• Vinita_SFDC
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 I got a spread sheet from client to upload 55000 Account and He is Give  Contact along each account to upload. Please suggest me how to map accoun to uploaded contact. Both has to done properly

As the manager of the automated Web to Case user, I received an email this morning stating that an incoming case could not be created. This has happened in the past due to incorrect field values, but this was actually a legitimate, well-formed request. The stack trace the email contained was this:

Reason: common.ownership.share.OperationWithInactiveUserException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-20096:
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CSAVEUTILS", line 203
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.TCASE", line 1044
ORA-06512: at line 1

{call tCase.insert_cases(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}

{call tCase.insert_cases(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}

The exception noted seems inaccurate, as the automated user is definitely active and all case assignment is done to queues and not directly to users, so it doesn't seem relevant. There is a trigger on Cases, but given the nature of this error I'm not quite sure it even reaches the apex code when this hits. 
Has anyone seen anything like this before?
You know how you need to use Changesets to deploy stuff from sandbox to production? So am I going to run into errors if my code tries to create Apex classes and VF pages in a production org?

I'm having a lot of issues with the developer console when checking test coverage, and I don't know if it is a bug with the console or something wrong with my code. 

1) I run the test in the developer console. The Test Run log is not actually showing up unless I completely close the developer console and then re-open it.
2) After running the test (it succeeds), in the overall code coverage box,  the class says 100%
3) I double click on the class name in the overall code coverage box and it goes to 0%
4) When I look at the drop down of tests for that class, it shows me the following:

All Tests 0%
Test_QuoteLineITemEntryExtension.testSaveMethods 52%
Test_QuoteLineItemEntryExtension.testControllerWithParameters 36%

Why would it be showing 0% for all tests if individual methods provide coverage? Also, there is no red/blue highlighting in the class to show me what is or is not covered.

Has anyone run into this before? It's driving me crazy! Would be happy to post my test class if that helps. Thanks!

I have noticed that the Id, ContactId, AccountId provided to me via the streaming api is differnt when I create/update to when the object is dleted. There are 3 additional characters at the end when I create/update. What are these characters? What do they do? And why are they also not present when I delete the object? 

When I create the object I get a message like this:
Message received from: /topic/CaseNotifications
  "channel": "/topic/CaseNotifications",
  "clientId": "19mycqd2dq10elvg0r0r0jhlcci",
  "data": {
    "event": {
      "type": "created",
      "createdDate": "2014-04-04T13:19:40.000+0000"
    "sobject": {
      "Status": "New",
      "AccountId": "001i000000M4Iu5AAF",
      "Subject": "yrdy",
      "ContactId": "003i000000IP4VTAA1",
      "Id": "500i0000007RQ4KAAW",
      "CaseNumber": "00001048",
      "Priority": "Medium"

When I delete I get the following message:
Message received from: /topic/CaseNotifications
  "channel": "/topic/CaseNotifications",
  "clientId": "19mycqd2dq10elvg0r0r0jhlcci",
  "data": {
    "event": {
      "type": "deleted",
      "createdDate": "2014-04-04T13:19:47.000+0000"
    "sobject": {
      "Id": "500i0000007RQ4K"

Note in the above the id: 500i0000007RQ4KAAW when I create the object and an id of 500i0000007RQ4K when I delete the object. Why are these different?
  • April 04, 2014
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We have several objects that calculation of their sharing rules done in apex code.
This code is complex and dirty and hard to maintain. So I review it - and found option to move it into the UI - means calculate it with sharing rules base criteria.

There are 2 optional problem:

1.We might need to increase the available sharing rules criteria. Current limit is 50, and SF support already confirm that we can increase it, but the concern is if it will affect performance significantly?
(currently we will have 20 criteria, but in future it might increase to ~60)

2.Might need to use complex criteria. Would that reduce the performance significantly?
e.g.:   (6 AND ((2 AND (3 OR 4 OR 5)) OR (1 AND 3))) OR (7 AND 8)

Does someone have exprience with this and can advise?

We want to allow document upload using <apex:inputFile> tag from Communities website we have developed. We are using Customer Community User licenses.
On Customer Community User profile Document has Read access and other access are disabled. It seems Community user can only read already uploaded document. Is that correct ?

But from Chatter tab Community User can upload file.

How can we allow our users to upload document from out community website ? Can anyone suggest alternative?

Please reply,


Not able to reRender apex:inputTextArea with empty value in IE11. They are showing some HTML code inside the text area and all the component after that text area are not going to disappear. This is working properly in Chrome and FireFox.
I want to delete a record using its external id.

example :

Opportunity opt = new Opportunity();
opt.External_Id__c = ''external id of record'';
delete opt;

is it possible ?

When I do like this getting "System.ListException: Missing id at index: 0" exception.

Thanks in Advance,
Murthy VVR

add a record to a custom object.

I have looked around and could not find such a sample app.  
  • February 05, 2014
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We have multiple system administrators.  All assigned to the same objects, roles, and profiles.  When each of us runs the RUN ALL TESTS for code coverage, we receive different results.  The highest is 80% overall coverage.  The lowest is 67% coverage.  Why would that be?  What needs to be changed in order for all of us to receive the same results?

NOTE:  We have test classes for all of our APEX Triggers. We are in the process of refining the classes so that the the highest overall coverage goes to at least 90%.

Thank you for any incite you can provide!

Nancy Rousslang

I am about to deploy my first trigger to production. When I ran a test in the sandbox I got 100% code coverage, in production I got failed assertion unfortunately.

Here's my trigger for cloning the StartDateTime field from the event to a custom field to use it to calculate days with it:

trigger Eventdate on Event (before insert, before update) {
    for(Event e : trigger.new){
        // write custom field "Start Date/Time"
        e.Start_Date_Time__c = e.StartDateTime;

My test class looks like this:

// test for the 'Eventdate' triggers
private class Eventdate {
    static testMethod void test() {
        // create dummy Event
        Event e = new Event(ActivityDateTime=Date.Today(), Description='Test Event',
                            DurationInMinutes=10, Subject='Test Event', z_Thema__c='privat');

        insert e;

        // get the custom "Start Date/Time" field values
        DateTime dtmStart_e = [SELECT Start_Date_Time__c FROM Event WHERE
                               Id = :e.Id LIMIT 1].Start_Date_Time__c;

        // test "Start Date/Time"
        System.assert(dtmStart_e == e.StartDateTime);

Failure Message: "System.AssertException: Assertion Failed", Failure Stack Trace: "Class.Eventdate.test: line 16, column 1"

I really have no clue what I'm doing wrong so I'm looking forward to any help.

Thank you!
I have a managed package that includes a Permission Set in which I've granted Read and Write access to all of the standard Lead fields. However, when I install the package into an org and then view the Permission Set, some (but not all) of the fields' Read and Write access checkboxes are unchecked. Why? 

Please help me to wirite a class that can send a https request.

I create successful a https request based on: 

but I do not have any idea to create a https request.

All yesterday I could run tests from Eclipse with no problems, but today I run them & I get nothing, no failures, no passes, no debug logs, nothing.

If I run the tests through the web interface they fail, and I can see why.

I've also had issues with custom fields not showing up in Eclipse today too.

Is there any way to reset things?
Hey guys,

About a month ago i created a survey object which i published on site.com. I made it so that upon clicking save, if I had the account id in the url..it would insert the survey into the account. Now it just says unauthorised access. What is going on?
HI all,

I need to write the test class for DOM XML parser. Could anyone please help me out from this

public canvastosalesforce1_AC()
        Http h=new Http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        HttpRequest request= new HttpRequest();
        String responseBody;
        response = h.send(request);
        responseBody = response.getBody();
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        Dom.XMLNode root = doc.getRootElement();
        ResponseContainerRec = new ResponseContainer();
        sectionsClassRec = new sectionsClass();       
        screensClassRec = new screensClass();
        responsesClassRec = new responsesClass();
        ResponseContainerRec.sections = new List<sectionsClass>();
        sectionsClassRec.screens = new List<screensClass>();
        screensClassRec.responses = new List<responsesClass>();
        responseContainerList = new List<ResponseContainer>();
        system.debug('*****999 '+responseContainerList); 
public String walkThrough(DOM.XMLNode node) {
        String result = '\n';
        if (node.getNodeType() == DOM.XMLNodeType.COMMENT) {
            System.debug('Test comment '+node.getText());
        if (node.getNodeType() == DOM.XMLNodeType.TEXT) {
            System.debug('Test element '+node.getText());
        if (node.getNodeType() == DOM.XMLNodeType.ELEMENT) {
            if(node.getName() == 'Submission')
                if (node.getAttributeCount() > 0)
                    ResponseContainerRec.submissionId = node.getAttributeValue(node.getAttributeKeyAt(0), node.getAttributeKeyNsAt(0));
            if(node.getName() == 'Form')
                if (node.getAttributeCount() > 0)
                    ResponseContainerRec.formId = node.getAttributeValue(node.getAttributeKeyAt(0), node.getAttributeKeyNsAt(0));
            if(node.getName() == 'Name')
                     if(node.getParent().getName() == 'Form')
                        ResponseContainerRec.formName = node.getText();
                     if(node.getParent().getName() == 'Section')
                        sectionsClassRec.sectionName = node.getText();
                     if(node.getParent().getName() == 'Screen')
                        screensClassRec.screenName = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Status')
                    ResponseContainerRec.formStatus = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Version')
                    ResponseContainerRec.formVersion = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Date')
                    ResponseContainerRec.dateValue= node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'DeviceDate')
                    ResponseContainerRec.deviceDate = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'UserName')
                    ResponseContainerRec.UserName = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'FirstName')
                System.debug('check node '+node.getParent().getName());
                    ResponseContainerRec.FirstName = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'LastName')
                    ResponseContainerRec.LastName = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'ResponseID')
                    ResponseContainerRec.ResponseID = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Label')
                    responsesClassRec.responseLabel = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Value')
                    responsesClassRec.responseValue = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'Type')
                    responsesClassRec.responseType = node.getText();
         result += 'Element: ' + node.getName();
            if (node.getText().trim() != '') {
                result += ', text=' + node.getText().trim();
            if (node.getAttributeCount() > 0) {
              for (Integer i = 0; i< node.getAttributeCount(); i++ ) {
                result += ', attribute #' + i + ':' + node.getAttributeKeyAt(i) + '=' + node.getAttributeValue(node.getAttributeKeyAt(i), node.getAttributeKeyNsAt(i));
        for (Dom.XMLNode child: node.getChildElements())
            result += walkThrough(child);
        if(responsesClassRec.responseLabel != null && responsesClassRec.responseValue != null && responsesClassRec.responseType != null)
            System.debug(' Test '+responsesClassRec);
            responsesClassRec = new responsesClass();           
        if(screensClassRec.screenName != null && screensClassRec.responses.size() > 1)
            System.debug(' Test1 '+screensClassRec);
            screensClassRec = new screensClass();
            screensClassRec.responses = new List<responsesClass>();           
        if(sectionsClassRec.sectionName!= null && sectionsClassRec.screens.size() > 0)
            System.debug(' Test2 '+sectionsClassRec);
            sectionsClassRec = new sectionsClass();           
            sectionsClassRec.screens = new List<screensClass>();
        if(ResponseContainerRec.submissionId != null && ResponseContainerRec.formId != null && ResponseContainerRec.formName != null && ResponseContainerRec.formStatus  != null &&
           ResponseContainerRec.formVersion != null && ResponseContainerRec.dateValue != null && ResponseContainerRec.deviceDate != null && ResponseContainerRec.UserName != null &&
           ResponseContainerRec.FirstName != null && ResponseContainerRec.LastName != null && ResponseContainerRec.ResponseID != null && ResponseContainerRec.sections.size() > 0)
            System.debug('ResponseContainerRec '+ResponseContainerRec);
            ResponseContainerRec = new ResponseContainer();
            ResponseContainerRec.sections = new List<sectionsClass>();        
            return result;
        return '';
Actually i need two output panels in the same page...could any one give me the brief description about it...im new to force.com...so give as detailed as psooible so that i could understand easily
     Actually i displayed all fields dynamically in an visualforce page.I want In my fields Multipicklist fields are there .How to display Multipicklist fields as Checkboxes Dynamically?

help me.........

One of our customer has created Report in salesforce for daily purpose. We are facing one issue over there. 
I want to understand if I am missing anything or this is a bug in salesforce reporting tool.

Reporting tool Issue:

Report behaves in correct way when I first choose checkbox and use drill down option. but after that, when I unselected previously selected checkbox and select some other rows to drill down further, Report does not unselect earlier record but shows drill down results inlcuding record selected at first.

For Ex: 

Lest assume there is report with 10 records and Branch is column ( field on record ) on report.

Step 1: I select row number 1 & use drill down option to refresh report. It gives me correct result & drills down report to selected record.
Step2 : Now, say I want to unselect row 1 and want to select row 4 & 5. After doing this if I run report then report does not unselect row 1 but shows me report result with row 1, row 4 & row 5 (ANDs all three together).

Is this a bug in salesforce tool ? How can I fix or raise a case for this ?

Please suggest.

thanks in advance.


I'm trying to release a new dev made in sandbox. One of the class had already been released in prod from the sandbox but it's not blocking.

Here is the error message I get :

Failure Message: "System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object", Failure Stack Trace: "Class.PricerOffer.firstList: line 177, column 1 Class.PricerController_TEST.pricerControllerTest: line 52, column 1"

And here is the code of the test until some lines below the line 52:

public class PricerController_TEST {

  // -------------------------------------
    // pricerControllerTest() method
    // ------------------------------------- 
  static testMethod void pricerControllerTest() {
    // Data Model
        PageReference oPageRef = new PageReference('/apex/Pricer?oppId=' + PricerUtils_TEST.oOpp.Id);
        PricerController oPricerController = new PricerController();
        PricerSiteOffer.bIsTest = true;
        system.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR, '### SFDC - PricerController_TEST - pricerControllerTest() - PricerUtils_TEST.lRV.size():' + PricerUtils_TEST.lRV.size());
    // Initializing  Pricer options
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.sDateDebutContrat = String.valueOf(system.today().toStartOfMonth());
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.X12_mois__c = true;
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.X24_mois__c = false;
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.X36_mois__c = false;
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.X48_mois__c = false;
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.TECH_Duree_mois__c = '12';
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.Cout_variable_transport__c = 'Oui';
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.Offre_regulee__c = 'Oui';
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.Copropriete_Clinique_Public__c = 'Oui';
    oPricerController.oOfferOption.oOffer.Assujetti_TVA__c = true;
    system.assertEquals(PricerController.bBatchSendEmail, true);
    system.assertNotEquals(PricerOption.lDateDebutContrat.size(), 0);
    system.assertNotEquals(PricerOption.sDateValiditeOffre, null);
    system.assertNotEquals(PricerOption.sDateFinMaxOffre, null); 
    // Execute Pricer
    system.assertEquals(oPricerController.oOfferOption.lOffer.size(), 2);
    integer i=0;
        for (PricerOffer oPricerOffer:oPricerController.lOffer){
      system.assertequals(oPricerOffer.iNbExistingSiteOffer, 3);
      // Save offer
            // Pagination functionality
              system.assertNotEquals(PricerOffer.DISPLAYSITEDETAIL, null);
              system.assertNotEquals(PricerOffer.NBSITESAVECDETAIL, null);

I'm not a dev but I'm surprised this is now posing problem because before it has been released ok. Also, our salesforce org hasn't changed much, although we created some unique IDs which were posing problems but I removed them and the test is now failing only at this step.

Thanks for your help



We have reports in salesforce but is there anyway to find out how many people and how many times they used the reports ?based on this Information is there  any way to create the Reports?Can anybody help me out  this?


Hi All,

Can we create downloadable app with HTML 5.  I have seen the WEB APP exmaple (hosted on Heroku) wiht HTML5.  How can I create a mobile app with HTML 5 can be download/install on phone . thanks.

I understand that The streaming API is considered a push technology as updates can be set up using Apex so that when sales objects change, events can fire and a native app is in synch.  Is that correct?

But are there any means to create such push triggers outside of force.com?

Thank you!


I've got a custom button that Executes JavaScript to open a new tab in the console or open an external page if not in the console.  It is working pretty good but I've named the console tab with the Account Name.  It works fine unless there is an apostraphe or other escape character.  Is there a way to either comment the apostraphe out or ignore it or something?

Here is the button code:


if (typeof(srcUp) == 'function') {
sforce.console.getEnclosingPrimaryTabId(function openSubtab(result){sforce.console.openSubtab(result.id, 'https://www.outsidelink.com', true, 'Admin for {!Account.Name}');});
} else {
I configured a domain that I own as a Domain in my SalesForce org. 
I created a new Site that has one page in it. 
When I create a custom URL to point my domain name to that Site and page, SalesForce hangs for an extended period of time showing "Publishing" and eventually says "Publish Failed" 

I don't think what I am trying to do is very complicated. Am I missing something here? 
Hello guys.

Need help on this, I am getting this error while saving my vf page code.any idea on this how to resolve this.below is the class and page code.Here I want to display  Name field of User object on VF page. there is lookup relationship between User and Employee object  and User is parent.
Please help me on this.Thanks in advance.

<apex:pageblockTable value="{!allemployees}" var="emp">
    <apex:column >
      <apex:facet name="header">
          <apex:outputText value="Full name"/>
     <apex:outputField value="{!emp.User__r.Name}"/>

public List<Employee_Detail__c> getallemployees() 
         allemployees= Database.Query('select Image__c,User__r.name from Employee_Detail__c)
       return allemployees;
I need to migrate data from my legacy system, where there are multi-valued fields(eg, 2 phone numbers in one field, 3 contact address in one field). What is the best way to map those fields in to Standard Object.

I am trying to figure out a way to automatically verify that a lead email is valid.

My idea is to use a workflow to automatically email the registered email address a link that they would click. This link would then automatically update a custom field in the lead object titled "Verified".

Is a link like this a possibility? What would I need to do for this link?

Thank you in advance!

I'm currently stuck on how to approach this: I'm building a basic customer service representative QA system ( email comes in, question gets answered, etc. ).
We also have a custom built system we don't want to part with yet, that is needed for the agent to gather information he needs to solve the case.

We want our own system to be integrated in a SF "tab" so the agent needs only to login to one system at the time.
We are thinking of simply opening an iframe to our system, so we don't have to rebuild all of it. So my question:

- How do I start with one simple application, where I can add a couple of test users and credentials, so I can start working on the Oauth2 docs?
- Will the oauth2 access token expire when the agent logs out of salesforce? Is there any way of checking wether the user has logged out?
( since our app is accessed trough an iframe, we must deauthenticate the agent, since he/she will be working on shared resources )

Most of all, I seem to miss out on something good. I am having trouble on finding simple straight forward documentation on any of this, while there seems to be an overwhelming amount of stuff I really have no use for, but these basic questions remain unanswered after a mornings' binge on documentation. We will have someone come in who knows how to build an SF ui in a month, but we need to work on developing the stuff on our side in the meanwhile.

Any pointers much appreciated!


As what I've gathered about SF so far, it shouldn't be yak shaving. Clearly I'm approaching this from the wrong angle.
Any pointers much appreciated :)

After being migrated from na13 to na20 I have been seeing the following error happen ever so often:

The processing instruction must begin with the name of the target.

Currently I am using API version 20 and have never seen this error happen in the past before the migration over the weekend.

Any ideas on what may cause this?
  • June 02, 2014
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I'm noticing a problem with the Command Link Tag. 

I have a command link which redirects to the Campaing Standard Object. When i hit on the Link I'm noticing two problems. 

1. I'm not able to add the Inline edit functionality. The field is getting locked though the Page block has mode="inlineEdit"
2. When i click on the link especially in Internet Explorer. The whole standard Campaign page alignment is going off. This is working absolutely well in Chrome and Firefox. Please suggest. 

<apex:column HeaderValue="{!$ObjectType.Campaign.fields.Name.Label}">
     <apex:facet name="header">
      <apex:commandLink action="{!querySortData}" value="{!$ObjectType.Campaign.fields.Name.Label}{!IF(sortExpression ='Name' &&     sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲')}"  status="loading"  reRender="pb,js">
       <apex:param value="Name" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>
     <apex:outputLink styleClass="actionLink"   value="/{!cw.camp.Id}" onClick="return openCampaign('{!cw.camp.Id}');">{!cw.camp.Name}</apex:outputLink>


Have anyone tried converting a developer instance to a full production instance?

Is that possible?

Thank you.
iam getting this error once i am working with thirdparty.....

java.security.cert.CertificateException: No name matching democlay.v6live.com found

share any information
It appears that column indexing is only available to customers with premier support.  I was redirected to the developer forums by salesforce support, which makes no sense since developers cannot index a column for me.  Any workarounds people have found?  My use-case is that I need to query our leads table, which contains >700k records (too many for a simple query) and cannot get a query to flag as selective without a custom column index... 
how i can realize a report that send periodically a mail with Monitor -> System Overview of my org without execute login? How i can count
  • custom object,
  • Custom Settings
  • Data Storage
  • API Requests, Last 24 Hours
  • Rules
  • Apex Triggers
  • Apex Classes
  • Most Used Licenses
  • Custom Apps
  • Active Force.com Sites
  • Active Flows
  • Custom Tabs
  • Visualforce Pages

of my org?

Below are some segment of debug logs from an action method called by a VF page.

It looks like the vast majority of time is taking place after  VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_END and before Generate Metadata.  Then there's a bit more time used in Generate Metadata.  I'm wondering what's going on during this time?

I could reduce view state a lot and then requery some information.  I'm thinking that might improve performance but I'd like to know that view states effects that time that's being used.

08:58:39.219 (219185000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_BEGIN|066i00000003ASR
08:58:39.365 (365728000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_END
08:58:52.766 (13766220000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Generate Metadata
08:58:56.069 (17069399000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Generate Metadata
08:58:56.632 (17330865000)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE

08:58:18.487 (487066000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_BEGIN|066i00000003ASR
08:58:18.629 (629588000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_END
08:58:26.961 (8961670000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Generate Metadata
08:58:30.310 (12310775000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Generate Metadata
08:58:30.676 (12573652000)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE

09:04:13.208 (208228000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_BEGIN|066i00000003ASR
09:04:13.355 (355362000)|VF_SERIALIZE_VIEWSTATE_END
09:04:26.507 (13507293000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Generate Metadata
09:04:29.665 (16665073000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Generate Metadata
09:04:30.564 (16933020000)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_US

<apex:page Controller="Xmlparsar">

<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Parse Xml" action="{!Parsexml}" />   
                <apex:commandButton value="ParseXML File" action="{!Parsexmlfile}"/>
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!xmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!outxmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;" id="response"/><br/>

            <apex:outputLabel value="Select Xml File" for="file"/>
            <apex:inputFile fileName="{!fileName}" value="{!body}"/>

Apex Class

public  class Xmlparsar
    //xml string
    public String xmlstring{get;set;}
    //display xml string
    public String outxmlstring{get;set;}
    public String rootElement{get;set;}
    public String filename{get;set;}
    public blob body{get;set;}
    public Xmlparsar()
//Parsing xml what you entered in the left text area
    public pagereference Parsexml()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
       return null;
    //loading the child elements
    public void loadChilds(DOM.XMLNode xmlnode)
        for(Dom.XMLNode child : xmlnode.getChildElements())
          if(child.getText()!= null)
          outxmlstring+='\n'+child.getName()+': '+child.getText();
//This is for parsing xml file what you selected
  public pagereference Parsexmlfile()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       outxmlstring=String.valueof(xmlDOC.getRootElement().getName());//gives you root element Name
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
      return null;

Apex Test Class

public class XmlParsarTest
    //test for parse xml only
    @isTest static void Parsexml()
        Xmlparsar xmlpar=new Xmlparsar();
        PageReference pageRef = Page.XmlParseVFPage;
        xmlpar.xmlstring='<?xml version="1.0"?><catalog><book id="bk101"><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author></book></catalog>';
        System.assertNotEquals(null, xmlpar.outxmlstring);
    @isTest static void ParsexmlFile()
        Xmlparsar xmlpar=new Xmlparsar();
        PageReference pageRef = Page.XmlParseVFPage;
        List<StaticResource> resourceList=[SELECT body FROM StaticResource WHERE Name = :'testxmlfile' limit 1];
        System.assertNotEquals(null, xmlpar.outxmlstring);
I work in a Salesforce consultant team and often, when we need to sync objects with an external service, our developpers run in some data consistency problem, governor limit issue and all kind of pretty hard to resolved. 

I wrote an article this morning one way one we solve a customer need, I guess it can be of some help to those of you having simmilar issues : 
Hi all! We've launched some new features here on the forums today - thanks to you all for your feedback on the new site! Here's today's update:
  • New "Start a Discussion"  button to make it easier for you to start a new thread (we still strongly encourage you to search the existing topics before you post though as it's very likely your topic has been addressed before!)
  • Infinite scroll starts higher up on the page to provide a smoother experience
  • Added a "Continue Reading" link on each discussion card
  • Fixed a bug affecting the display of dates on some profile pages
  • Fixes to how notifications are sent when you like or reply to posts
Our development team is actively working on site enhancements, so please keep the feedback coming!! Let us know what you think of the site and what you'd like to see.


I am trying to replace Standard Opportunity detail page with my visualforce page.
Here I am able to acheive most of the things except
    1. Probability is not getting updated while changeing StageName (in inlineEdit and not even after saving it)
     2. Not able to display Relatedlist hover

Note: I am not using apex:detail, instead I am using pageblock and apex:outputfield tags

below is my code snippet

<apex:pageblock mode="maindetail">
  <apex:pageBlockSection title="Opportunity Related Information" id="thePageBlockSectionDetail11">
                <apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton, deleteButton" event="ondblclick"
                    changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit" />
                 <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.StageName}" id="stageFieldId1"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.Probability}" id="probabilityFieldId"/>  

Please reply soon. (As it is a bit urgent.)
Any help would be highly appriciated

Thanks in advance,

  • January 14, 2014
  • Like
  • 1
Hi All,

 I need guidence in integratiing informatica Hierarchy Manager inegration with SFDC,I tried to redirect the from visualforce page to informatica Hierarchy Manager page but it seems iframe is not getting rendred ,I tried to replace the url with defult one (like http://www.googlr.com) to test ,but thats also not getting rendred ,kindly provide me your inputs

Hi All,

during my work with apex, I had issue with searching data in maps of maps of maps... or combinations in lists. Sometimes I want to run a debug log and I want to see all values in fields. Salesforce put debug log into long string only, so it's hard to read. After time, I desided to create a new tool, which parse salesforce log into nice format for easy reading. Try it, and say if you like it. Feel free to request some improvements and ideas for implementing







PS: if you do not have any debug try this one:

16:55:49:253 USER_DEBUG [59]|DEBUG|{Best Case=(), Closed=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Closed, OppId=MyId, OppName=TestOPP1, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Deposit, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=0, month3=3.6], sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Milestone, SumOfRow=null, month1=3.0, month2=0, month3=0])]), Commit=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Commit, OppId=myId, OppName=TestOPP2, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Final, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=2.5, month3=1.9])]), Pipeline=()}


As many of you have discovered, our developer community is awesome. The wealth of knowledge here is phenomenal. This is an all volunteer community and people who take the time to help and post answers do so totally on their own initiative. With that said when someone provides the right answer to your question please take the time to mark their answer as the accepted solution. Also give them a kudos if they've really gone the extra mile to help out. Show some love ;)

Hi all

We've just published a new article:
An Introduction to Apex Code Test Methods

Here's the abstract:

To facilitate the development of robust, error-free code, Apex Code requires the creation and execution of unit tests. Unit tests are comprised of test methods and classes that verify whether a particular piece of code is working properly.

This article introduces test methods. It details why test methods are a critical part of Force.com application development, test method syntax, best practices, and advanced topics such as test methods for Visualforce controllers and Apex web service callouts.

Enjoy! (And if you want to contribute an article, feel free to ping me)


Jon Mountjoy ||  Community Manager || http://developer.force.com/