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I've read through the SF1 app developer guide, but I still don't know if I can intergrate my web app to SF1...

My app is not running on Heroku, It has used 'https'.

Anyone could please help me?

Thanks a lot.
Hi All,

I'm new to SF development, and I'm trying to enable my app to the SF1 mobile app...
Actually, I want to write a Visualforce page for a custom action on SF1 Mobile, and here is my question:

How can I get the account 'id' and 'name' for my VF page to use on an account landing page?

Here is my use case in detail:
1. When a user entered an Account landing page, and tapped the "+" button on the right-bottom corner, it will show a Publisher panel;
2. I want to add a custom action on the Publisher panel, when the user tapped the action, it shows up a VF page;
3. The VF page will use the account name to lauch a search, the results will be a company list, and the user may connect the account to a specific company with account id;
4. the user can get some useful data from a third party web service using the account id.

I just don't know how to get the id and the name...Could someone please help me?

Thanks a million!

I've watched the Salesforce1 keynote video, and got that it's possible to make a salesforce mobile app independent...that is to say, not just to show an entry of my app in the menu, but to create a different button on the phone screen, and if the button is tapped, go directly to open my app.

Could someone please tell me if this is possible? If it is, how to do it?

Many thanks!
I've read through the SF1 app developer guide, but I still don't know if I can intergrate my web app to SF1...

My app is not running on Heroku, It has used 'https'.

Anyone could please help me?

Thanks a lot.
Hi All,

I'm new to SF development, and I'm trying to enable my app to the SF1 mobile app...
Actually, I want to write a Visualforce page for a custom action on SF1 Mobile, and here is my question:

How can I get the account 'id' and 'name' for my VF page to use on an account landing page?

Here is my use case in detail:
1. When a user entered an Account landing page, and tapped the "+" button on the right-bottom corner, it will show a Publisher panel;
2. I want to add a custom action on the Publisher panel, when the user tapped the action, it shows up a VF page;
3. The VF page will use the account name to lauch a search, the results will be a company list, and the user may connect the account to a specific company with account id;
4. the user can get some useful data from a third party web service using the account id.

I just don't know how to get the id and the name...Could someone please help me?

Thanks a million!

I've watched the Salesforce1 keynote video, and got that it's possible to make a salesforce mobile app independent...that is to say, not just to show an entry of my app in the menu, but to create a different button on the phone screen, and if the button is tapped, go directly to open my app.

Could someone please tell me if this is possible? If it is, how to do it?

Many thanks!