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This is my first post on the board and am hoping someone can help!

I created a trigger to populate a custom Task field (Opportunity_Close_Date__c) with the Opportunity Close Date. 

Below please find my trigger and the test class I wrote.


The problem is that I'm getting 100% code coverage but the test is failing (Error Message: System.AssertException: Assertion Failed).


Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!!



Here's the trigger:


trigger OppCloseDate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();{
for(Task t:[select Id, WhatID from Task]){
        String wId = t.WhatId;
        if(wId!=null && wId.startsWith('006')){
for(Opportunity to:[select Id from Opportunity where Id in :taskIds]){
    Set<Id> oppstoupdate = new Set<Id>();
    for(Integer i=0;i<trigger.new.size();i++){

if(oppstoupdate.size() > 0){

   List<Opportunity> oList = [select Id, CloseDate from Opportunity where Id in :oppstoupdate];
   List<Task> taskstoupdate = new List<Task>();{
   for(Task tsk : [select Id, Opportunity_Close_Date__c from Task where WhatId in :oppstoupdate]){
   tsk.Opportunity_Close_Date__c = oList[0].CloseDate;
            update taskstoupdate;


And here's the test class:



private class Test_OppCloseDate {
    public static testMethod void myUnitTest(){

 List<Opportunity> opp1 = new List<Opportunity>{ new Opportunity(
        Name = 'Test Opp1',
        StageName = 'Closed Won',
        Type = 'New Business',
        CloseDate = Date.today()+7,
        Demo_ID__c = NULL,
        LicenseType__c = 'Enterprise')};                                
    insert opp1;
List<Opportunity> opp2 = new List<Opportunity>{ new Opportunity(
        Name = 'Test Opp2',
        StageName = 'Closed Won',
        Type = 'New Business',
        CloseDate = Date.today()+2,
        LicenseType__c = 'Enterprise')};                                
    insert opp2;

List<Task> tsk1 = new List<Task>{ new Task(
    WhatId = opp1[0].id,
    Subject = 'Task 2',
    Status = 'Not Started',
    Priority = 'Normal',
    Type = 'Demonstration - In Person')};                                
    insert tsk1;
List<Task> tsk2 = new List<Task>{ new Task(
    WhatId = NULL,
    Subject = 'Task 2',
    Status = 'Not Started',
    Priority = 'Normal',
    Type = 'Demonstration - Web/Phone')};                                
    insert tsk2;
List<Opportunity> oppstoupdate1 = New List<Opportunity>{ [select id from Opportunity where id in :opp1]};
    for(Opportunity oOP:oppstoupdate1)
    oOP.CloseDate = Date.today();
        Update oppstoupdate1;

List<Task> taskstoupdate2 = New List<Task>{ [select id from task where id in :tsk2]};
    for(task tOK:taskstoupdate2)
    tOK.WhatId = opp2[0].id;
        Update taskstoupdate2;

Task [] tasks1 = [select ID, Opportunity_Close_Date__c from Task where ID in :tsk1];
    System.assert(tasks1[0].Opportunity_Close_Date__c == (opp1[0].CloseDate));

Task [] tasks2 = [select ID, Opportunity_Close_Date__c from Task where ID in :tsk2];
    System.assert(tasks2[0].Opportunity_Close_Date__c == (opp2[0].CloseDate));  





First problem, when I enter the "Having" statement in soql the Force.com Explorer freezes up.


Second problem, When I run it without the "Having" and with a formula field other than ProductId__c this query runs successfully but not as desired.


When I use other formula fields to summorize by like Product_Name__c which is another formula field this query runs just fine but again without the having and the product id it doesn't work as desired. 


This is the formula fields definition: PricebookEntry.Product2Id - on the OpportunityLineItem object.


Below is the query with a id hard coded for testing purposes in the Force.com Explorer.


    ,sum(Quantity) Quantity 
    (Classification__c = 'Software' 
    or Classification__c = 'Professional Services' 
    or Classification__c = 'Bundle (SW w/ HW)') 
    and Case_Id__c = '5007000000LcHVP'
Group By 
    sum(Quantity) > 1

 I will give kudos to anyone that has an idea as to where I've gone wrong.


Thank you,

Steve Laycock


Hello everyone,


I created a trigger on Campaign Member and the purpose is to update the fields of the campaign member from the Lead it is associated with.


I am not able to figure out why the code is not updating the campaign member record even though it is hitting the code:


Following is my trigger:


trigger CampaignMemberAfter on CampaignMember(after insert, after update, after delete)

List<CampaignMember> camMembers = trigger.IsInsert || trigger.IsUpdate ? trigger.new : trigger.old;







Following is my class:


public class CampaignMemberClass

public static void UpdateCampaignMember(List<CampaignMember> camMembers)


Map<Id,CampaignMember> campaignLeads = new Map<Id,CampaignMember>{};

Map<Id,CampaignMember> campaignMems = new Map<Id,CampaignMember>{};

for(CampaignMember cm : camMembers)
campaignLeads.put(cm.LeadId, cm);
campaignMems.put(cm.Id, cm);

List<CampaignMember> CMsToUpdate = new List<CampaignMember>{};

for(CampaignMember CMem : [Select LeadId,Id,Lead.avg_attendance__c,Lead.avg_ticket_price__c,Lead.Estimated_Annual_Revenue__c,Average_Attendance__c, Average_Ticket_Price__c, Estimated_Annual_Rev__c from CampaignMember where Id in :campaignMems.keySet()])

CMem.Average_Attendance__c = Cmem.Lead.avg_attendance__c ;
CMem.Average_Ticket_Price__c = CMem.Lead.avg_ticket_price__c ;
CMem.Estimated_Annual_Rev__c = CMem.Lead.Estimated_Annual_Revenue__c;
CMem.Lead_Status__c = 'Open';

System.debug('AVERAGE ATTENDANCE LEAD VALUE '+ Cmem.Lead.avg_attendance__c);
System.debug('AVERAGE ATTENDANCE LEAD VALUE '+ Cmem.Lead.avg_ticket_price__c);
System.debug('AVERAGE ATTENDANCE LEAD VALUE '+ Cmem.Lead.avg_attendance__c);

CMsToUpdate.add(CMem) ;





Please help me in figuring out what I am missing.



Hello Developer friends,

Again i have comeup with some issues which i need help with....my learning curve

I need to create a generic class, method where i can pass the templateid, email address and the object or whatid ....i can call that method to send the emails to customers when the order(Custom Obj) has reached a certain stage in the order provisioning. The order stage is updated from external provisioning sytem via integration.

Please help with the logic


Hello Friends,

My friend has got website to sell the products. He now want to use Salesforce as a Backend for their website. I am doing the Salesforce development for my friend. I need Idea on how can i achieve the following.The website is currently ecommerce with CMS. 
all new products to be added by salesforce.
all invoicing to managed by salesforce.
all inventory to be managed by salesforce.
the ability to take payments for sagepay gateway via salesforce.
the ability to take phone orders where products can be selected via salesforce to build a order for a customer.
Because i know the configuration adn Apex/VF pages development

Please give me ideas and i will implement it.

Many Thanks in advance
Hello All,

I have got 3 tabs on my visualforce page. In each tabs i have got a search feature. Afer i search for a record in one tab the list list is displayed for Accounts. Then i go to another tab. Once i come back yto the first tab, it does'nt refresh the list but still displays the previous search results. I tries with SwitchType Client, Ajax and server but no gain.

Any ideas welcome and thanks in advance
Hello Guys

Again Stuck with the concatenation :

private final String SOQL_RECENT_REC = 'SELECT LastViewedDate,Type,UserRoleId FROM RecentlyViewed';
private final String CONDITION_USER_SORT = ' Order By LastViewedDate DESC LIMIT 20';
List<RecentlyViewed> recentViewed= new List<RecentlyViewed>();
recentViewed = Database.query(SOQL_RECENT_REC +' WHERE Type = \'Account \' ' + CONDITION_USER_SORT);

Should run a query like the following :
recentViewed = [SELECT LastViewedDate,Type,UserRoleId FROM RecentlyViewed Where Type='Account' Order By LastViewedDate DESC LIMIT 20];

Many Thanks !!
Hello Dear All,

I hope you having a good day but i am kind of stuck.

I am currently displaying the User List in a custom VF Page. When i click the Name of the User it should take the user to a Custom Visualforce page where i will display the some user details, and list of his Activities, Accounts, Opportunities. Shall i use the standard User Controller and OR a custom controller. Please Guide me the steps.

Many Thanks

I want to concatenate two strings to for the query to be executed using Database.Query. Here is what i am doing
string sql1 = 'Select Custom_Name__c from Opportunity  where AccountId IN';
string2 sql2= '(Select Id from Account where Europe__c =True)';
Doesn't work.Any Ideas?
Hello All,

I need to create a Home Page component with a Tab 'Interested In'. In this tab i need to display the Accounts i am following(irrespective of I own it or not.)  I am the logged in User..

Please guide/suggest

Many Thanks
Hello friends,

I need to create a visual force page where i need to display me and people who report to logged in User(me)....ofcourse based on the role hierarchy setup in my Org.

Kindly guide me to link explaining such an example or how can i approach this?

Many Thanks

Hello All,
Has anyone used the WADL file into salesforce. I have got WADL file from another Application Team. When i import this sfile into Salesforce it errors out.
Just looking for a way to consume WADL in salesforce if anyone can help?
Hello All,
Has anyone used the WADL file into salesforce. I have got WADL file from another Application Team. When i import this sfile into Salesforce it errors out.
Just looking for a way to consume WADL in salesforce if anyone can help 

Many Thanks
Hi All

Just trying to Use Custom Setting in a Formula field. I have too many custom formula field on the account Object and hit the limit of max 15. Would like to know how can i use Heirarchical Custom setting in Cross Object Formuls..Many Thanks in advance 
Hello All, Please suggest if the following Batch APex can be improved..It first defines the scope by selecting all the Master cities. It then finds all the cities associated to Master Cities. It then loops thru all the accounts in each cities and does the sum up calculations based on certain conditions. It also updates 2 account fields and updates fields on top level Master City object.
Many Thanks in advance ...
global class MasterCity_BatchJob  implements Database.Batchable<SObject>{

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id from Pseudo_City__c where RecordTypeId='012m00000004HZLAA2']);
        // where Id='a0Cm000000060Ai'
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<SObject> mcityscope){      
        List<Pseudo_City__c> scope = (List<Pseudo_City__c>)mcityscope;//Casting sObject to Master City List
        system.debug('The Scope created in Execute method is >>>>>'+scope );
        MasterCityBatchJobHelper MChelper = new MasterCityBatchJobHelper();
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}
//Initialize the variables which will store summaries to 0
          integer mtotalLiveAccount=0;
          integer mtotalfivestarHotels=0;
          integer mtotalfourstarHotels =0;
          integer mtotalthreestarHotels =0;         
          integer mTotalGTAconnectRegional = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectGlobal = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectIndependent = 0;          
          integer mtotalCityCenterAccount = 0;
          integer mtotalAirportAccount=0; 
          integer mtotalRegionAccount =0;
          integer mtotalPOIAccount=0;
          integer mtotalTwoStarorLess=0;
          double GrandTotalRNs2013=0;    
          integer mTotalUnCategorized =0;
          public Map<Id,City__c> mcitiesToUpdate = new Map<Id,City__c>();//Map to hold the cities
          List<Pseudo_City__c> masterCitiesToUpdate = new List<Pseudo_City__c>();//List of Master Cities to be updated
          List<Account> accToUpdateList = new List<Account>();
    public MasterCityBatchJobHelper(){}
    public PageReference analyzeAccountFromPage() {
          List<Pseudo_City__c> mcities = [select id from Pseudo_City__c where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
          system.debug('The mCities in ANalyse Accounts from PageReference is  >>>>>'+ mcities  );
          return new Pagereference('/'+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
    public void citiesInMasterCity(List<Pseudo_City__c> scope) {
         scope = [Select Id,City_Categorisation__c,Name,GTA_3_Hotels__c,GTA_4_Hotels__c,GTA_5_Hotels__c,GTA_2_or_less_Hotels__c,GTA_Hotels_2012__c,RN_Projection_2014_Top_Focus__c,GTA_Independant__c,GTA_Global_Chain_Hotels__c,GTA_Regional_Chain_Hotels__c,Suburbs_Airport__c,GTA_POI_Hotels__c,uncategorised_properties__c,GTA_City_Centre_Penetration__c from Pseudo_City__c where Id IN: scope];
         system.debug('The SCOPE in citiesInMasterCity is  >>>>>  '+ scope );
         for(Pseudo_city__c mcity : scope){
                 system.debug('The value in the mastercitiestoUpdate before update>>>>>>>>>>>> ' + mcity.id );       
                 masterCitiesToUpdate.add(analyzeMastercity(mCity));//Loads the list with Mastercities to be updated to List
            Database.update(masterCitiesToUpdate);//Updates and commits the calculations in the List to the Database

    private Pseudo_city__c analyzeMasterCity(Pseudo_city__c mCity) {
         for(City__c city :[Select Id, Name,Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c,City_Location__c FROM City__c where Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c =:mCity.Id]){
                   If(city.Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c != null )
                 system.debug('The cities within the Master cities are ::>>>> '+ mcitiesToUpdate ); 
                 return summarizeAccounts(mcitiesToUpdate, mCity);
    private Pseudo_city__c summarizeAccounts(Map<Id,City__c> mcitiesToUpdate,Pseudo_City__c mCity){
             for(Account acc : [Select Id,Name,Property_Status__c,Master_City_Cluster_Tier_This_Year__c,Master_City_Name_This_Year__c,Location__c,recordTypeId,Star_Rating__c,GTA_Connect_Chain__c,DI_Master_Chain__c,ThresholdC__c,Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c,City_New__c from Account where (RecordType.developerName='Property' AND Property_Status__c='LIVE' AND City_New__c IN :mcitiesToUpdate.keySet())]){
                           mtotalLiveAccount += 1;
                    if (acc.City_new__c != null){
                        acc.Master_City_Name_This_Year__c = mCity.Name;
                        acc.Master_City_Cluster_Tier_This_Year__c = mCity.City_Categorisation__c;
                        system.debug('The Account to be updated>>>>>>> ' +accToUpdateList);
                    if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c != null){ 
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'City Center')
                            mtotalCityCenterAccount+= 1;
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'Suburb & Airport')
                            mtotalAirportAccount+= 1;
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'Point of interest')
                            mtotalPOIAccount+= 1;
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='5 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='5.5 Star')  && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                       mtotalfivestarHotels += 1;            
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='4 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='4.5 Star' ) && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                       mtotalfourstarHotels += 1;            
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='3 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='3 Star' ) && acc.Star_Rating__c != null  )
                       mtotalthreestarHotels += 1;            
                   if(acc.Star_Rating__c =='1 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='2 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c== 'NA' )
                   if (!((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'DESIGN') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'LUXE') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY') ) && (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != null)  && !((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Design Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group' ) || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent' )))
                        mTotalGTAconnectRegional+= 1;           
                   if (((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group')) && !(acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == null))
                        mTotalGTAconnectGlobal+= 1;    
                   if(((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent') &&  !((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY'))))
                        mTotalGTAconnectIndependent +=1;
                   if(((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == null) &&  !((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY'))))
                        mTotalUnCategorized +=1;    
                   if(acc.ThresholdC__c=='Top Focus' && acc.ThresholdC__c!= null && acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c != null)
                       GrandTotalRNs2013 = GrandTotalRNs2013 + acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c;
                       mCity.GTA_Hotels_2012__c = mtotalLiveAccount;
                       mCity.Suburbs_Airport__c= mtotalAirportAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_POI_Hotels__c= mtotalPOIAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_Hotels_2012__c = mtotalLiveAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_5_Hotels__c= mtotalfivestarHotels;            
                       mCity.GTA_4_Hotels__c= mtotalfourstarHotels;             
                       mCity.GTA_3_Hotels__c = mtotalthreestarHotels;
                       mCity.GTA_Regional_Chain_Hotels__c=  mTotalGTAconnectRegional;
                       mCity.GTA_Independant__c =    mTotalGTAconnectIndependent;                     
                       mCity.RN_Projection_2014_Top_Focus__c = GrandTotalRNs2013;
                       mCity.uncategorised_properties__c =mTotalUnCategorized ;
                       system.debug('The Total number of accounts for this Master City is  '+ mtotalLiveAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no hotels in CityCenter : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);
                       system.debug('The no hotels in Airport : ' + mtotalAirportAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no of hotels in POI  is : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);
                       system.debug('The Total number of accounts for this Master City is  '+ mtotalLiveAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no hotels in CityCenter : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);
                       system.debug('The no hotels in Airport : ' + mtotalAirportAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no of hotels in POI  is : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);       
                       system.debug('The no of 3 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalthreestarHotels);
                       system.debug('The no of 4 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfourstarHotels );
                       system.debug('The no of 5 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfivestarHotels );
                       system.debug('The no of 2 star and less hotel  is : ' + mtotalTwoStarorLess);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectGlobal hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectGlobal);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectRegional hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectRegional);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectIndependent hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectIndependent);
                       system.debug('The no hotels uncategorized : ' + mCity.uncategorised_properties__c);      
                   return mCity;

       private void accountToUpdate(List<Account> account){
Hello All,

How can i invoke apex code from a button, where using the apex i should be able to aggregate the fields from the child records.?

Please suggest

Hello Dear all,

I have a requirement where the records that were created for my City Strategy Object in 2013 should remain as it is and in Year 2014 those records should be recreated with the new values for 2014. Same should be done for year 2015.Eg   revenue generated field and oher similar data for London city in 2013 should remain as it is and we will now create new reocrds for 2014 and maintain the aggregate of revenue generated for 2014 and then for 2015.

What should be the best way to do this? I am thinking of creating a Parent object 'Year' to this City Strategy Object using lookup Rel and populate the year field in old records with 2013 and then new records will be associated to Year 2015. But also business wants to display the field as eg Revenue generated for 2013=xxx and revenue generated for 2014 is yyy..for the London record.Similarly for other cities.

Heartly Thanks in advance for your help..
Hello All,

New coder in Apex here
Just need suggestions from the experienced people out there if my trigger is efficient and scalable? Many Thanks for you help in advance. Also if someone can suggest how to proceed for a test class for this trigger..i apppreciate your help

// This trigger counts all of the calls made for a particular record type and Event Type  in Event //Displays the count on Account Pagetrigger Activity_Count on Event (after insert, after update, after delete) {      Set<Id> eventIds = new Set<Id>();     Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();     Map<Id,Account> accMap = new Map<Id,Account>();     List<Account> updateList = new List<Account>();      String accPrefix = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();     system.debug(accPrefix);     for (Event e : Trigger.isDelete ? Trigger.old : Trigger.new)         {            eventIds.add(e.Id);            String str = e.whatId;            if(str != null && str.startsWith(accPrefix)) // Task belongs to Account                    accIds.add(e.whatId);            }      integer countercalls = 0;      integer countermeetings = 0;      //system.debug('This is the list of the account Ids selected related to Task ----'+accIds);      if(accIds.size() > 0)          {          for(Account acc : [SELECT Id, Annual_Actuals_Calls__c,Annual_Actuals_Meetings__c FROM Account WHERE Id in :accIds]){             for(Event evt :[SELECT Id, RecordTypeId,Type FROM Event where WhatId = :acc.Id]){               If(evt.RecordTypeId == '01220000000YZcPAAW' && evt.Type == 'Sales Call')                 countercalls +=1;               If(evt.RecordTypeId == '01220000000YZcPAAW' && (evt.Type == 'Sales Visit' || evt.Type == 'New Client Visit'))                 countermeetings +=1;               }             acc.Annual_Actuals_Calls__c = countercalls;             acc.Annual_Actuals_Meetings__c = countermeetings;             updateList.add(acc);           }                 }       if(updateList.size() > 0)         {           //system.debug('The list to be updated contains these accounts :-----'+updateList);           upsert updateList;         }  }
Hi All ,
Help for a new salesforce enthusiastic..Cance of improving this trigger for bulk loads? How can i use try catch?
Many Thanks!!

trigger updateGTAHotelCount on Account (after delete, after insert, after update) {

//The Triger will update the GTA Hotels Statistics for this year in Strategy Master City for the Accounts with Property Status = LIVE and RecordType= Property.
//The Account Object has lookup to City__c and city__c has a lookup to Pseudo_city__c object.
//This trigger will aggregate the total number of Accounts for a Master City, total number of Five star Account etc

    public Set<id> cityIds = new Set<id>();  
    public Set<Id> mCityIds = new Set<Id>();   
    public Map<Id, Pseudo_City__c> MCitiesToUpdate = new Map<Id, Pseudo_City__c>();
    public Map<Id,City__c> citiesToUpdate = new Map<Id,City__c>();
      //Create a set of city Ids for the Accounts and Map of Cities to update 
  List<Pseudo_city__c> updateMasterCity = new List<Pseudo_city__c>();
      if(trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate){
        for(Account item : Trigger.new){
            if (Item.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU' && Item.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' )
          system.debug('The list of cities for insert/Update-- ' + cityIds);
         for(Account item : Trigger.old){
             if (Item.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU' && Item.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' )        
                system.debug('The list of cities Delete -- ' + cityIds);
       for(City__c Tempcity : [Select Master_City_Cluster__c from city__c where ID IN :cityIds ]){
              mcityIds.add(Tempcity.Master_City_Cluster__c ); 
          system.debug('The Master cities to be updated   ' + mCityIds );
       for(Pseudo_city__c mcity :[Select Id,GTA_3_Hotels__c,GTA_4_Hotels__c,GTA_5_Hotels__c,GTA_2_or_less_Hotels__c,GTA_Hotels_2012__c from Pseudo_City__c where Id in :mcityIds]){
               MCitiesToUpdate.put(mcity.Id, mcity);             
            system.debug('The master City Details  '+ MCitiesToUpdate );                     
       for(City__c city :[Select Id, Name,Master_City_Cluster__c,City_Location__c,(Select Id,Name,Property_Status__c,Location__c,recordTypeId,Star_Rating__c,GTA_Connect_Chain__c,DI_Master_Chain__c,ThresholdC__c,Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c from city__c.Accounts1__r) FROM city__c where Master_City_Cluster__c IN :mcityIds]){
                If(city.Master_City_Cluster__c != null )
             system.debug('The cities to be updated ' + citiesToUpdate);
     //Loop through every mastercity, then cities for each master cities and then accounts  for each city and count them total and then based on matching criteria
      for(Pseudo_city__c MCToUpdate :MCitiesToUpdate.values()){
          //Initialize the variable to 0
          integer mtotalLiveAccount = 0;
          integer mtotalfivestarHotels=0;
          integer mtotalfourstarHotels =0;
          integer mtotalthreestarHotels =0;         
          integer mTotalGTAconnectRegional = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectGlobal = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectIndependent = 0;          
          integer mtotalCityCenterAccount = 0;
          integer mtotalAirportAccount=0; 
          integer mtotalRegionAccount =0;
          integer mtotalPOIAccount=0;
          integer mtotalTwoStarorLess=0;
          double GrandTotalRNs2013=0;    
            //looping thru the Master cities         
         for(city__c citi : citiesToUpdate.values()){
           //looping through the cities in this Master city
             if(citi.City_Location__c == 'City Center' && citi.City_Location__c != null ) {
                for(Account acc : citi.Accounts1__r){
                   If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                   mtotalCityCenterAccount+= 1;
              system.debug('In city loop City Center Hotels : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);            
             if(citi.City_Location__c == 'Suburb & Airport' && citi.City_Location__c != null) {
                for(Account acc : citi.Accounts1__r){
                  If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                   mtotalAirportAccount+= 1;
                 system.debug('In city loop Airport Hotels : ' + mtotalAirportAccount);            
             if(citi.City_Location__c == 'Point of interest' && citi.City_Location__c != null) {
                 for(Account acc : citi.Accounts1__r){
                    If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                    mtotalPOIAccount+= 1;
                 system.debug('In city loop POI Hotels : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);                  
             for(Account acc : citi.Accounts1__r){
                   If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                   mtotalLiveAccount+= 1;
                if (acc.Star_Rating__c=='5 Star' && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                   If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                     mtotalfivestarHotels += 1;            
                if (acc.Star_Rating__c=='4 Star' && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                    If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                    mtotalfourstarHotels += 1;            
                if (acc.Star_Rating__c=='3 Star' && acc.Star_Rating__c != null )
                    If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                    mtotalthreestarHotels += 1;            
                if(acc.Star_Rating__c =='1 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='2 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c== 'NA')
                              If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
               // if (((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'DESIGN') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'LUXE') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c != 'WY') ) && (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != null) && ((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Design Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'Wyndham Hotel Group' ) || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != 'independent' )))
               //     If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
               //     mTotalGTAconnectRegional+= 1;
                if (!((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'DESIGN') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'LUXE') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY') ) && (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != null) && !((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Design Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group' ) || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent' )))
                    If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                   mTotalGTAconnectRegional+= 1;           
                if (((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group')) && !(acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == null))
                                   If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                                   mTotalGTAconnectGlobal+= 1;    
                if(((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent') && !((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY'))))
                   If(acc.Property_Status__c=='LIVE' && acc.recordTypeId=='012200000004rPU')
                   mTotalGTAconnectIndependent +=1;
                if(acc.ThresholdC__c=='Top Focus' && acc.ThresholdC__c!= null && acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c != null){
                 GrandTotalRNs2013 = GrandTotalRNs2013 + acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c;
          system.debug('The Total number of accounts for this Master City is  '+ mtotalLiveAccount); 
          system.debug('The no hotels in CityCenter : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);
          system.debug('The no hotels in Airport : ' + mtotalAirportAccount); 
          system.debug('The no of hotels in POI  is : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);       
          system.debug('The no of 3 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalthreestarHotels);
          system.debug('The no of 4 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfourstarHotels );
          system.debug('The no of 5 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfivestarHotels );
          system.debug('The no of 2 star and less hotel  is : ' + mtotalTwoStarorLess);
          system.debug('The no of GTAconnectGlobal hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectGlobal);
          system.debug('The no of GTAconnectRegional hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectRegional);
          system.debug('The no of GTAconnectIndependent hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectIndependent);
               MCToUpdate.GTA_Hotels_2012__c = mtotalLiveAccount;
               MCToUpdate.GTA_5_Hotels__c= mtotalfivestarHotels;            
               MCToUpdate.GTA_4_Hotels__c= mtotalfourstarHotels;             
               MCToUpdate.GTA_3_Hotels__c = mtotalthreestarHotels;
               MCToUpdate.Suburbs_Airport__c= mtotalAirportAccount;
               MCToUpdate.GTA_POI_Hotels__c= mtotalPOIAccount;
               MCToUpdate.GTA_Regional_Chain_Hotels__c=  mTotalGTAconnectRegional;
               MCToUpdate.GTA_Independant__c =    mTotalGTAconnectIndependent;                     
               MCToUpdate.RN_Projection_2014_Top_Focus__c = GrandTotalRNs2013;
        //Finally update all affected cities:
        update updateMasterCity;
Hi All,

Merry Xmas to all.

My doubt is --Is there a way i can find out what are the customizations/changes done in the Org in last three months so that  easy for my to prepare my change sets.

Many Thanks
Hello All,

I am building a small project for maintaining customers for my restaurant and provide online Table Bookings.

I will use Person Account/Accounts to manage the cusomers. In the websitye when a customer wants to Book a table he will enter his Name, email, mobile  to book a table, I want to use web to lead to create a Lead which shoul(HOW) will auto create an account and opportunity. I then  call customer and add the line item(Menu Items) to the opportunity which will hold a Table No field from the Table Object. Table object has a lookup to ropportunity.
In the lookup it will display only the unbooked tables for the day.
Any addition of line items can be made when customer is dining. Once the bill is paid we close the opportunity , the ammount  the table No is now free to be booked.

Is this feasible design?

Many Thanks for advice..

Hello All,

Anyone has ideas around how can i create an opportunity automatically on web to Lead OR can i use Lead as an Opportunity to attach Line Items and price list...I basically want users to book a table in Restaurant from website form page and on submit an opportunity will be created and a table No field  from the Table object will be auto populated in the opportunity..I can then add the menu selection to the Opportunity.

Many Thanks in advance 
Hello All,

I have to wite a Trigger on a Object Override which has a lookup to Contract Object. When a new override is created it should check all the override already existing on the contract and make them inactive. The one which is created latest should be active...
Any help is appreciated.

Many Thanks!
Hello All,

I have got 3 tabs on my visualforce page. In each tabs i have got a search feature. Afer i search for a record in one tab the list list is displayed for Accounts. Then i go to another tab. Once i come back yto the first tab, it does'nt refresh the list but still displays the previous search results. I tries with SwitchType Client, Ajax and server but no gain.

Any ideas welcome and thanks in advance
Hello All, Please suggest if the following Batch APex can be improved..It first defines the scope by selecting all the Master cities. It then finds all the cities associated to Master Cities. It then loops thru all the accounts in each cities and does the sum up calculations based on certain conditions. It also updates 2 account fields and updates fields on top level Master City object.
Many Thanks in advance ...
global class MasterCity_BatchJob  implements Database.Batchable<SObject>{

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id from Pseudo_City__c where RecordTypeId='012m00000004HZLAA2']);
        // where Id='a0Cm000000060Ai'
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<SObject> mcityscope){      
        List<Pseudo_City__c> scope = (List<Pseudo_City__c>)mcityscope;//Casting sObject to Master City List
        system.debug('The Scope created in Execute method is >>>>>'+scope );
        MasterCityBatchJobHelper MChelper = new MasterCityBatchJobHelper();
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}
//Initialize the variables which will store summaries to 0
          integer mtotalLiveAccount=0;
          integer mtotalfivestarHotels=0;
          integer mtotalfourstarHotels =0;
          integer mtotalthreestarHotels =0;         
          integer mTotalGTAconnectRegional = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectGlobal = 0;
          integer mTotalGTAconnectIndependent = 0;          
          integer mtotalCityCenterAccount = 0;
          integer mtotalAirportAccount=0; 
          integer mtotalRegionAccount =0;
          integer mtotalPOIAccount=0;
          integer mtotalTwoStarorLess=0;
          double GrandTotalRNs2013=0;    
          integer mTotalUnCategorized =0;
          public Map<Id,City__c> mcitiesToUpdate = new Map<Id,City__c>();//Map to hold the cities
          List<Pseudo_City__c> masterCitiesToUpdate = new List<Pseudo_City__c>();//List of Master Cities to be updated
          List<Account> accToUpdateList = new List<Account>();
    public MasterCityBatchJobHelper(){}
    public PageReference analyzeAccountFromPage() {
          List<Pseudo_City__c> mcities = [select id from Pseudo_City__c where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
          system.debug('The mCities in ANalyse Accounts from PageReference is  >>>>>'+ mcities  );
          return new Pagereference('/'+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
    public void citiesInMasterCity(List<Pseudo_City__c> scope) {
         scope = [Select Id,City_Categorisation__c,Name,GTA_3_Hotels__c,GTA_4_Hotels__c,GTA_5_Hotels__c,GTA_2_or_less_Hotels__c,GTA_Hotels_2012__c,RN_Projection_2014_Top_Focus__c,GTA_Independant__c,GTA_Global_Chain_Hotels__c,GTA_Regional_Chain_Hotels__c,Suburbs_Airport__c,GTA_POI_Hotels__c,uncategorised_properties__c,GTA_City_Centre_Penetration__c from Pseudo_City__c where Id IN: scope];
         system.debug('The SCOPE in citiesInMasterCity is  >>>>>  '+ scope );
         for(Pseudo_city__c mcity : scope){
                 system.debug('The value in the mastercitiestoUpdate before update>>>>>>>>>>>> ' + mcity.id );       
                 masterCitiesToUpdate.add(analyzeMastercity(mCity));//Loads the list with Mastercities to be updated to List
            Database.update(masterCitiesToUpdate);//Updates and commits the calculations in the List to the Database

    private Pseudo_city__c analyzeMasterCity(Pseudo_city__c mCity) {
         for(City__c city :[Select Id, Name,Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c,City_Location__c FROM City__c where Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c =:mCity.Id]){
                   If(city.Master_City_Cluster_This_Year__c != null )
                 system.debug('The cities within the Master cities are ::>>>> '+ mcitiesToUpdate ); 
                 return summarizeAccounts(mcitiesToUpdate, mCity);
    private Pseudo_city__c summarizeAccounts(Map<Id,City__c> mcitiesToUpdate,Pseudo_City__c mCity){
             for(Account acc : [Select Id,Name,Property_Status__c,Master_City_Cluster_Tier_This_Year__c,Master_City_Name_This_Year__c,Location__c,recordTypeId,Star_Rating__c,GTA_Connect_Chain__c,DI_Master_Chain__c,ThresholdC__c,Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c,City_New__c from Account where (RecordType.developerName='Property' AND Property_Status__c='LIVE' AND City_New__c IN :mcitiesToUpdate.keySet())]){
                           mtotalLiveAccount += 1;
                    if (acc.City_new__c != null){
                        acc.Master_City_Name_This_Year__c = mCity.Name;
                        acc.Master_City_Cluster_Tier_This_Year__c = mCity.City_Categorisation__c;
                        system.debug('The Account to be updated>>>>>>> ' +accToUpdateList);
                    if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c != null){ 
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'City Center')
                            mtotalCityCenterAccount+= 1;
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'Suburb & Airport')
                            mtotalAirportAccount+= 1;
                       if(mcitiesToUpdate.get(acc.City_New__c).City_Location__c == 'Point of interest')
                            mtotalPOIAccount+= 1;
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='5 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='5.5 Star')  && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                       mtotalfivestarHotels += 1;            
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='4 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='4.5 Star' ) && acc.Star_Rating__c != null)
                       mtotalfourstarHotels += 1;            
                   if ((acc.Star_Rating__c=='3 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='3 Star' ) && acc.Star_Rating__c != null  )
                       mtotalthreestarHotels += 1;            
                   if(acc.Star_Rating__c =='1 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c=='2 Star' || acc.Star_Rating__c== 'NA' )
                   if (!((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'DESIGN') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'LUXE') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY') ) && (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c != null)  && !((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Design Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group' ) || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent' )))
                        mTotalGTAconnectRegional+= 1;           
                   if (((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Intercontinental Hotels Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Accor Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Best Western International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Carlson Hospitality') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Choice Hotels International') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Fairmont Raffles Swissotel Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hilton Worldwide') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Hyatt Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Jumeirah International LLC') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Kempinski') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'KEMPINSKI HOTELS & RESORTS') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Langham Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Luxe Worldwide Hotels') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Marriott International Inc.') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Starwood Hotels and Resorts') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'The Ascott Group') || (acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'Wyndham Hotel Group')) && !(acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == null))
                        mTotalGTAconnectGlobal+= 1;    
                   if(((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == 'independent') &&  !((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY'))))
                        mTotalGTAconnectIndependent +=1;
                   if(((acc.GTA_Connect_Chain__c == null) &&  !((acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'ACCOR') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'BW') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'EC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'FAIRMONT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HILTON') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'HYATT') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'IHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'JUMEIRAH') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'KI') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MC') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MK') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'MOHG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'SG') || (acc.DI_Master_Chain__c == 'WY'))))
                        mTotalUnCategorized +=1;    
                   if(acc.ThresholdC__c=='Top Focus' && acc.ThresholdC__c!= null && acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c != null)
                       GrandTotalRNs2013 = GrandTotalRNs2013 + acc.Grand_Total_RNs_2013__c;
                       mCity.GTA_Hotels_2012__c = mtotalLiveAccount;
                       mCity.Suburbs_Airport__c= mtotalAirportAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_POI_Hotels__c= mtotalPOIAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_Hotels_2012__c = mtotalLiveAccount;
                       mCity.GTA_5_Hotels__c= mtotalfivestarHotels;            
                       mCity.GTA_4_Hotels__c= mtotalfourstarHotels;             
                       mCity.GTA_3_Hotels__c = mtotalthreestarHotels;
                       mCity.GTA_Regional_Chain_Hotels__c=  mTotalGTAconnectRegional;
                       mCity.GTA_Independant__c =    mTotalGTAconnectIndependent;                     
                       mCity.RN_Projection_2014_Top_Focus__c = GrandTotalRNs2013;
                       mCity.uncategorised_properties__c =mTotalUnCategorized ;
                       system.debug('The Total number of accounts for this Master City is  '+ mtotalLiveAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no hotels in CityCenter : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);
                       system.debug('The no hotels in Airport : ' + mtotalAirportAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no of hotels in POI  is : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);
                       system.debug('The Total number of accounts for this Master City is  '+ mtotalLiveAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no hotels in CityCenter : ' + mtotalCityCenterAccount);
                       system.debug('The no hotels in Airport : ' + mtotalAirportAccount); 
                       system.debug('The no of hotels in POI  is : ' + mtotalPOIAccount);       
                       system.debug('The no of 3 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalthreestarHotels);
                       system.debug('The no of 4 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfourstarHotels );
                       system.debug('The no of 5 star hotel here is : ' + mtotalfivestarHotels );
                       system.debug('The no of 2 star and less hotel  is : ' + mtotalTwoStarorLess);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectGlobal hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectGlobal);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectRegional hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectRegional);
                       system.debug('The no of GTAconnectIndependent hotel  is : ' + mTotalGTAconnectIndependent);
                       system.debug('The no hotels uncategorized : ' + mCity.uncategorised_properties__c);      
                   return mCity;

       private void accountToUpdate(List<Account> account){

Need to write a trigger such that if a Contact already exists ( based on email, phone or name) on the Parent Account or any of the Parents' Child accounts, then if a user tries to Create a Contact, an error should be thrown.

This trigger should be Account based and not Org. 

Lets say a Contact is created on Account 'B'. Account 'A' is the parent for account B. and if i try to create same contact on Account 'C' ( another Child of Account 'A'), error should be thrown.

or also if the Contact exists on Parent and if we try to create  a duplicate on any of its Child, even then an error should be thrown.

I had written a trigger but that worked only on a single account.

Thank You.
  • October 21, 2014
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Hello Guys

Again Stuck with the concatenation :

private final String SOQL_RECENT_REC = 'SELECT LastViewedDate,Type,UserRoleId FROM RecentlyViewed';
private final String CONDITION_USER_SORT = ' Order By LastViewedDate DESC LIMIT 20';
List<RecentlyViewed> recentViewed= new List<RecentlyViewed>();
recentViewed = Database.query(SOQL_RECENT_REC +' WHERE Type = \'Account \' ' + CONDITION_USER_SORT);

Should run a query like the following :
recentViewed = [SELECT LastViewedDate,Type,UserRoleId FROM RecentlyViewed Where Type='Account' Order By LastViewedDate DESC LIMIT 20];

Many Thanks !!
Hello Dear All,

I hope you having a good day but i am kind of stuck.

I am currently displaying the User List in a custom VF Page. When i click the Name of the User it should take the user to a Custom Visualforce page where i will display the some user details, and list of his Activities, Accounts, Opportunities. Shall i use the standard User Controller and OR a custom controller. Please Guide me the steps.

Many Thanks

I want to concatenate two strings to for the query to be executed using Database.Query. Here is what i am doing
string sql1 = 'Select Custom_Name__c from Opportunity  where AccountId IN';
string2 sql2= '(Select Id from Account where Europe__c =True)';
Doesn't work.Any Ideas?
Hello All,

I need to create a Home Page component with a Tab 'Interested In'. In this tab i need to display the Accounts i am following(irrespective of I own it or not.)  I am the logged in User..

Please guide/suggest

Many Thanks
Hello friends,

I need to create a visual force page where i need to display me and people who report to logged in User(me)....ofcourse based on the role hierarchy setup in my Org.

Kindly guide me to link explaining such an example or how can i approach this?

Many Thanks

Hello All,
Has anyone used the WADL file into salesforce. I have got WADL file from another Application Team. When i import this sfile into Salesforce it errors out.
Just looking for a way to consume WADL in salesforce if anyone can help?
Hi All

Just trying to Use Custom Setting in a Formula field. I have too many custom formula field on the account Object and hit the limit of max 15. Would like to know how can i use Heirarchical Custom setting in Cross Object Formuls..Many Thanks in advance 
Hello All,

How can i invoke apex code from a button, where using the apex i should be able to aggregate the fields from the child records.?

Please suggest


Can anyone please suggest what  file has to be imported in IMPORT WADL ?

  • December 10, 2013
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I thought I'd share since figuring this out was kind of crappy.  Since you can't (or I couldn't find how) concatenate a string in an SOQL query to combine wildcards like % and _ to make a query, you need to do so with the variable you want to pass in.


So if you want to do an SOQL query using LIKE, wild cards, and an Apex variable, this will work.


//create a string
String s = 'mystring';

//add wildcards around it to be more flexible in the search
s = '%' + s + '%';

//create an SOBject list with the results from our query
SObject[] obj = [select id from SObjectName where Name LIKE :s];


and this will return any row from the SObjectName where the "Name" field has "mystring" in it.