• Udhaya
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Is it possible to update a record in production using Developer Console "Save Rows" as do in Sandbox? The reason for asking this question is we have half million of records on Case object so if we follow the regular ETL based synchronization it takes few hours
  • January 06, 2015
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We have TIBCO application which connects to Salesforce using Salesforce SOAP API. When we browse the objects in TIBCO schema explorer, all the objects are shown except one object.

So far i have experimented the following but could not resolve the issue

1) I checked the profile of the User ID which will be used by TIBCO to connect, profile gives complete access the object
2) Verified the API version, it appears to be fine.
3) Verified the WSDL, the object is available in WSDL.

However, object is not shown in the TIBCO schema explorer. Has anyone come across similar issue? Any suggestions to fix this issue?
  • October 17, 2014
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We have plenty of page layouts and all them having space in it's name. As a result of space, we are unable to tag the files in SVN(UNIX tagging command fails to consider space). So we decided to rename all the page layouts. Will there be any impact in renaming the existing page layouts? I tried renaming a layout and tested, it seems to be fine and has not visible impact on others. However, i would like to hear from the people who has already involved in this

We also tried to add escaping characters to counter the space, but no luck
  • October 07, 2014
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Build script suddenly started throwing "Error: objects/Account.object(Account):Property 'compactLayoutAssignment' not valid in version 28.0". From Salesforce documentation i can understand that compactLayoutAssignment is supported in version 29.0 or later. I know how to change the version for apex class but this is releted to object. How can we change the version for Objects in Salesforce? 
  • October 07, 2014
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I see few records in AccountShare object with rowcause value as "ImplicitParent". I really don't know why this is inserted by Salesforce only for few records. We have our own code which takes care of sharing the Account Records among the users in Territory. Our code inserts records in AccountShare object with rowcause value as "TerritoryManual". Users are not facing any problem in accessing the Account records which are assoicated with rowcause "TerritoryManual". However, users unable to access the records which has rowcause value "ImplicitParent". Any idea why this happens this way?

I wrote a trigger on Lead to create a task for the Lead owner and notify him about the task creation. Here is the code,

List<task> lNewTasks =new List<task>();
Database.DMLOptions dmlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dmlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = true;
Task tsk = new Task(Subject = 'Follow Up Lead test',Ownerid = Lead.Owner.ID ,whoid =Lead.ID,ActivityDate=date.today().adddays(1), Type='Phone' );
database.insert(tsk, dmlo);

But facing following issues:
1) Sometimes email not sent out. I'm just not getting what is the logic for sending/not sending the email notification on task creation. An email should go out each time task is created with this logic.
2) In email body Lead Name is null. See:
New Task

To: Peter Carmasino

Shruti Gujarathi has assigned you the following new task:

Subject: Follow Up Lead
Lead: null
Due Date: 10/21/2014
Priority: Normal

For more details, click the following link:


Can anyone help me into this? Why Lead is null in the email sent after task is created? We can not handle this email, so I don't know what else do I need to do in apex to have the Lead name in email?

Thanks in advance!!!

I've writen a trigger and test class that work well in the Sandbox, but when I attempt to deploy in Production, the test fails.
Whenever a "Worker" (custom object) is created, I need to also create a matching Contact.  I'm not concerned with creating duplicates at this point.  We use the Nonprofit Starter Pack.

trigger NewContactforWorker on VanaHCM__Worker__c (after insert) {
	List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
    for (VanaHCM__Worker__c wkr : trigger.new) {
        Contact a = new Contact(
            Worker__c = wkr.Id, 
            FirstName = wkr.VanaHCM__First_Name__c,
            LastName = wkr.VanaHCM__Last_Name__c, 
            QSAC_external_id__c = wkr.VanaHCM__External_Worker_ID__c,
            npe01__Preferred_Email__c = 'Personal',
            npe01__PreferredPhone__c = 'Home', 
            npe01__Primary_Address_Type__c = 'Home');
    insert conList;
    system.debug('inserted new contact');
}catch(DMLException e){
System.debug('Error trying to insert new contact(s). Alert the media!');
And the test class:
@istest public class WorkerToContactTestClass {
    private static testmethod void TestWorkerToContact(){
        VanaHCM__Worker__c testwrkr = new VanaHCM__Worker__c(VanaHCM__First_Name__c = 'Flip', 
                                                             VanaHCM__Last_Name__c = 'Nahasapeemapetalan', 
                                                             VanaHCM__External_Worker_ID__c = 'X1');
        insert testwrkr;
        list<contact> foundWorkers = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE QSAC_external_id__c = 'X1'];
        system.assertEquals(foundWorkers.size()>0, TRUE);

Can anyone help?

Thank you

  • October 07, 2014
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I have a visualforce component that is calling the remote action "insertAllRecords" in the controller by clicking a button and as I seen there is a strange behaviour:
Sometimes when I click the button the remote action is doing all the function code and returning to the handler but sometime it is just doing the code without returning to the handler. I saw on the debug log that all the code worked successfully without errors, also checked the chrome browser console and ther are no errors there. I have a jquery.noconflict() call and I tried to isolate the call to the remote action from the rest of the visualforce page and the behaviour hasn't changed.

at the handler there should be redirecting to a different page but that is not happening all the time and the console.log too that I have.

It looks like a conflict or a bug in salesforce but it is not showing any error.

Here is the code of the javascript:

function ajaxPost(listToInsert) {
                var campaignId = '{!campaignId}';
                var objectType = '{!typeObject}';
                var allIdsString = listToInsert;
                allIdsString = allIdsString.substring(1, allIdsString.length-1);
                var allIdsArray = allIdsString.split(",");
                console.log('campaignId: ' + campaignId);
                console.log('allIds: '  + allIdsArray);
                console.log('objectType: ' + objectType);
                vfTableGenerate.insertAllRecords(campaignId, allIdsArray, objectType,
                function(result, event){
                    if (event.status) {
                       top.window.location = result;

the visualforce button:

<apex:commandButton value="Add To Campaign Members" onclick="ajaxPost('{!recordToInsertList}');"/>

Any help will be great!
We have plenty of page layouts and all them having space in it's name. As a result of space, we are unable to tag the files in SVN(UNIX tagging command fails to consider space). So we decided to rename all the page layouts. Will there be any impact in renaming the existing page layouts? I tried renaming a layout and tested, it seems to be fine and has not visible impact on others. However, i would like to hear from the people who has already involved in this

We also tried to add escaping characters to counter the space, but no luck
  • October 07, 2014
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Build script suddenly started throwing "Error: objects/Account.object(Account):Property 'compactLayoutAssignment' not valid in version 28.0". From Salesforce documentation i can understand that compactLayoutAssignment is supported in version 29.0 or later. I know how to change the version for apex class but this is releted to object. How can we change the version for Objects in Salesforce? 
  • October 07, 2014
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I see few records in AccountShare object with rowcause value as "ImplicitParent". I really don't know why this is inserted by Salesforce only for few records. We have our own code which takes care of sharing the Account Records among the users in Territory. Our code inserts records in AccountShare object with rowcause value as "TerritoryManual". Users are not facing any problem in accessing the Account records which are assoicated with rowcause "TerritoryManual". However, users unable to access the records which has rowcause value "ImplicitParent". Any idea why this happens this way?