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Document says:
Methods defined with the @testSetup annotation are used for creating common test records that are available for all test methods in the class.

I am confused that the class means all test classes in org or only the test class which contains @testSetup if I run all test classes.

I didn't find the details.
Anyone can explain this to me?


I had a scheduled report and the report can only send 2000 records in 2MB to email address.  I just find the related limit is Scheduled Reports (Emailed reports can be up to10 MB.) but it doesn't metion the number of records.
So are there any way to set and I want the entire report data to the email?
BTW, are there any standard function to record times about user access to report?

Thanks a lot.

Will DML follow security control in trigger?
I had a practice by myself and security control will not work in trigger just like without sharing. I did not find any document about this. I want to know why. Please help me. Thanks.

Submit more batch jobs with apex flex queue:
To enable Apex Flex Queue in an existing organization, activate the Apex Flex Queue critical update in Setup.
To monitor and reorder held batch jobs in the Salesforce user interface, from Setup click Jobs > Apex Flex Queue.

I have activated the Apex Flex Queue in critical update in my full sandbox. But I cannot find Jobs > Apex Flex Queue.
Are there any other configuration?

I have a question about sfdc url.
Usually the address is like this : https://cs5.salesforce.com/

I know cs5 is the host.
But when I access visualforce page the url will be changed to https://c.cs5.visual.force.com/apex/test.

Please help me explain what the c. means?

Thanks very much.
I hava a global class:
global class Test
    webservice static void send(Id eventId)    

I want to call this webserive method from custom button. Javascript in this button:


var eventId = '{!Event__c.Id}'; 
sforce.apex.execute("Test", "send", {eventId : eventId}); 

Two users:
1. user:TestAdmin;profile:AdminProfile(salesforce license)
2. user:TestUser;profile:CustomerProfile(salesforce platform license) 
Both of two profiles have no access to this global class(Test).

TestAdmin can use the button normally but TestUser cannot use this button which will show error message:​
{faultcode:'sf:INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS', faultstring:'Test: no access allowed to this class.', }

I cannot find the reason and I want to know if there are any setting for profile to access webservice method without class permission?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys,

I have created a VF for excel export. I want the excel name to be chinese name but it doesn't work.

Below is my page prop:
But I got the file name is --.xls

Anybody knows how to set file name charset as utf-8?

Thanks very much!
I have created a VF with some remote objects.
I want to retrieve records from those objects with lookup fields.
But there is an error which is “Invalid criteria specified for retrieval. ValidationError [code=11, message=Data does not match any schemas from "oneOf", path=/where, schemaKey=null]".
Other fields can be queryed except for lookup.

Below is my code in VF.
var existAtt = new SObjectModel.ExistAttendee();
existAtt.retrieve({ where : {Account_vod__c: {eq: 'a0pK0000000XAYvIAO' }}}, function(err, records){
if(err) {

Please help me about this!
Thanks much!

I had a scheduled report and the report can only send 2000 records in 2MB to email address.  I just find the related limit is Scheduled Reports (Emailed reports can be up to10 MB.) but it doesn't metion the number of records.
So are there any way to set and I want the entire report data to the email?
BTW, are there any standard function to record times about user access to report?

Thanks a lot.


Submit more batch jobs with apex flex queue:
To enable Apex Flex Queue in an existing organization, activate the Apex Flex Queue critical update in Setup.
To monitor and reorder held batch jobs in the Salesforce user interface, from Setup click Jobs > Apex Flex Queue.

I have activated the Apex Flex Queue in critical update in my full sandbox. But I cannot find Jobs > Apex Flex Queue.
Are there any other configuration?

I hava a global class:
global class Test
    webservice static void send(Id eventId)    

I want to call this webserive method from custom button. Javascript in this button:


var eventId = '{!Event__c.Id}'; 
sforce.apex.execute("Test", "send", {eventId : eventId}); 

Two users:
1. user:TestAdmin;profile:AdminProfile(salesforce license)
2. user:TestUser;profile:CustomerProfile(salesforce platform license) 
Both of two profiles have no access to this global class(Test).

TestAdmin can use the button normally but TestUser cannot use this button which will show error message:​
{faultcode:'sf:INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS', faultstring:'Test: no access allowed to this class.', }

I cannot find the reason and I want to know if there are any setting for profile to access webservice method without class permission?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys,

I have created a VF for excel export. I want the excel name to be chinese name but it doesn't work.

Below is my page prop:
But I got the file name is --.xls

Anybody knows how to set file name charset as utf-8?

Thanks very much!
I have created a VF with some remote objects.
I want to retrieve records from those objects with lookup fields.
But there is an error which is “Invalid criteria specified for retrieval. ValidationError [code=11, message=Data does not match any schemas from "oneOf", path=/where, schemaKey=null]".
Other fields can be queryed except for lookup.

Below is my code in VF.
var existAtt = new SObjectModel.ExistAttendee();
existAtt.retrieve({ where : {Account_vod__c: {eq: 'a0pK0000000XAYvIAO' }}}, function(err, records){
if(err) {

Please help me about this!
Thanks much!

Hi All,


I am using radio button in data table in my Visualforce page.I am using wrapper class for this in controller.

When user selects the radi button i want to assign record id value to one of the variable in controller .


Below is the code which is not working.Please suggest what modification required here.If i use 'onclick' event that will refresh the page  which should not happen.


<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accountlist}" var="apw" >
<apex:column >
<input type="radio"  value="true" name="r">
<apex:actionSupport event="onsubmit">
 <apex:param value="{!apw.id}" name="radioid"/>
<apex:column value="{!apw.name}" headerValue="Partcipant Name"/>
<apex:column value="{!apw.Subject}" headerValue="Subject"/>
<apex:column value="{!apw.status}" headerValue="Status"/>




Srilakshmi B