• shiv@SFDC
  • 389 Points
  • Member since 2014
  • senior software engineer

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    I want to deploy my changes to production from sandbox. Here is wat I am doing right now.
1. I imported sandbox code in Eclipse IDE.
2. Created some apex class and tested it on sandbox salesforce. (while saving I used right click -> save to server option)
3. To deploy chnages to production (write click on file -> deploy to server)
4. I entered user name, password and security token
5.  Its givin me error for two class files which I never modified and those files exist on production server (some syntax error in those files) and I really can not modify those file

How I can deploy my changes in production. Can anyone please help me with this ? Any help in this regards will be appreciated.

I have a Quote approval and have a visualforce email template that is being used as the approval email.  I have a user that would like to see the actual Quote PDF that goes out to the customer but would still like to be able to reply to the email to approve of reject the approval.   I am not sure if this is possible or how I would do it.  Can anyone think of a way using any of the Salesforce features like apex, or inbound email that I could send the approval email out with the actual PDF from the quote attached to it? 

I am having a formula field called as "Total__c" if the value of that field is above 20,000 , then i want to update a multi select picklist field to ">20k

help me how to do it as its not poulating the name in workflow(multi select picklist field)

Thanks in Advance

Hello guys,

I want to change the section header title, subtitle format i.e, in default it will shows as predefined format. But i want it to be customize i.e, title format should be in italic and subtitle format should be in arial format.

So is thery any snippet of code to cusomize it in visualforce page?

Thank you!!
Dear all,

I want to display a date field on my contract page only when this date is not null.
But something is wrong in the rendered statement, It displays an error message instead of nothing when the date is null :

Content cannot be displayed : The value "null" is not valid for operator '<='

My Visualforce page :

<apex:page sidebar="false" standardController="Contract" rendered="{!AND(contract.Reminder_Date__c<=today(),contract.Contract_Extension_Date__c<=null)}">
<font color="#595959" size="2"> <b>Contract Extension date</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
<apex:outputfield value="{!contract.Contract_Extension_Date__c}" />

Any ideas?
Hi All,

I have object called MyCustom__c object. In my controller I want to check whether this object has any approval proceess?
If its possible please help me to achieve this.


Hi all,

maybe you could help me out. I've got a visualforce page that I'd like to add to the page layout of Accounts, but it isn't listed on the page layout editor.

I know it has to start with the standardController="Account" and it does. It also uses an extension, but from what I've found on the web that's not a problem but it has to include the standardController.

So here is a bit of the code.

Visual Force page:

<apex:page sidebar="false" showheader="false" standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accts" extensions="FindNearby">
    <!-- Include in Google's Maps API via JavaScript static resource -->
    <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.googleMapsAPI}" />
    <!-- Set this API key to fix JavaScript errors in production -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <!-- Setup the map to take up the whole window -->
        html, body { height: 100%; }
        .page-map, .ui-content, #map-canvas { width: 100%; height:100%; padding: 0; }
        #map-canvas { height: min-height: 100%; }
        function initialize() {
            var lat, lon;
             // If we can, get the position of the user via device geolocation
             if (navigator.geolocation) {
                     lat = position.coords.latitude;
                     lon = position.coords.longitude;                   
                     // Use Visualforce JavaScript Remoting to query for nearby accts     
                     Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction('{!$RemoteAction.FindNearby.getNearby}', lat, lon,
                         function(result, event){
                             if (event.status) {
                                 createMap(lat, lon, result);         
                             } else if (event.type === 'exception') {
                                 //exception case code         
                             } else {
                          {escape: true}
              } else {
                  // Set default values for map if the device doesn't have geolocation capabilities
                    /** Eindhoven **/
                    lat = 51.096214;
                    lon = 3.683153;
                    var result = [];
                    createMap(lat, lon, result);
         function createMap(lat, lon, accts){
            // Get the map div, and center the map at the proper geolocation
            var currentPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lon);
            var mapDiv = document.getElementById('map-canvas');
            var map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, {
                center: currentPosition,
                zoom: 13,
                mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
            // Set a marker for the current location
            var positionMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
                map: map,
                position: currentPosition,
                icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/green.png'
            // Keep track of the map boundary that holds all markers
            var mapBoundary = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
            // Set markers on the map from the @RemoteAction results
            var acct;
            for(var i=0; i<accts.length;i++){
                acct = accts[i];
            // Resize map to neatly fit all of the markers

           function setupMarker(){
                var acctNavUrl;
                // Determine if we are in Salesforce1 and set navigation link appropriately
                        acctNavUrl =
                            'javascript:sforce.one.navigateToSObject(\'' + acct.Id + '\')';
                } catch(err) {
                    acctNavUrl = '\\' + acct.Id;
                var acctDetails =
                    '<a href="' + acctNavUrl + '">' +
                    acct.Name + '</a><br/>' +
                    acct.BillingStreet + '<br/>' +
                    acct.BillingCity + '<br/>' +
               // Create the callout that will pop up on the marker   
               var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                   content: acctDetails
               // Place the marker on the map 
               var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                   map: map,
                   position: new google.maps.LatLng(
               // Add the action to open up the panel when it's marker is clicked     
               google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
                   infowindow.open(map, marker);
        // Fire the initialize function when the window loads
        google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
    <body style="font-family: Arial; border: 0 none;">
   <!--  All content is rendered by the Google Maps code -->
    <!--  This minimal HTML justs provide a target for GMaps to write to -->
        <div id="map-canvas"></div>

Controller class:
global with sharing class FindNearby {

    public FindNearby(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { }

    // Find Accounts nearest a geolocation
    global static List<Account> getNearby(String lat, String lon) {

        // If geolocation isn't set, use Eindhoven (or any other city)
        // Put a default location latitue and longitude here, this could be where you are located the most
        // and will only be used as a backup if the browser can not get your location details
        if(lat == null || lon == null || lat.equals('') || lon.equals('')) {
            lat = '51.096214';
            lon = '3.683153';

        // SOQL query to get the nearest accounts
        //you can change km (kilometers) into mi (miles)
        // < 20 means within a radius of 20 km or mi (you can change that)
        //limit 25 shows 25 records (you can adapt that too if you want)
        String queryString =
            'SELECT Id, Name, Location__Longitude__s, Location__Latitude__s, ' +
                'BillingStreet, Phone, BillingCity ' +
            'FROM Account ' +
            'WHERE DISTANCE(Location__c, GEOLOCATION('+lat+','+lon+'), \'km\') < 20 ' +
            'ORDER BY DISTANCE(Location__c, GEOLOCATION('+lat+','+lon+'), \'km\') ' +
            'LIMIT 25';

        // Run and return the query results

and here's what I see on page layout editor:
User-added image

What are the possible reasons it isn't listed to be added to the page layout of account?

I am trying to write a trigger that updates the account owner with the user who has the cooresponding salesman_ID field.  The account has OwnerID, and Salesman_Number__c, and I need to get the ID from the User Record that has the matching Salesman_Number__c.  I have tried a lot of things and I cannot get them to compile (error:  Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Id at line 12 column 69)  .  Also I am unsure if the code will deliver the results that I need.  Please help.



trigger Update_Account_Owner on Account (before insert, before update) {

    // get list of CURRENTLY ACTIVE Users
        List<User> UserList = [ SELECT ID, Salesman_Number__c
                        FROM User
                        WHERE IsActive = True
                        ORDER BY Salesman_Number__c ];

        // if a salesman number was found, assign the User.ID for the Account
        // if not, assign "00540000002LWA0AAO"
        for( Account Acct : Trigger.new ) {
            if( Acct.Salesman_Number__c == User.Salesman_Number__c) Acct.OwnerID = User.ID;
            else Acct.OwnerID = '00540000002LWA0AAO';

Hi folks,
       Can anyone tell me what is the purpose of REST API and how to use REST API ?
Give me the example for creating contact from client application

Please Help
I am using merge field in if condition command link tag but it don't get any value.
<apex:repeat value="{!st}" var="lable">

<apex:commandLink action="{!getValue}" value="{!lable}  {!IF(sortField=='{!lable}',IF(sortDir=='ASC','↑','↓'),'')}" rerender="showRecord" status="actStatusId">

Here IF(sortField=='{!lable}' here {!lable} don't get any value how to do this
Hi All,

I am having a requirement where I need to change Idea status to "Merged" it the Idea is merged with another Idea.
I saw documentation that once an Idea is merged with other Idea, standard filed "isMerged" become true on Idea record and Parent Idea also populated.

So I gave a try using trigger and workflow with logic that if "isMerged" is true change the status picklist field value to "Merged", but come to know that trigger and workflow doesn't fire for merge operation.

Please let me know how I can change status immediately. (Schedule class I am considering as an option when we don't have any other option.:-)).

Hi All,

I have configured SSO for our organisation and we want to allow our users to use salesforce1 app on ios through SSO. 
When we add new connection in Salesforce1 IOS app it redirects user to our SSO authentication page. but after enting right
credential user sees this error: 'remote access authorization error' .

When user goes again on the server list and just click on our custom domain name, he is getting loged-in this time, without entering credential this time.

I am not able to understand why this is happening. Please suggest some solution.
I saw below solution but it's not working for us...


Hi All,

I am working on a community setup. Where I had to create a custom VF page for a custom object, say 'C1' .

Now I need to show this custom vf page layout to only partner account, they should not allow to see standard page layout.
But internal user in organization allow to see stndard page layout only. 

Please sugges how can i achive this ?


I am having a partner account in my org, say PA1 now there is partner user associted with it. Now how can I show PA1 information to partner user.
I want to say how a partner user can see his account information on the communit.
I am having a partner account in my org, say PA1 now there is partner user associted with it. Now how can I show PA1 information to partner user.
I want to say how a partner user can see his account information on the community.
Hi All,

As we know in custom VF page following code woks perfectly and calls the stndard save method. if JS function return true. else it will not call standard save method.
<apex:commandButtion action{! Save} onclick="return validate()" />

    function validate()
            return true ;
            return false;

Can we acheive the same thing using standard JS button on standard VF Page ? If yes. Please provide some code sample.
Hi All,

I am facing some customize problem, please let me know how can I solve It.

1. I am working on communities where I need to hide some standard tab(chatter & Groups tab) for the community user.
What I did: I went to community user profile and select the tab hidder for tab setting.
Result : It's working fine.

2. Now For other profile I need to show these tabs (chatter & Groups tab) but when I loged in community as internal user by default chatter tab is selected. Whic I do not want. I have a custom tab for a VF Page, I want to make this tab by default selected.
What I did: I made chatter & Groups tab as default off in custom setting and made my custom tab as default on, I am expecting that this will make thes 2 tab visibel but not selected by default.
Result: Thes two tabs not coming in tabbar itself. I hope this must be when I select tab hidded not the "Default Off".

Please let me know what point i am missing. It's urgent.

Hi All,

I am facing some customize problem, please let me know how can I solve It.

1. I am working on communities where I need to hide some standard tab(chatter & Groups tab) for the community user.
What I did: I went to community user profile and select the tab hidder for tab setting.
Result : It's working fine.

2. Now For other profile I need to show these tabs (chatter & Groups tab) but when I loged in community as internal user by default chatter tab is selected. Whic I do not want. I have a custom tab for a VF Page, I want to make this tab by default selected.
What I did: I made chatter & Groups tab as default off in custom setting and made my custom tab as default on, I am expecting that this will make thes 2 tab visibel but not selected by default.
Result: Thes two tabs not coming in tabbar itself. I hope this must be when I select tab hidded not the "Default Off".

Please let me know what point i am missing. It's urgent.

Hi all,

Please let me know without sharing only overides(excape) sharing setting only or permission setting also (CRUD).

Hi All,

I want to show custom setting field on VF pages. How can I do this ?

Hi all,

I am working on communities, and I need to send a mail to account owere when community user makes a meeting request.
But I come to know that community user can not see the mail of account owner. I don't want to use any other custom ojbect to save email of SFDC internal user.
Please suggest me a good & standard solution.

Hi All,

I am asking you this question after doing so much resarch on file functionality of SFDC.

I want to know when we upload a file in salesforce through chatter, In actully where this files stroes in salesforce.

Content document only has the information about the file not the body of the file. I want to know where the acturl body of the file is saved. 

After uploading file when I goes to file and open in salesforce I see thir record Id '069R00000009ICF'   In this Id 069 is the Id of content document objecy but when i see structure of content document in SFDC Doc I don't see any body field over there.

Please let me know how acturlly it's working.

Thank You very much in advance.

I am calling an API and in respose it returns me JSON data. In this i am abstracting a field value which is in ISO format : 2013-12-14T09:49:25-05:00

I need to store this value on an SFDC Object record. please let me know the formating for this.

I am doing this (DateTime.valueOf(responseMap.get('last_reported_at'))).format('YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm') .

Let me know ulternate for this. It will be good if we can do using DateTime format method of salesforce.

I am getting this error : Invalid date/time: 2014-08-25T15:18:41.938Z
Hi All,

I cleard my Dev 401 exam in 2013 but it's soft copy is deleted from my mail. it's not in recycle bin also. Is there any other way so i can downolad another copy of it.

how to query quote templetes in apex code ?
how to find out topic is related to which object in salesforce ?
for example if i added a topic to case in chatter, than in apex code how i will find that this topic is related to this particular case.
Hi All,

what is the deference between salesforce platform license and force.com-free license ?

When i login using different user i sees salesforce platform license allow me to interect with Accounts & Contacts. but force.com don't allow me to do this.

I have hard that salesforce is company which provides force.com platoform. Does salesforce provides salesforce platform also ?

When i create a new user in the org , it ask me to choose license... It has some options like :
Salesforce platform
Force.com - free
Force.com app subscibtion

If ablove list is user license than what is following ?

Please explain
Hi All,

what is the deference between salesforce platform license and force.com-free license ?

When i login using different user i sees salesforce platform license allow me to interect with Accounts & Contacts. but force.com don't allow me to do this.

I have hard that salesforce is company which provides force.com platoform. Does salesforce provides salesforce platform also ?

When i create a new user in the org , it ask me to choose license... It has some options like :
Salesforce platform
Force.com - free
Force.com app subscibtion

If ablove list is user license than what is following ?

Please explain
Hi All,

I am facing some customize problem, please let me know how can I solve It.

1. I am working on communities where I need to hide some standard tab(chatter & Groups tab) for the community user.
What I did: I went to community user profile and select the tab hidder for tab setting.
Result : It's working fine.

2. Now For other profile I need to show these tabs (chatter & Groups tab) but when I loged in community as internal user by default chatter tab is selected. Whic I do not want. I have a custom tab for a VF Page, I want to make this tab by default selected.
What I did: I made chatter & Groups tab as default off in custom setting and made my custom tab as default on, I am expecting that this will make thes 2 tab visibel but not selected by default.
Result: Thes two tabs not coming in tabbar itself. I hope this must be when I select tab hidded not the "Default Off".

Please let me know what point i am missing. It's urgent.

I am calling an API and in respose it returns me JSON data. In this i am abstracting a field value which is in ISO format : 2013-12-14T09:49:25-05:00

I need to store this value on an SFDC Object record. please let me know the formating for this.

I am doing this (DateTime.valueOf(responseMap.get('last_reported_at'))).format('YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm') .

Let me know ulternate for this. It will be good if we can do using DateTime format method of salesforce.

I am getting this error : Invalid date/time: 2014-08-25T15:18:41.938Z
I am having a partner account in my org, say PA1 now there is partner user associted with it. Now how can I show PA1 information to partner user.
I want to say how a partner user can see his account information on the community.
Hi All,

As we know in custom VF page following code woks perfectly and calls the stndard save method. if JS function return true. else it will not call standard save method.
<apex:commandButtion action{! Save} onclick="return validate()" />

    function validate()
            return true ;
            return false;

Can we acheive the same thing using standard JS button on standard VF Page ? If yes. Please provide some code sample.

User-added image
What could be the problem?

I have write trigger on Contact before insert and before update for avoiding duplicate entry of Email.

Here is my code
trigger DuplicateEmail on Contact (before insert, before update)
	Contact val_con = trigger.new[0];
    Contact prev_contact_rec = null;
    if(val_con.Email != null && val_con.Email != '')
            if (trigger.isInsert)
                prev_contact_rec = [select Email from Contact where Email=:val_con.Email limit 1];
                system.debug('----->>> Email Before Insert New: ' + val_con.Email);
            else if (trigger.isUpdate)
                prev_contact_rec = [select Email from Contact where Email=:val_con.Email and Id !=:val_con.Id limit 1];
                system.debug('----->>> Email Before Update New: ' + val_con.Email);
                system.debug('----->>> Id Before Update New: ' + val_con.Id);
            if(prev_contact_rec.Email != null && prev_contact_rec.Email != '')
                Trigger.new[0].adderror('Email you provided has already exists');
        catch (exception ex)
            System.debug('Error occurd: ' + ex);

It is working fine when inserting new contact. But when i update the email address of existing contact then the trigger gets old value of email field instead of new value for example old value of email was "foo@yahoo.com" i have updated it to "foo123@yahoo.com" instead of assigning "foo123@yahoo.com" value to val_con object it assigns "foo@yahoo.com" to it in case of before update trigger event.
Can some body help me how to fix it.


I am tring to use a dyamic query to pull a value from a related object depending on the PRODUCT and SUPPLIER used.

From what i can see the trigger is working to an extent. The "Message__c" field is being populated but getting alot more info than required. See the code used below.
trigger GetBinWeight on OpportunityLineItem (before update) {    
    for (OpportunityLineItem binWeight : Trigger.new) {        
        string SupplierID = binWeight.Waste_Supplier_ID__c;
        string WeightField = binWeight.Weight_Field_To_Use__c;
        List<Waste_Supplier__c> myList = Database.query('SELECT ' + WeightField + ' FROM Waste_Supplier__c WHERE Waste_Supplier__c.ID = :SupplierID limit 1');        
        string TheValue = string.valueOf(myList);
        binWeight.Message__c = TheValue;
The result in "Message__c" is: (Waste_Supplier__c:{X1100_generalwaste_weight_nonefood__c=54545.00, Id=a09L00000056MbdIAE})

The correct result is in there and it is "54545.00"

Can anyone advise how i can change this?


Hi All,

I am facing some customize problem, please let me know how can I solve It.

1. I am working on communities where I need to hide some standard tab(chatter & Groups tab) for the community user.
What I did: I went to community user profile and select the tab hidder for tab setting.
Result : It's working fine.

2. Now For other profile I need to show these tabs (chatter & Groups tab) but when I loged in community as internal user by default chatter tab is selected. Whic I do not want. I have a custom tab for a VF Page, I want to make this tab by default selected.
What I did: I made chatter & Groups tab as default off in custom setting and made my custom tab as default on, I am expecting that this will make thes 2 tab visibel but not selected by default.
Result: Thes two tabs not coming in tabbar itself. I hope this must be when I select tab hidded not the "Default Off".

Please let me know what point i am missing. It's urgent.


I want to craete a custom report using visualforce page .and also want to some calculation in that custom report.

is there any way for calculation like( multiply ,substraction,and division) apat from summation
APEX trigger in Opportunty, whenever the stage is 100% & closed
go to corresponding opportunity line item and get the product code and go the product object and reduce the STOCK field by the qty mentioned in the Opportunity line item

Hi ,
I want to delete record by using row index . Instead of wrapper class instance by using instance  List<object> i can do this.But with warpper class how can i get the recrords and remove the record.

It showing error
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [LIST<addAttendee.turbinewrapper>].get(SOBJECT:Turbines__c)

Can any one suggest plaese ......

public turbinewrapper del;
public List<Turbines__c> delturbineList {get;set;}
public void deleteRow(){

rowIndex = Integer.valueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('rowIndex'));
System.debug('rowbe deleted @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' + rowIndex );
System.debug('rowm to be deleted '+turbineList[rowIndex]);
Turbines__c tur = new Turbines__c();
  del= turbineList.get(tur).remove(rowIndex);
delturbineList .add(del);


I am actually trying to deploy few custom fields from sandbox to production using an existing deployment connection.
But when i deploy i am getting the following error message.

" " Your organization's code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment. Also, the following triggers have 0% code coverage.       Each trigger must have atleast 1% code coverage"
      Update Account Details"    "

What causes this issue?
Should we rewrite/update the test class for the existing triggers?

I am actually trying to deploy few custom fields from sandbox to production using an existing deployment connection.
But when I deploy i am getting the following error message.
"Your organization's code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment. Also, the following triggers have 0% code coverage. Each trigger must have at least 1% code coverage."

What is the reason for this?
should we rewrite/update the test class for the existing triggers?

We are working on cleaning up of Account Billing Address.
How can we approach this project?


    I want to deploy my changes to production from sandbox. Here is wat I am doing right now.
1. I imported sandbox code in Eclipse IDE.
2. Created some apex class and tested it on sandbox salesforce. (while saving I used right click -> save to server option)
3. To deploy chnages to production (write click on file -> deploy to server)
4. I entered user name, password and security token
5.  Its givin me error for two class files which I never modified and those files exist on production server (some syntax error in those files) and I really can not modify those file

How I can deploy my changes in production. Can anyone please help me with this ? Any help in this regards will be appreciated.

I have a Quote approval and have a visualforce email template that is being used as the approval email.  I have a user that would like to see the actual Quote PDF that goes out to the customer but would still like to be able to reply to the email to approve of reject the approval.   I am not sure if this is possible or how I would do it.  Can anyone think of a way using any of the Salesforce features like apex, or inbound email that I could send the approval email out with the actual PDF from the quote attached to it? 
    I want to deploy my changes to production from sandbox. Here is wat I am doing right now.
 1. I imported sandbox code in Eclipse IDE.
 2. Created some apex class and tested it on sandbox salesforce. (while saving I used right click -> save to server option)
 3. To deploy chnages to production (write click on file -> deploy to server)
 4. I entered user name, password and security token
 5.  Its givin me error for two class files which I never modified and those files exist on production server (some syntax error in those files) and I really can not modify those file

How I can deploy my changes in production. Can anyone please help me with this ? Any help in this regards will be appreciated.


I have before update trigger on Opportunity.
Basically I need to bulkify the trigger..

When uploading data via data loader I will have list of opportunities

Oppounity[] getOpps = Trigger.new;

Now need to find the email address of Contact (Lookup) with each of these incoming opportunities..

If I will put a SOQL qurey in for loop for each opportunity.. it will hit the governer limits if I have says +100 records...

How can I have a workaround for this in apex ... so that I don't need to make a SQOL query inside the for loop in this case

thanks in advance