspective has dissapered from available options. The jars were in the plugin folder so I'm sure the software was installed.

I downloaded brand new eclipse and installed the plugin again but I'm not able to open SF perspective.
Did anyone have the same problems and manage to solve them?
  • August 08, 2014
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  • 0
Hi all

What's the procedure for requesting a custom index?
I contacted support as it's advised in doc, oppened a case and got redirected here by  what appears to be an  automated email.
Do I need a premium support package to be able to request this feature.

thanks for suggestions
  • June 19, 2014
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  • 0
it's mentioned here  http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/Content/pages_html_features_tags_auto.htm    
but doesn't appear in standard component reference later on 
  • May 26, 2014
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  • 0

I just spotted a strange thing. In the org the lead's 'Type' field has default value set to C.
Out of hundreads of new leads created in the org every month just a few maybe to 3 - 6 have this field set to the first value in the picklist A.
It looks like all of them  were created via quick create. Nobody in the org modifies the field. I wonder what can be the cause of it.
Did somebody encouter simillar issue before?
  • May 22, 2014
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I have a little problem. I need to send daily email from workflow.
The email contains attachment and the requirement is the name of the file must contain current date in YYYYMMdd format.
The file's content is generated in custom component located between <messaging:attachment> tags

How can I easily achive this?
I know  one can format dates in output text but it's not my case.
Everything I can think of now looks like an overkill for something so simple

thanks for sharing your ideas
  • May 01, 2014
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I had a look at  the doc and I'm a bit confused now




Is it possible hardcode the phone value and not pull it from an entity field of type phone?


  • August 21, 2013
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