• sam samm
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I have a required in which i am trying to implement single sign on.
My requirement is to allow user to login seamless from site of one org to site of another org.
I have given org id, portal id  and sit2 url in the settings but getting following error while inserting user through a trigger for the portal.

 Unable to map an unique role ID for the given role name         ROLE_NAME_LOOKUP_ERROR

Need urgent help
Thanks in advance

i have a requirement in which i need to give permission to only one page in the robot.txt rather then everything, also i dont want to give permission to the static resources, custom setting and everything else.

ex: i want to give permission to only one page myhomepage.page only

Google is not showing the website description even though i added the robot text allowing everything.

This is what google is showing: 
A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.

also this is the robot txt file i am using:
User-agent: *

Any idea ..
I am getting the following error and I am at a loss on what is wrong. Can anyone please help? The line of code with the error is underlined below.

11:00:01.063 (63040986)|USER_DEBUG|[23]|DEBUG|---------------------------------rows 3
11:00:01.063 (63047571)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[23]|System.debug(ANY)
11:00:01.063 (63058551)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[26]|LIST<User>.iterator()
11:00:01.063 (63228660)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[26]|LIST<User>.iterator()
11:00:01.063 (63259893)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[26]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
11:00:01.063 (63295436)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[26]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
11:00:01.063 (63545352)|FATAL_ERROR|System.StringException: Invalid id:

List<String> userAcctNames = new List <String>();
        // Get all users modified in the last 3 days  
        User[] upusers = [Select ID, Department, Account_Name__c, contact_created__c,
                    LastModifiedDate From User Where LastModifiedDate >= :ckdt ];

        system.debug('---------------------------------rows ' + upusers.size());
        for (User theuser : upusers) {
            // Collect the IDs                                                                                 
            if (theuser.id != '') {
                system.debug('--------------------------------added ' + theuser.id + theuser.account_name__c);            
            }  //End if for collection of ids
         }  // end for loop
I have a Home Page Component of type Link. how can we use homepage component in VF page?
Or how can we use custome link created for Home page component in VF pages?
Is there a way to display the line breaks that a user enters in the body of a Notes object? This is a custom VF page, in which the text input code is:
<apex:inputTextArea value="{!newCaseConsultationNote.note.body}" 
                                            label="Note Body" styleClass="noteTextArea" />
and the output code:
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="noteBodyStyle">
      <apex:outputText value="{!ccNote.note.body}" /> 
The style classes are very basic:
.noteBodyStyle {
        font-size: 95%;
    .noteTextArea {
The problem is that when the user enters the following:


The result is:

Item1 Item2

Hi Everyone,

I Have one object in that i have created a Text field. This text field should take the SSN number. When user typing or entering number it should take the SSN format
last four digits should display. When I am typing the after first 4 digits it should display the - and after again 2 digits again it should display - and last 4 digits should visible to everyone.
From encrypted field I can’t populate – after 4 digits and again after 6 digits. I would like build a visualforce page with Jquery but I don’t know jquery.

Any help is highly appreciated
  • June 19, 2014
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i have a requirement in which i need to give permission to only one page in the robot.txt rather then everything, also i dont want to give permission to the static resources, custom setting and everything else.

ex: i want to give permission to only one page myhomepage.page only

Please let me know how to achieve this.

1. Show alert message on standard Edit page of Case Record. This alert will show on certain condition.

I know i can show VF page when user clicks on edit button but not interested to go by that route. 
Please let me know is there any other way ?

Thanks in advance.

I want to change component contents(using rendered for a outpanel) based on the value of another component's input field.I am using using both the component in one VF page.

Provide me the solution so that I can rerender(ajax) the component's content based on the value of another component's input field. 
Hello such, anyone know or have worked force.com accessible sites for disabled people , ie having some difficulty to accede or to use the content, and that both support have Visualforce  for this type of styles or have to  use external technologies how css and html.

I created a couple of VF pages in January, and one is no longer rendering an image that I have as <apex:image value="mylinkhere"  inside the code, that refers to an "Externally Available Image" in the Documents object. It's rendering as some kind of broken image (see the grey box with a tree), not the one I have uploaded in SF. Note, I checked the image source URL and it works; it's not a broken link.

The same page is also not loading any data/text in my tables beyond the initial header (everything below the YEAR(TODAY()) formula piece.

Both VF page versions are 30.0.

Please advice on what may have changed in Visualforce since January, and how I need to  update my code. A snippet is provided below. 
<apex:page standardController="Marketing_Action_Plan__c" renderAs="pdf" showheader="false" applyHtmlTag="false">
<apex:pageblock >
<title>Marketing Action Plan</title>
<apex:stylesheet value="/sCSS/20.0/sprites/1290470434000/Theme3/default/sf/common.css"/> 
<apex:stylesheet value="/sCSS/20.0/sprites/1290470434000/Theme3/default/sf/extended.css"/>
<style type="text/css">
td { font-family: helvetica; }

<table style="width:600px" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td rowspan="4"><apex:image id="UltherapySeeTheBeautyofSound2" value="https://c.cs1.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=015S0000000Td3I&oid=00DS0000001Dcun&lastMod=1386700403000" width="159" height="40"/></td>
      <td style="font-size:18px" align="left" valign="left" bgcolor="white"><b>Marketing Action Plan </b></td>
     <td style="font-size:14px" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="white"><b>{!Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Account__r.name}</b></td>
      <td style="font-size:9px" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="white"><b>{!MONTH(TODAY())}/{!DAY(TODAY())}/{!YEAR(TODAY())}</b></td>
<table style="width:1500px" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<col width="10"/>
<col width="1490"/>
<td style="font-size:12px" colspan="2"><b>{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "LOW", "")}</b></td></tr>
<td style="font-size:11px" colspan="2"><b>{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "Tactics:", "")}</b></td></tr>
<td style="font-size:6px">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<td style="font-size:9px" colspan="2"><b>{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "Online Search", "")}</b></td></tr>
<td style="font-size:7px">{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "", "")}</td>
<td style="font-size:7px">{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "How to Use Google AdWords", "")}</td>
<td style="font-size:7px">{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", "", "")}</td>
<td style="font-size:7px">{!if(Marketing_Action_Plan__c.Cust_Assmnt_Database__c="0-2500", " • Optimize website", "")}</td>

  • April 30, 2014
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Google is not showing the website description even though i added the robot text allowing everything.

This is what google is showing: 
A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.

also this is the robot txt file i am using:
User-agent: *

Any idea ..
Hello, I need some help.  I have 2000 account records.  Each account has an owner.  I want to display the manager of the owner on the account record.  For each account, I do a query tot the User object to retrieve the mangerId field.  Works for a few account records, but governor limits are reached for lots of account records.  Basically, for each account record, do a query to get the manager.  If 2000 accounts, then there are 2000 querys.  Way too many.  Can you help me architect a better solution?  Thanks.
Hi All,

I am generating a pdf in which i have put footers on each page but i don't want to show the footer at the last page of the pdf.

We have @page:first which works on the first page but we don't have @page:last in css.

Is there anythink that can solve this problem?

Thanks in Advance