• flor1an
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we would like to create a visualforce page to track a call instead of using the standard funtionality.
Until now it is very basic. At the moment we got problems with including lookup fields like case id and so on. Is this possible?
In this forum i found sth like :
<apex:outputLink value="/!{opportunity.id}">{!opportunity.Name}</apex:outputLink>
but then i get an error for using Standardcontroller="task"

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="task">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageblock >
          <apex:sectionHeader title="Anruf Protokollieren" />
          <apex:pageBlockButtons location="both">
            <apex:commandButton value="Speichern" action="{!save}"/>
          <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
             <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Bezug zu"/><apex:inputField value="{!case.id}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem> 
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Basis-Produkt"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Basis_Produkt__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>        
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Gesrächsinhalt"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Description}" style="width:400px"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Dauer (Minuten)"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Dauer__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>        
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Abschließende Klärung"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Abschliessende_Klaerung__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>


we would like to create a visualforce page to track a call instead of using the standard funtionality.
Until now it is very basic. At the moment we got problems with including lookup fields like case id and so on. Is this possible?
In this forum i found sth like :
<apex:outputLink value="/!{opportunity.id}">{!opportunity.Name}</apex:outputLink>
but then i get an error for using Standardcontroller="task"

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="task">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageblock >
          <apex:sectionHeader title="Anruf Protokollieren" />
          <apex:pageBlockButtons location="both">
            <apex:commandButton value="Speichern" action="{!save}"/>
          <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
             <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Bezug zu"/><apex:inputField value="{!case.id}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem> 
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Basis-Produkt"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Basis_Produkt__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>        
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Gesrächsinhalt"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Description}" style="width:400px"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Dauer (Minuten)"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Dauer__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>        
              <apex:pageblockSectionItem ><apex:outputLabel value="Abschließende Klärung"/><apex:inputField value="{!task.Abschliessende_Klaerung__c}"/></apex:pageblockSectionItem>



Hey Guys,


Well, I have my lead weights on and am jumping off a 10' diving board into a 60' deep pool.


My first apex trigger.


I am looking to create a trigger, that when a task, that has a specific purpose is completed (purpose is a drop down field), it updates a notes field and date field within the Account object.


This is where i stand so far.


It is after insert.


I am going to try and use this as an open thread that I keep posting more into so would appreciate any sort of help or hints!

SF Admin new to Apex.


I am trying to create a field on the Lead object (and eventually contact/account objects) to display the subject field from the last activity. I have already figured out how to display the last activity date, but I'm stuck on how to display the last activity subject. The field should pull from both Task & Event records.


Any suggestions?

  • September 18, 2013
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