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Error: Failed to parse wsdl: Unable to find element for {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema

I'm getting the above error when trying generate New Apex Code from WSDL.

Without me publishing my entire WSDL... any idea what could cause this? I've been fiddling with my WSDL for hours trying to make it work...

Can't find the answer here or anywhere.

  • September 13, 2014
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I'm probably missing something basic...

I cannot get my company's logo to appear on the public facing Salesforce Site that I'm creating with a custom Visualforce page.

It works in the sandbox, but not in production.

I've set the Sites' "Public Access Settings" (my Site's public unauthenticated Profile) to see my custom App by default.

I've uploaded and put the logo into my My Personal Documents folder, and from there, into that App.

I've set the logo to be an Externally Available Image, and it's only a 4K gif.

I've even double-checked that the layout shows a header component (that exists) which displays my logo, although I'm not sure any of that is used when displaying my Visualforce page in the site.

I've been through all the permissions with a fine toothed comb.

Any suggestions as to where to look would be appreciated, even long shots.

Thanks in advance.
Tell me if I am approaching this the wrong way...

I'm building an FAQ Site and would like to display different Knowledge Articles based on what page they came from. To get that info, I'm using ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Referer')

If they came from within our cloud product, then I'm going to assume they are a customer, and I'll want to display Knowledge Articles from the Customer Channel. Otherwise, I'm going to assume they are coming to my page via somewhere else on the web, and I'll want to display only Knowledge Articles from the Public Knowledge Base Channel.

I cannot find any way to do this... But it seems so logical. I feel like there has to be a way to do this.

...Unless there is an easier way, like making use of Data Categories somehow... Or, maybe a harder way, like perhaps I have to set up a Customer Portal?

Any thoughts are much appreciated.
I'm trying to expose a "Salesforce Site" publicly, but every time I go to the URL I keep getting "Authorization Required You must first long in or register before accessing this page." 

In order to eliminate this error, I've:

created a "Hello World" page that accesses no controllers or objects to eliminate Object permissions from the problem,

verified that the Site is active,

gone to the site and clicked "Public Access Settings" and configured the User Profile that comes up to be able to access the page from any IP range ( to, given it every System Permission possible, and not assigned any login hours, which I assume allows the site's User Profile to access the page at any time.

I can't think of anything else to do! Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Guys,

I'm very sorry to post such a basic question, but I've been through the forums and docs and watched tutorials and I simply can't find the answer.


In APEX, how does one step through code and/or put message boxes or something similar to determine where your code has gotten to?


My supervisor told me to use system.debug, so I put it as the first line in my Opportunity after insert trigger (to be executed after converting a Lead). A log or two does appear when I convert a Lead and thus run my trigger, but when I click on it, there's a huge list of events and none of them have system.debug and the message I put inside.


(And yes, the Opportunity is most certainly being created.)


Do I need Eclipse? What basic thing am I missing here? Hopefully, this will be useful for other beginners like myself.



Error: Failed to parse wsdl: Unable to find element for {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema

I'm getting the above error when trying generate New Apex Code from WSDL.

Without me publishing my entire WSDL... any idea what could cause this? I've been fiddling with my WSDL for hours trying to make it work...

Can't find the answer here or anywhere.

  • September 13, 2014
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I'm probably missing something basic...

I cannot get my company's logo to appear on the public facing Salesforce Site that I'm creating with a custom Visualforce page.

It works in the sandbox, but not in production.

I've set the Sites' "Public Access Settings" (my Site's public unauthenticated Profile) to see my custom App by default.

I've uploaded and put the logo into my My Personal Documents folder, and from there, into that App.

I've set the logo to be an Externally Available Image, and it's only a 4K gif.

I've even double-checked that the layout shows a header component (that exists) which displays my logo, although I'm not sure any of that is used when displaying my Visualforce page in the site.

I've been through all the permissions with a fine toothed comb.

Any suggestions as to where to look would be appreciated, even long shots.

Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to expose a "Salesforce Site" publicly, but every time I go to the URL I keep getting "Authorization Required You must first long in or register before accessing this page." 

In order to eliminate this error, I've:

created a "Hello World" page that accesses no controllers or objects to eliminate Object permissions from the problem,

verified that the Site is active,

gone to the site and clicked "Public Access Settings" and configured the User Profile that comes up to be able to access the page from any IP range ( to, given it every System Permission possible, and not assigned any login hours, which I assume allows the site's User Profile to access the page at any time.

I can't think of anything else to do! Thanks in advance for your help.


I'm facing a weird error "Formula Expression is required on the action attributes".


My VF Page:

<apex:commandButton value="Log-in"  action="{!loginTest}"/>


My Class:

public pagereference loginTest(){
pagereference redirect = new PageReference('apex/newPage');
return redirect;


But when I click on login button i'm facing a weird error 'Formula Expression is required on the action attributes'.


Syntax looks fine,but some how it is not working.

Any help is much appreciated :)


I'm starting to reach the point where I think SF Sites can become undebuggable because on certain errors you get only the  "Authorization Required " error page.


I have a Sites application that has been working pretty well.  Now in one sandbox, and one sandbox only, when I hit a certain point in the application, I always get the  "Authorization Required " error page.  But, I do not believe it is because of permissions.  I believe that page is masking the real error.


The page works fine when I run the same scenario logged in and by starting with the .../apex/pageName URL.


Run via the external Sites URL, I get that error.  Something is obviously running differently when run from the public sites user but I don't have any idea how to find out.


I put debug logs on for the sites guest user.  Then I triggered the operation that causes the error.  I see two new logs in the Debug Log list.  The first log shows stutus success with a duration of 2,168 ms.  So, it doesn't look like there's a permissions error.  Then there's a second short log that just shows that the /apex/Unauthorized page has been served.


It might be that there's some sort of View State error or some other internal error but I have no way of figuring out what it is?