• VishalKdn
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Salesforce provides an API to access Endorsements for a topic (contains field like topicid, endorsee, endorser etc). Need a way to query Endorsement but cannot find any object in describe call(or Workbench). 

Any help for this would be highly appreciated:)
HI All,

I have a Requirement where i need to create a Dynamic Custom setting based on the input Custom setting type., Please Check the below Code.

//Here i am creating generic Method for Deleting the sahre record which can be called from any other Functionality.

  public List<SObject> haringDeletion(Map < String, set< id>> recordIdsMap, String FuncName) {

// Here Key i want to Make Dynamic
Map<String, BR_OpenPositiion__c> CustomMap;
    //Here FuncName  is Functionality Name.
    if(FuncName == 'SharingWithBackupUser'){

    CustomMap = BR_OpenPositiion__c.getAll();

    }else if (FuncName == 'StopVacationSharing'){
    //Map<String, BR_RTVOnVacation__c> CustomMap;
    CustomMap = BR_RTVOnVacation__c.getAll();

So as you can see from above Code based on the Functionlaty Name i want to Populate CustomMap with Custom setting data, I.e "BR_RTVOnVacation__c" or "BR_OpenPositiion__c".

Can you guys Please Suggest something Here to sort it out, thanks.


 when i save the test class IN SFDC.i got error name:java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException . already i file the case..how to overcome thi issue. please help me.

  • November 09, 2013
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