• richardemoore
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Trying to get information from SObjects in order to know the last Update date information of each one, I found some issues with VBA SFDC library:


  1. SForceSession4.EntityNames array cannot be used as parameter to SForceSession4.DescribeSObjects because it is a Variant array. Ok, let's take the EntityNames array and construct an array of string with it. This will avoid the "Run-time error. Automation error. Unespecified error" message
  2. After fixing the previous issue, the DescribeSObjects works but, where is the description of each SObject described? 
  3. If we use the Object Browser in VBA IDE, we can see that Salesforce Toolkit 4.0, SForceSession4.DescribeSObjects  is a SUB and NOT a FUNCTION, even more, there is no DescribeSObjectResult type in the DLL that will allow us to check the description of each described object


Does anyone have an idea of how to use this DescribeSObjects sub?



  • April 16, 2012
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I have done every search I can think of and can't find Offixce Toolkit 4.0.  Can anyone tell me where I can get it?  THX