• Nadim Shaikh
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Unable to fetch and save Force.com Components to Project: com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xm.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


Abort or Continute Force.com project creation?


while i am creating a new force.com project i got this error: can u please tell me why this error came. i downloaded eclipse and added force.com ide.... when i try to creating a new force.com project i got this error... and i am able to create a force.com project but not getting all existing classes and pages. And not added my new page or class content to the sever when i save. Is it required any other software installations?


I want to compose an email body in Apex code and include a link in it.  The link can be "/" plus the ID of the object but the URL needs to be construction relative to the current instance.  I can't code "http://na2.salesforce.com/..." as it might not work.  Also, it should work with the proper URL for each sandbox.


Anyone know a way in Apex to get the root URL for the current environment?


I don't think VF email templates will work in my case.