• dgdeyo09
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I am writing a js app which gets an encrypted field from SF. I need to be able to validate the encrypted field but I need to decrypt it first. Any pointers on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

Hi all,


Im in a windows environment and I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get a new hybrid app made and getting it to run. I have already found all the tutorials, etc and followed them but for some reason it jus wont work. and tips on getting this to work would be greatly appreciated

Ive defined an approval process and I want to start it after a record is edited. Does this have to be done with a trigger? and if so, how would this be done?

Hi All,


Im trying to see if one particular record of my custom object exists in my trigger, but I think there is somthing wrong with my query. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. 


trigger TriggerName on Custom__c (after insert) {

for (Custom__c c: Trigger.New){ 
        List<Custom2__c> C2s = new List<Custom2__c>([select id from Custom2__c where Custom_Field__c = c.Custom_Field__c  Limit 1]);



Is there a place where I can see all the methods that can be used on different data structures? For example, List.add() and other existing methods. And the same for custom objects.



I have objects A, B, and C. Object B is an association object for A and C, so it has a master-detail with both of them. Object B also has a formula field which takes values from C. I want to roll up that formula field to A. I know I need to use Apex and Triggers to do this, but I'm just learning and need some help with how to set up the triggers and classes. Thanks to all who respond

Hi all,


Im in a windows environment and I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get a new hybrid app made and getting it to run. I have already found all the tutorials, etc and followed them but for some reason it jus wont work. and tips on getting this to work would be greatly appreciated

Hi All,


Im trying to see if one particular record of my custom object exists in my trigger, but I think there is somthing wrong with my query. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. 


trigger TriggerName on Custom__c (after insert) {

for (Custom__c c: Trigger.New){ 
        List<Custom2__c> C2s = new List<Custom2__c>([select id from Custom2__c where Custom_Field__c = c.Custom_Field__c  Limit 1]);



I have objects A, B, and C. Object B is an association object for A and C, so it has a master-detail with both of them. Object B also has a formula field which takes values from C. I want to roll up that formula field to A. I know I need to use Apex and Triggers to do this, but I'm just learning and need some help with how to set up the triggers and classes. Thanks to all who respond