• DeLi
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I have a couple of custom objects related to each other. I created a custom button on the master object which runs an aggregate query:

var gc = new sforce.SObject("Goal_Calculator__c");
gc.Id = '{!Goal_Calculator__c.Id}';
var myQ = "SELECT Goal_Calculator__c, SUM(Jan_Rev__c) FROM Goal_Calculator_Account__c WHERE Goal_Calculator__c = '" + '{!Goal_Calculator__c.Id}' + "' AND Business_Type__c = 'Existing' GROUP BY Goal_Calculator__c";
var myresult = sforce.connection.query(myQ);
gc.Jan_Exist_Bus__c = myresult.records.expr0;

I than created a visualforce page for the master object (Goal Calculator).
My question is how can I expose/use my custom button on this visualforce page, or how do I implement the same functionality in the visualforce page?

Thank you
  • December 28, 2015
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On a custom object, I have created a simple javascript button which creates tasks on the click.


var t = new sforce.SObject("Task");

t.OwnerId = '{!Custome_Object.User_Id}';
t.Subject = "Task With Jscript";
t.What = '{!Custome_Object.Id}'; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([t]);

window.location = "/" + result[0].id;
alert('Could not create record '+result);

I can't figure out how to set the t.What (Related To) field. I get the following error:

{errors:{message:'The external foreign key reference does not reference a valid entity: What', statusCode:'INVALID_FIELD', }, id:null, success:'false', }

My searches tuned out nothing. :(
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

btw, I don't want to use the URL hack or the URLFOR function.

Thank you
  • March 30, 2014
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I have a couple of custom objects related to each other. I created a custom button on the master object which runs an aggregate query:

var gc = new sforce.SObject("Goal_Calculator__c");
gc.Id = '{!Goal_Calculator__c.Id}';
var myQ = "SELECT Goal_Calculator__c, SUM(Jan_Rev__c) FROM Goal_Calculator_Account__c WHERE Goal_Calculator__c = '" + '{!Goal_Calculator__c.Id}' + "' AND Business_Type__c = 'Existing' GROUP BY Goal_Calculator__c";
var myresult = sforce.connection.query(myQ);
gc.Jan_Exist_Bus__c = myresult.records.expr0;

I than created a visualforce page for the master object (Goal Calculator).
My question is how can I expose/use my custom button on this visualforce page, or how do I implement the same functionality in the visualforce page?

Thank you
  • December 28, 2015
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On a custom object, I have created a simple javascript button which creates tasks on the click.


var t = new sforce.SObject("Task");

t.OwnerId = '{!Custome_Object.User_Id}';
t.Subject = "Task With Jscript";
t.What = '{!Custome_Object.Id}'; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([t]);

window.location = "/" + result[0].id;
alert('Could not create record '+result);

I can't figure out how to set the t.What (Related To) field. I get the following error:

{errors:{message:'The external foreign key reference does not reference a valid entity: What', statusCode:'INVALID_FIELD', }, id:null, success:'false', }

My searches tuned out nothing. :(
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

btw, I don't want to use the URL hack or the URLFOR function.

Thank you
  • March 30, 2014
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