• Divya S
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I have a  field rich text field in lead object which the users use to capture screenshot.  This screenshot has to be sent in workflow email alerts.  This field is not getting displayed in the emails.  I have used this in HTML email template - {!Lead.IScreenshot__c}.  It is getting displayed when I 'send test and verify merge fields' within the UI, but it does not get displayed when I receive emails. 

I even tried with creating formula text field specifiying the url to redirect to the field vaue.  This works good other than in the emails.

I also tried using <img src=" alt="xxx"/> with the correct URL as per salesforce documentation.  This shows the <img src.... etc in the email.  I cannot store in the documents as I will have as many screenshots as the number of leads.  Can anyone help on this. Thanks !

I am trying to display the createddate field in '01/01/2014' format in visualforce page in <apex:column>.  I tried various options which didn't work.  Can anyone help?
I am trying to remove the ' Account Owner Alias' field from the recently viewed Accounts list view column and replace it with the custom 'Account Owner' field.  Looks like we don't have control and hence cannot customize this list view.  Can anyone help on this ?

My workflow rule for getting the timestamp of task closed time  is below :

   ISPICKVAL(Status, "ReAssigned"),
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "Converted")
Closed_Time__c =NULL

For some reasons , the field update is not happening as the criteria fails.  But when I see the debug log, looks like it meets the criterias.  Debug log:

13:55:46.589 (1589264000)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|
13:55:46.589 (1589268000)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|
13:55:46.589 (1589273000)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
13:55:46.589 (1589282000)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Task:  00Tf000000DdwIE]|Closed Time|01Qf0000000D9jU|ON_ALL_CHANGES
13:55:46.589 (1589384000)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:AND(
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "ReAssigned"),
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "Converted")
Closed_Time__c =NULL
)|Values:Status=Converted, Closed_Time__c=null
13:55:46.589 (1589393000)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
13:55:46.589 (1589413000)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
13:55:46.589 (1589420000)|WF_ACTION| None

Can anyone help on this? Thanks in advance.

I have a  field rich text field in lead object which the users use to capture screenshot.  This screenshot has to be sent in workflow email alerts.  This field is not getting displayed in the emails.  I have used this in HTML email template - {!Lead.IScreenshot__c}.  It is getting displayed when I 'send test and verify merge fields' within the UI, but it does not get displayed when I receive emails. 

I even tried with creating formula text field specifiying the url to redirect to the field vaue.  This works good other than in the emails.

I also tried using <img src=" alt="xxx"/> with the correct URL as per salesforce documentation.  This shows the <img src.... etc in the email.  I cannot store in the documents as I will have as many screenshots as the number of leads.  Can anyone help on this. Thanks !

I am trying to display the createddate field in '01/01/2014' format in visualforce page in <apex:column>.  I tried various options which didn't work.  Can anyone help?
I am trying to remove the ' Account Owner Alias' field from the recently viewed Accounts list view column and replace it with the custom 'Account Owner' field.  Looks like we don't have control and hence cannot customize this list view.  Can anyone help on this ?

My workflow rule for getting the timestamp of task closed time  is below :

   ISPICKVAL(Status, "ReAssigned"),
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "Converted")
Closed_Time__c =NULL

For some reasons , the field update is not happening as the criteria fails.  But when I see the debug log, looks like it meets the criterias.  Debug log:

13:55:46.589 (1589264000)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|
13:55:46.589 (1589268000)|WF_RULE_EVAL_VALUE|
13:55:46.589 (1589273000)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
13:55:46.589 (1589282000)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Task:  00Tf000000DdwIE]|Closed Time|01Qf0000000D9jU|ON_ALL_CHANGES
13:55:46.589 (1589384000)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:AND(
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "ReAssigned"),
   ISPICKVAL(Status, "Converted")
Closed_Time__c =NULL
)|Values:Status=Converted, Closed_Time__c=null
13:55:46.589 (1589393000)|WF_CRITERIA_END|false
13:55:46.589 (1589413000)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
13:55:46.589 (1589420000)|WF_ACTION| None

Can anyone help on this? Thanks in advance.

I need to create a template for use into opportunity which get attachment stored into the opportunity into note&attachments.
I'm able to do this with a trigger but I'm not able to create a template.
My goal is to send an email and the receiver will be able to open pdf.
I try this code but I have a pdf with this text : "core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@22ad1468" 

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="test email" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Attachment">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
test new template xxxx
<messaging:attachment renderAs="pdf" filename="filename.pdf">

I found some topic for convert "body" into a blobvalue or similar but I didn't solve the problem

hi I have a ApexScheduler Class which need to be test inorder to
deploy can anybody suggest me the way to achieve it to get the
coverage. I am posting the code below


global class ScheduleTerritoryInactiveMemberCheck implements 
Schedulable { 
    global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) { 
        TerritoryInactiveMemberCheck bcc = new 
          bcc.query = 'select id,name from territory'; 




  • December 03, 2010
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Is there anyway to remove/hide the standard Save & New button on the edit page of Salesforce.


I don't want this action for my User and I don't have control over the standard edit page layout of Salesforce unlike the detail page layout. Please let me now if this is possible in some ways in the standard Salesforce page itself.




Summer '13 has a long awaited feature of mine - Cross-Object Owner Formulas.  As a developer, I can't count the number of times that I have written a trigger on objects for clients to populate a custom user lookup so they could use it in formula fields.  Almost every sObject has the owner field but it's polymorphic, meaning it can point to a queue or user. This presented Salesforce.com with a problem in their data model using formulas.  For instance, if Salesforce.com allowed you to reference Owner.FirstName and the owner was a queue, you would receive a runtime exception. Now there is native support for using cross-object formulas for all Owner fields.  The syntax is slightly different than normal.  For instance, the syntax to show a custom field from the User object would be Owner:User.MyCustomField__c.  You can also determine if the record is owned by a queue in a validation rule ISBLANK(Owner:User.Id). 

What new features are you excited about in the upcoming release?