• littleTiger
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I just completed an integration using the OpenCTI.  Things work fine on my dev machine, fine on another developers machine, and fine on a test machine i had setup about a month ago.  The strange thing is that i just setup a new test machine so i could finish dev testing and now it is appearing that the remote calls through the api are not working.  So the first thing my integration does is check if it is in the console and then check the call center settings.  When i step into interaction.js for one of those, it appears that the post message to the host salesforce page is working as expected.  I don't know what is happening on the other end of the post message because the js is minimized to a huge pain to debug.  The callbacks that i set in my code aren't being called.  Also, when testing with the screenpop method, the screenpop never happens either, so it seems that the listener for the post messages isn't getting them.


To take out the possibility that my code is causing a problem, i went back to a test page i wrote which makes simple calls like in the examples of the api.  I have the same results.


Has anyone else run into this?  I find it strange that it works on my dev machine, but not a production machine.  



Unable to fetch and save Force.com Components to Project: com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xm.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


Abort or Continute Force.com project creation?


while i am creating a new force.com project i got this error: can u please tell me why this error came. i downloaded eclipse and added force.com ide.... when i try to creating a new force.com project i got this error... and i am able to create a force.com project but not getting all existing classes and pages. And not added my new page or class content to the sever when i save. Is it required any other software installations?