• TroyNimbly
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  • Member since 2013

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I'm having trouble with the following code, for date fields only.  I assume it is because the date is not formatted correctly when passing the sobject json to the remote action.  I have tried a few different formats and there seems be a concensus that the date-time format is  ISO8601.  This is fine, but the middle option is formatted with ISO8601 and no dice.  


I am using the javascript date() to format the strings as well.


This does work for normal string/picklist fields, so that is why I am seeking help for the date field values.  Any help is greatly appreciated.



global static void setField(sObject obj) 
	upsert obj;




var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "2013-08-26"};
var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "2014-06-23T07:00:00.000Z"};
var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "6/23/2014"}



js function;

Controller.setField(sObj, function(result, event){
		if (!event.status && event.type == "exception") {

			$j("[id$=':msgs']").text("Unable to save meeting preference:" + event.message).show();



 JSON received in chrome js console:
action: "Controller"
data: Array[1]
message: "Unexpected type for Controller.setField(SObject)"
method: "setField"
ref: false
result: null
statusCode: 400
tid: 15
type: "exception"
vfDbg: true
vfTx: true
where: ""
__proto__: h
$VFRM.Util.error VFRemote.js:114
(anonymous function) VFRemote.js:130
a.Event.fire VFRemote.js:50
a.Observable.fireEvent VFRemote.js:45
VFExt3.Direct.VFExt3.extend.onProviderData VFRemote.js:84
a.Event.fire VFRemote.js:50
a.Observable.fireEvent VFRemote.js:45
VFExt3.direct.RemotingProvider.VFExt3.extend.onData VFRemote.js:92
VFExt3.extend.handleResponse VFRemote.js:73
a VFRemote.js:37
(anonymous function)


I'm having trouble with the following code, for date fields only.  I assume it is because the date is not formatted correctly when passing the sobject json to the remote action.  I have tried a few different formats and there seems be a concensus that the date-time format is  ISO8601.  This is fine, but the middle option is formatted with ISO8601 and no dice.  


I am using the javascript date() to format the strings as well.


This does work for normal string/picklist fields, so that is why I am seeking help for the date field values.  Any help is greatly appreciated.



global static void setField(sObject obj) 
	upsert obj;




var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "2013-08-26"};
var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "2014-06-23T07:00:00.000Z"};
var sObj = {id: "003Xxxxxxxxxxxxx", Date_of_Next_Meeting__c: "6/23/2014"}



js function;

Controller.setField(sObj, function(result, event){
		if (!event.status && event.type == "exception") {

			$j("[id$=':msgs']").text("Unable to save meeting preference:" + event.message).show();



 JSON received in chrome js console:
action: "Controller"
data: Array[1]
message: "Unexpected type for Controller.setField(SObject)"
method: "setField"
ref: false
result: null
statusCode: 400
tid: 15
type: "exception"
vfDbg: true
vfTx: true
where: ""
__proto__: h
$VFRM.Util.error VFRemote.js:114
(anonymous function) VFRemote.js:130
a.Event.fire VFRemote.js:50
a.Observable.fireEvent VFRemote.js:45
VFExt3.Direct.VFExt3.extend.onProviderData VFRemote.js:84
a.Event.fire VFRemote.js:50
a.Observable.fireEvent VFRemote.js:45
VFExt3.direct.RemotingProvider.VFExt3.extend.onData VFRemote.js:92
VFExt3.extend.handleResponse VFRemote.js:73
a VFRemote.js:37
(anonymous function)